Little baby I babysit had a seizure today...please pray


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Over the rainbow
Hey I feel so bad. I babysit this little 16 month old boy and this afternoon all of a sudden he went into a seizure for the first time in his life. I ended up calling 911 and the ambulance came and took him to the hospital. His seizure lasted more than 20 minutes; I don't know how long exactly cause he was still seizing when they got to the hospital. I had to stay home. But please pray for him and his parents. He underwent a CT scan earlier today, and will have more tests tomorrow. He is staying in the ICU. I am very concerned for him, considering his seizure was going so long. And I feel bad that it happened under my care.

Thankfully I have stayed calm through it all, even while I was right there beside him and on the phone with 911. I recognized what was going on within the first few minutes because I have epilepsy so I did everything I knew.
Oh my God. I sincerely hope he's all right. I'm sure you did everything in your control.
I hope hes ok
U did everything right hun. It wasnt ur fault ok
God bless u hun, we all very proud of u helping that lilttle boy . and im sure that the parents are very grateful for what u did to help him
Sorry to hear this, sounds like you did what was needed and they're lucky that you were able to recognise what was happening and react so well.

I will keep you and the baby's family in my thoughts :flowers: please let us know how he goes.
:angel:Father of goodness and love, hear our prayers for the sick members of our community and for all who are in need. Amid mental and physical suffering may they find consolation in your healing presence. Show your mercy as you close wounds, cure illness, make broken bodies whole and free downcast spirits. May these special people find lasting health and deliverance, and so join us in thanking you for all your gifts. We ask this through the Lord Jesus who healed those who believed.


Our thoughts and prayers are with the baby, parents, and family...

God Bless~~~:angel:
Oh, my God...such a yound baby having seizure...I hope all goes well for him! Congratulations for being calm and for doing what needed to be done in time!
May God bless you, the boy and his family!:angel:
Aww, my prayers are out to you all. It's always scary when something out of our control happens to the lil ones.
Thank you all sooooo much for your prayers and sentiments!!

I just visited him in the hospital. He's doing fine now, just playing in the playroom while hooked up to an IV. THey are awaiting tests, including EEG, to take place this afternoon. There is family history of these types of seizures throughout childhood.

This was a bad one, though. It lasted more than 30 minutes before 6 doses of Valium stopped it (this length of seizure is called status epilepticus). He was convulsing and vomiting by the time he was brought in to ER. It progressively got worse from the time it first started out as absence seizures/complex partial seizures, to the time it ended up as grand mal. I know, technical jargon. If you don't know what those are you can google and/or Youtube them. But I did the right thing by calling the ambulance because this thing lasted so long and was getting worse.

But like I said, he is thankfully doing fine. He may or may not be diagnosed with epilepsy, we will see. Apparantly he has gone off into staring spells (absence seizures) before, so it wouldn't surprise me. And again, thank you for your prayers. His family truly appreciates them, and so do I. :)
Great to hear he's doing fine now! You did the right thing :)
Aww the poor little thing :-(. I'm glad to hear he's doing better though and it was smart of you to call for help soon after you realized something was wrong. You have nothing to feel bad about.
Im glad hes doing fine :)
It so sad for a little baby to go through that :(
Hope the doctors can help him out..
Thank goodness he's doing fine and thank goodness that you were there to call the ambulance!!! I hope that he gets better and stays well.
That must've been scary for you, like really scary- but luckilly you are able to say that you took action and really really helped this child!!