Lisa Marie Presley is pregnant...


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Boston, MA USA

Lisa Marie is Pregnant!!

Lisa Marie Presley pregnant with third child

If Elvis was alive he’d be a grandfather of three.

The King’s only daughter, Lisa Marie Presley, has revealed she is expecting a baby with hubby Michael Lockwood.

Rumors have been rife about the singer being pregnant, since she was pictured with an apparent baby bump.

And now her rep has confirmed she is expecting her third child this autumn. “The couple are incredibly overjoyed,” the rep told a US magazine.

Lisa Marie’s marriage to Lockwood - her guitarist and music producer - is her fourth in 20 years. She married Danny Keough, with whom she has two children, in October 1988, but they divorced in 1994.

Her marriage to singer Michael Jackson, who she wed in May 1994, lasted just 21 months and her nuptials with actor Nicolas Cage lasted just three.

Lisa Marie, 40, was then engaged to rocker John Oszajca before marrying Lockwood in Japan, in January 2006. This is their first child together.

By Owen Williams, Mar 07 2008 © Copyright 2008 - Showbiz Spy

Close this thread. That's all I want to post. I am so incredibly happy for the both of them...I love welcoming new children into the world.
Awww im so happy for them! She wanted a baby!
She deserves all the happiness in the world and thank you Linda for making a good thread about this. :D
for a long time i heard she wanted another baby and it happened. thats great. i read her myspace blog, im so glad she blogs, shes so real and down to earth.
^^^I agree and i just had to copy and paste what she wrote cause its pure genius and throws everyone under the bus that chooses to be hateful and make fun of her. I love this girl.

Confirmation under the gun.
After being the target all week of slanderous and degrading stories, horribly manipulated pictures and articles in the media, I have had to show my cards and announce under the gun and under vicious personal attack that I am in fact pregnant.
Once they got a glimpse of my expanding physique a few days ago, they have been like a pack of coyotes circling their prey whilst eerily howling with delight. Starting with a London publication and then New York and Chicago all writing false defamatory degrading stories about all of the dark possible reasons I could be putting on weight. The US tabloids have been calling all day wanting confirmation on all kinds of insane theories.
They couldn't wait to find out if my weight gain was because I was just overeating, in which case It would be open season and they can do the old following in her fathers sad and unfortunate demise story again or less interesting for them and probably much to their dismay, I could just be pregnant and therefore have a legitimate reason for weight gain at which point they should probably wipe the saliva off of their fangs and put them back in their mouths or they may expose the black little souls that they are.
Now that things are confirmed, hopefully they can stop all of the harassment and I can stop dodging the continuous bullets.
It is unfortunate that I couldn't have announced something that is this much of a blessing and that has made us so incredibly happy under better circumstances.
How they have handled themselves with this has been nothing short of irresponsible and disgusting.
Pardon my seething contemptuous tone but ladies, You KNOW if you were pregnant and you felt you were expanding uncontrollably by the moment as a result and the worldwide media started badgering and harassing you for it, plastering you everywhere in an unflattering light, you would be mortified as well.

Lisa Marie, you go girl. Have that beautiful baby. A pregnant woman is absolutely the most beautiful thing to see..
I have to agree with LMP about the media hounding her and making things more hectic than they need to be. These people really need to understand that celebrities are simply regular people with better jobs than the rest of us. Nothing more. Celebrities are not here for paps to abuse like punching bags and put pressure on until they pop. All the stress they're putting on her or anyone else can cause problems if they're not careful. Some laws need to be put in place to keep the media from going too far. And they show again and again that they are capable of just that. That being said, I'm happy for LMP and her husband and wish them all the best in the world with their new baby.
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oh, she's is expecting a baby with Michael..... Lockwood
hey congrats lisa!

it's pretty disgraceful though how the media kind of forced it out of her because of all of the name calling saying "like father like daughter" saying how she was fat and bloated and i read an article somewhere saying how she's gonna die young like her father if she doesn't stop eating the way she does. it's pretty sad how such a joyful part of your life can be so hurtful at the same time.
Nice to hear, I know Lisa dreamed of having another baby. Happy for her and I wish her luck :)
I think it is great that she is having her dream fulfilled. Yes, having a family is wonderful.
She wanted so much to keep this a secret from everyone, but I knew she wouldn't be able to hide it for long.

If you dislike LMP, then steer clear of threads that are positive toward her. If you wish to open a debate about LMP, then start a new thread. It is beyond stupid to come into a positive thread about someone just to trash them. Get over it!

This is the final warning! Next time we will suggest to the admins to ban a bunch of you.
We're not banning LMP topics on MJJCommunity. Avoid topics that are positive toward her & her family and if you wish to start a debate topic about LMP then do so.

Now the thread is opened. Play fair and if this isn't the place for you then go elsewhere to trash people.
Nice to see another MJ community that welcomes this sort of news and isn't so negative about it and what she currently looks like!

I saw the pic of her eating and knew she was pregnant. lol common sense. She looked different than before, and people thought she just gained weight. Yeah right! She's a flippin veggetarian! Like that is gonna happen while eating veggies!

Hopefully now she gets her iron and whatnot :lol:
Nice to see another MJ community that welcomes this sort of news and isn't so negative about it and what she currently looks like!

I saw the pic of her eating and knew she was pregnant. lol common sense. She looked different than before, and people thought she just gained weight. Yeah right! She's a flippin veggetarian! Like that is gonna happen while eating veggies!

Hopefully now she gets her iron and whatnot :lol:
I wouldn't be too sure about the welcoming and non negative posts... it seems this thread has had a good old clean out.:lol: