lionel richie talks bout mike on bbc1 jonathan ross


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
hey guys lionel richie was on the show and spoke about touring with the jackson 5 for 2 years when with motown back in the day. he was on about all the back stage stuff they got up to like jackie throwing water on them at night and itching powder in the hats and ice in there shoes ha ha he was really funny. said they had enough of the jokes so decided there would be a pillow fight to end it all ''get rid of the kids'' and he hit mj across the room and 'wiped him out' it sounded so funny. he said he cant wait for mj to perform in july and has been telling him to get out of the house and back on the stage for ages. he said if i can get him on that stage the once then he will be on his way....think he was on about the whole stage fright thing......great interview and an all round nice guy!!!
Thanx for posting Spice. Sounds like he talked about a lot of fun stuff he did with them. Nice to hear he was telling Mike to get back on the stage and now he feels excited about the concert. Maybe we'll see him sitting in the audience:)
Lionel is a cool guy and has always been supportive of MJ. I was lucky enought to get to see him perform at one Tina Turner's concerts when she did her 24/7 tour.
Yeah I agree,Lionel Ritchie is a very nice guy. Always supportive of Michael... Thankful for that.
I like richie - he seems loyal and honest!
Last year I attended Richie's concert here in Oslo and he actually mentioned Michael workin on some new songs. Lionel Richie is a real entertainer and a wonderful artist, the concert was a blast!
What did jonathan say weirdest what? Oh weirdest life. Yeah cus it's so easy to judge from afar.
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Thanks for sharing that! I am a big fan of Lionel, he has always been extremely supportive of MJ, and don't forget Michael is godfather to Nicole ;)
Yeah I saw that interview, Lional was so funny and supportive of all the Jackson's. I loved the way he spoke about the fun they had back stage but then said how as soon as they (meaning Michael and the J5) went on stage they where so professional. They must have have had so much care free fun back in the day.
It was a positive interview.
Aw man. I love Lionel Richie. Such a great talent and a down-to-earth man as well.
Some of yall might run into him at the 02 MJ concerts. That would be cool.

I loved the way LR reminisced about his Motown days.

And did yall see Evan in the video? WoW! (It sounded like LR said "Kevin")
LOVE Lionel Richie, I like the way he spoke about Michael. Very respectful and caring. :wub:
Absolutely loved the interview. And it's nice to see nobody talking BS about him "using Michael to promote his album" or junk like that. I saw a similar thread on KOPD and was surprised to find how some people manage to spin something negative into the most positive things.
Go LR! The new album is GREAT by the way. I could do without the Akon stuff though :lol:
Nice stuff, it's good to finally hear some positive things about MJ from one of his friends, no stupid crap, just nice and friendly stuff.
Lionel has always been very sweet and supportive, I like him very much.
I was wacthing a show by him the other day, and I really dont know when it was from, but Lionel was asked questions by the audience and one guy in the audience asked how it was making We Are The World with Michael? And Lionel told that he was so pleased and happy about it, and that he missed Michael terribly. He then told a funny little story about when Miké and him had to write WATW... Lionel and Michael was laying on the floor doing some brain storm and then Michaels huuuge snake sneaks up and Lionel almost screamed cause he was so frightnend! :lol: But he was talking very nice about him.
Lionel is my 2nd favorite 80s artist right behind Michael. So many great hits from The Commodores to his solo days. I always have wished he and Michael could have done more music together. I think they could become big time hit makers if they worked together.

Some kind of dance track or a love ballad from these that would be instant hit!
and that talk show host is funnier than our american ones.
Yeah he's one of my favorites ever. :D I loved to watch his show when I was living in the UK. Now I live in Germany and even the funny hosts aren't that funny.:doh: