Little known FACT about Michaels Army of Love


Proud Member
Aug 22, 2007
Michigan USA
Michael Jacksons Army of Love
It's too bad that critics of the video never bothered to look at the positive messages
and symbols, and foolishly said it was celebrating fascism or dictatorship.

when merideth interviewed Michael and Lisa
and she was condemning his history teaser
as being facist
as were many other critics

Michael said it was his Army of Love

777 is the band on his left arm _the number of God and divine unity
the star on his right arm also has significance _ Its is the star of esperanto

little known is that not only is not only the green star on Michael's uniform a long-time, historical symbol
of the International peaceful Language, Esperanto, but also that much of the background singing
is in Esperanto. For example
, "Ni konstruas i tiun skulptaon en la nomo de iuj landoj kaj tutmonda
patrineco kaj la kuracpovo de la muziko."
This means "We build this sculpture in the name of every
nd the global motherhood and healing power of music."
The opening speech and choral music in the video are in Esperanto.
The speech (translated) says (in part):

"... everyone of the world builds this sculpture in the name of
worldwide motherhood and love, and the healing power of music."

The same guy (the construction foreman) later says (translated)
"Come here!" while motioning to others.

The green star symbol of Esperanto shows up as a giant metal star,
the metal star on Michael's shoulder, and the star on the caps of the
(multi-ethnic) soldiers, who instead of saluting, do Michael's dance
moves at the Arch of Triumph.

Looking at the video in this context, together with the cinematography,
it's a beautiful work of art with a sweet message, that of healing music
conquering the world and bringing joy.

This copy of the video has the Esperanto captioned, after about a 50-
second intro with some comments in French (e.g. filmed over 10 days,
costing 7.5 million francs, where the Esperanto starts, etc.):
Waw! That was wonderful to read, there is a lot to discover about Michael I never knew about the star of Esperanto. :shock:

And I do believe in the “Army of Love” :pleased:

Michael is truly a genius!
Wow, that's awesome! Didn't know this, thanks! :)
To be honest, I never liked this video. It's a bit like Michael is putting himself in the place of God or something. His intention might not have been that, as I know he was God fearing, still I don't like it.
aw how cool!! specially the esperanto part ^ and yes he wasn't a god =S
To be honest, I never liked this video. It's a bit like Michael is putting himself in the place of God or something. His intention might not have been that, as I know he was God fearing, still I don't like it.

See thats why I think the History trailer was so great! It is about your MIND, and how you view things. People look at this and think he is making himself out to be a God or people are worshiping him...but when you look at if from the point qbees helped us see (and the way Michael wanted us to see) there is NOTHING diefying (sp?) about this short film. It is beautiful..when you truly understand the film and take the time to look past your preconceived notions about what idol worship is and isn't, you see the greatness of Michael's art. Diane Sawyer is just one who couldn't see this or try to understand...but rather condemned and ridiculed, which is much easier than trying to understand.
take the time to look past your preconceived notions about what idol worship is and isn't

Or take time to look past your idol worship and see that Michael was not perfect, he made his mistakes and IMO this short film and that ugly sculpture was one of those mistakes.
Oooooh, very cool! I didn't know about the speech in Esperanto.
I wish Diane had the balls to ask him what it was about instead of b*tching at him for making it.
He would have explained it so beautifully.
I've always enjoyed this short clip. Thank you Qbee for the details and what it really meant.
Or take time to look past your idol worship and see that Michael was not perfect, he made his mistakes and IMO this short film and that ugly sculpture was one of those mistakes.

OK i know over the internet things can come across rather harsh, so I'm just gonna say, i wasn't personally attacking YOU.

Because right sounds like you are personally attacking ME..
OK i know over the internet things can come across rather harsh, so I'm just gonna say, i wasn't personally attacking YOU.

Because right sounds like you are personally attacking ME..

OK, sorry if I attacked you or you felt attacked by my comment.

I like Michael. That's why I hated to see him doing stupid things. He did a lot of great things too, of course. But he wasn't perfect and was not God and I don't like this short film and I don't like this whole idol sculpture stuff. That's all I'm saying.
OK, sorry if I attacked you or you felt attacked by my comment.

I like Michael. That's why I hated to see him doing stupid things. He did a lot of great things too, of course. But he wasn't perfect and was not God and I don't like this short film and I don't like this whole idol sculpture stuff. That's all I'm saying.

Michael NEVER said he was God, nor did he act like he thought he was.
The whole POINT of qbee's post was to explain what the actual video was about and the hidden messages in it.
OK, sorry if I attacked you or you felt attacked by my comment.

I like Michael. That's why I hated to see him doing stupid things. He did a lot of great things too, of course. But he wasn't perfect and was not God and I don't like this short film and I don't like this whole idol sculpture stuff. That's all I'm saying.

Diane Sawyer is that you??????????? just kidding:D
I want to say a BIG thank you to the person who started this thread.

I didn't know all the symbolism in this clip that Michael made's a piece of a post I made last week:


"Oh and by the way....anybody ever wonder why Michael was so into Military style clothing and why so many of his videos portray him as able to transform others and conjure people (and even ghouls) out of the walls, floors and all over to join him in his "dance" (think thriller, ghosts, captain eo, remember the time)?

I think it's a metaphor for what he was doing in real life. Bringing us all together, transforming our hearts and building his army of love (of which he was the General/Captain)."


I've always felt that this is what Michael was trying to do and that there are many messages that he left for us in his art (poems, dance, drawings, music, film). Messages that will become far more apparent if you start REALLY paying attention to more than just the beat of the song or listening to the lyrics in a superficial way.
I want to say a BIG thank you to the person who started this thread.

I didn't know all the symbolism in this clip that Michael made's a piece of a post I made last week:


"Oh and by the way....anybody ever wonder why Michael was so into Military style clothing and why so many of his videos portray him as able to transform others and conjure people (and even ghouls) out of the walls, floors and all over to join him in his "dance" (think thriller, ghosts, captain eo, remember the time)?

I think it's a metaphor for what he was doing in real life. Bringing us all together, transforming our hearts and building his army of love (of which he was the General/Captain)."


I've always felt that this is what Michael was trying to do and that there are many messages that he left for us in his art (poems, dance, drawings, music, film). Messages that will become far more apparent if you start REALLY paying attention to more than just the beat of the song or listening to the lyrics in a superficial way.

That's incredible...just when you think Michael couldn't be more amazing, wow!:wub: I love finding out extra little things like this.
He really was universally inspiring. No-one will ever be able to do that again on the scale that he did. Ever. And it will continue on through his legacy forever.
AAAaaawwwww.... thanks for posting this. 777... my favorite number. :angel: I can understand why people would be peeved with this video if they didn't really understand his message. :smilerolleyes: It's the same exact message he's been trying to send out... he's just being a little more aggressive in this video.
I've started learning esperanto, I think we all should, its pretty fun and really easy to learn

Michael Jackson estas la reĝo de popmuziko!
Back when HIStory first came out, I thought that this stuff (the video and the big statue) were over the top. Over time, though, I just started to think they were funny.
Floating a huge statue of yourself down the Thames to promote your new album? Who would do that? I just laugh when I think about it now.
Back when HIStory first came out, I thought that this stuff (the video and the big statue) were over the top. Over time, though, I just started to think they were funny.
Floating a huge statue of yourself down the Thames to promote your new album? Who would do that? I just laugh when I think about it now.

I know only Michael Jackson would do that - the guy was and always will be a genious!!

THANKS for the info on the history teaser soo much still to learn...better get cracking :D