Little question... On the This is It launch tour..


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
I noticed this before on the countless showings when Michael is announcing his concerts.

Did anyone notice (1) his dirty left hand (although thats irrelevant to my question); and (2) after he says "These are my final performances...." he then looks to his right and the smile is off his face... and then it looks like he shrugs before looking to the audience again and punching the air with that beautiful smile...

Anyone else know what this was about?
I noticed this before on the countless showings when Michael is announcing his concerts.

Did anyone notice (1) his dirty left hand (although thats irrelevant to my question); and (2) after he says "These are my final performances...." he then looks to his right and the smile is off his face... and then it looks like he shrugs before looking to the audience again and punching the air with that beautiful smile...

Anyone else know what this was about?

Are you implying he had an idea he was going to die?
he loves keeping secrets and he had to give the biggest one away, he couldnt help it
Maybe cuz these weren't really going to be his 'final performances'. I say this because he goes on to say 'my final performances [pause] in London [raises his eyebrows and changes the tone of his voice as if to emphasise the 'in London' part]'
Maybe cuz these weren't really going to be his 'final performances'. I say this because he goes on to say 'my final performances [pause] in London [raises his eyebrows and changes the tone of his voice as if to emphasise the 'in London' part]'

What got to me was when he said 'because', like he was going to explain something but then he got distracted by the cheering and the fans and then he didn't continue what he was going to say. I just wondered what he wanted to say at that point.
atleast he didn't die soon after the press coference. we got the rehearsals for us fans to last decades.
I noticed this before on the countless showings when Michael is announcing his concerts.

he then looks to his right and the smile is off his face... and then it looks like he shrugs before looking to the audience again and punching the air with that beautiful smile...

Anyone else know what this was about?

He looks to his right because he was searching for comfort and found it when he looked to that British tv host (sorry I forgot his name) then the host gave him 2 thumbs up and MJ was thankful for that
He looks to his right because he was searching for comfort and found it when he looked to that British tv host (sorry I forgot his name) then the host gave him 2 thumbs up and MJ was thankful for that

That was Dermot O'Leary.
atleast he didn't die soon after the press coference. we got the rehearsals for us fans to last decades.

never thought about that
but you are really right
thx for your message
oh god yeah if he had passed away just after the press conference, jesus, doesnt bear thinking about!

i think he leaned his head and raised his voice because he was teasing people, but giving a little wink as if to say he wasnt entirely telling the truth