Literary Discussion: MJ and William Shakespeare


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
This is sorta/kinda This Is It related but since it's not about music or the aesthetics of the footage, I thought of putting the thread here instead of there.

Anyway, I was watching the DVD and during the Unfinished Rehearsals (I think) I heard something fascinating. Kenny Ortega was discussing Michael's vision for creating 'Lightman' and he said Michael thought of Lightman as Hamlet and saw himself as Hamlet which is the main character (and title) of one of Shakespeare's plays. At the moment I can't remember Michael ever invoking Shakespeare's name in reference to anything although we know he's well read. Just didn't know if Shakespeare was something he found interesting or related to in any way.

The reason I found it fascinating is becuz I'm a Shakespeare fan as was my grandfather who was nicknamed "Shakespeare". If you had a problem, he had a Shakespeare quote to sum up your problem or its solution. And Hamlet has been the character I've identified MJ with for the past 15 years or so. His world, to me, seemed to have all the drama and intrigue of Hamlet's. Something always seemed to be "rotten in Denmark"/MJ-Land. So, to hear that he, too identified with Hamlet was like a WOW moment for me and I wanted to know if any of you see the same or think of Michael as other characters in Shakespeare's various work. Also thought of Michael as "Othello" in some ways as he's been known to have his share of 'Iago' characters during his life...whispering BS in his ear and possibly leading him astray on certain matters/decisions?

There was another character but I can't remember which right now so blah. :lol: Maybe in discussing this with some of you it will come back to me.

SO...Any other Shakespeare fans on here? What are your thoughts as far as seeing MJ as characters in any of Shakespeare's various plays/poems? Do you also see him as Hamlet? If yes, how? If not, why not?

Also, if you have any interviews or quotes by MJ associated with Wm. Shakespeare, please post as I can't recall any. Would be nice to see. :flowers:

Are you telling me there are NO Shakespeare fans on this board with no thoughts or interest in discussing this? Nothing to share? :nerd:

Or have I posted in the wrong section? :worried:

Your post is definitely interesting. I would like to know more about how Hamlet is similar to Michael. I havn't read Shakespeare in years so I'll just wait til you experts break it down for me.
I got an A* when I studied some of the works of Shakespeare at school in 2007, didn't do Hamlet though. :no:
Interesting thread! I'm a fellow Shakespeare fan :) I think Hamlet fits in that people liked to underestimate him & also the theme of "madness". I have think and see if I think of anything else.
I´m not a shakespeare fan and haven´t read Hamlet for years but I think Hamlet couldn´t trust his family.Or was it only his mother and uncle?
MJ could be fun to and he could speak...I´m going to see"much ado about nothing"maybe it reminds of MJ too.
Thank you for the thread I had forgotten I had that video.