Lionel Richie: Nicole is there for Lindsay Lohan

Moulin Rouge

Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Lionel Richie: Nicole is there for Lindsay Lohan

Lionel Richie on his 'amazing' daughter, Michael Jackson and losing houses...

Posted: Tuesday 31 Aug 2010

Lionel Richie speaks about his daughter, collaborations and Michael Jackson.

What did you make of Lindsay Lohan being sent to prison, and then rehab, Lionel? Obviously, your daughter Nicole had her own problems with addiction…

Well she is also family. Nicole, Lindsay, Paris, that was the crowd, they all grew up together. I mean she IS my kid. When I think of Lindsay I think of Nicole. I’m sorry if I’m speaking out of turn, but as a parent it might be the best thing for her. First of all it brings home the seriousness of where she’s at and secondly, as I said to Nicole when she was deep in trouble, there is a difference between DOING something and OWNING it. She needs to own what she did. Every so often in life, you have to face the music of your own actions.

Have you had to do that in your own life?

We have all had to do it. In my case, I went through a couple of divorces. And now I realise that marriage is serious. No matter how loving you are, getting in and getting out of marriage, and having kids – they are all big responsible things. You can’t just say, ‘Okay, I want to change the jacket today’ – that kid is going to be with you for ever.

Lindsay seemed to blame her problems on everybody else…

That is called denial. And that’s what you have before you go to rehab. ‘Everyone has a problem apart from me’. I hope that while she is there she takes a moment to just reflect on how wonderful she is, a sweetheart. It’s just that the rocket can fly as fast as you think it can go, but the problem is sometimes you are actually flying faster than the rocket.

It struck us that she was surrounded by sycophants. Did that happen to Nicole?

When you are famous here is what your day sounds like. ‘That is great!’ ‘Oh my god that’s wonderful!!’ ‘its ok Nicole!’, ‘Do what you like Nicole!’ ‘It’s ok Lionel!’ ‘What did you do last night Lionel?’, ‘Well I turned over two tables in a bar, and I threw a bottle at the wall’, ‘It’s OK Mr Richie’, ‘That’s OK Mr Richie.’ And after a while you start realising, well if I can get away with everything, then when is enough ever enough. It can make you nuts and more importantly it can kill you.

And you’ve seen that?

Look at Michael [Jackson]. How many people get Propofol? Not too many people can get their hands on it. But, if you’re big enough you can get your hands on just about everything.

So what’s the solution?

You have to allow someone to come in and kick your ass and get you straight.

Did you try with Michael?

Yeah. We all did. But one day you didn’t make the phone call, the day when you didn’t go by the house, that was the day you should have been there. Because we are artists we are never in town for very long together you know and it’s just this one little fluke. Michael and I used to talk about this kind of thing. ‘We are never going to let this happen to us Lionel,’ he would say. ‘You’re right Mike, we are never going to let that happen, drugs and alcohol…NEVER going to that happen. And that is exactly what we said we would not let ourselves get involved in…

You seem too balanced to go over the edge Lionel…

My balance is that I am already on the edge. When you are ADHD…I mean a crazy person can’t go crazy, you know? I am already on the edge. So, I’m not looking to get any further off the edge. I can scare myself to death. I’m trying to get a handle on my every day, so I don’t need anything else to speed me up, I need something to slow me down! I was never the candidate for trying to experiment with my brain. My brain does enough already. Some people need that stimulant, but I can do a cup of coffee and that’s all the speed I need.

Going back to Nicole and her heroin addiction, did you blame yourself at all?

You can only blame yourself for so long. And then you realise you know…you tried stuff, you did alcohol, I did alcohol. It’s just how you handle it. Some of us visit it and come out of the other side, some of us try smoking and come out of it and some people are addicted forever.

You must be really proud of Nicole for beating it?

I am. And I am not just saying this cause she is my kid. She is phenomenal. I know people who had the after effects of drugs and alcohol for the rest of their lives. They have an attitude you know? Their mannerisms. But…I see no signs of the lady we are talking about four years ago.

She has learned her lessons.

I walk in the door. ‘Dad keep your voice down please the babies are sleeping’ and I’m going who does that sound like? That is ME talking to her and now it is her talking to me. But she has done such an amazing thing.

I guess Nicole would be a good person for Lindsay to have when she comes out.

Lindsay needs to change her circle of friends. And Nicole is there for her. Nicole had to get away from that crowd, to get better. But I know they are good friends, now that she has kids she has turned into this other person now. She is thinking I don’t want this around my kid now. She is protecting something else, something much greater.

It’s great that she is an inspiration now. For a while maybe Nicole and Paris weren’t great role models…

We have grown up with these girls and these girls have come through an amazing growth.

You’re here promoting Walkers’ Extra Crunchy. What flavour of crisps would you be?

Hmm. I would have to have a new flavour designed for me. Something sweet and sour with honey, lemon and vinegar. I think that would sum me up…

If you could collaborate with a choice of Lady Gaga, Cheryl Cole or Susan Boyle who would you most like to collaborate with?

Well they are three women with incredible talents. Gaga would be interesting, because it is just radical But I have got to say Susan Boyle. Her voice is beautiful, pure.

Are you dating at the moment?

[laughs} Am I dating? Tough question. No, I mean I’m dating, I’m not serious. I have spent most of my life married so I decided, let me kind of enjoy myself. Every time I say ‘I love you’ I lose a house. So I find myself saying, let’s hang out, let’s be friends…

Who is three times a lady, who you would like to date?

Helena Christiansen. I love her,

Would you give her a house?

[laughs] A house every-day.

How many houses have you got?

I have four. How many houses have I given away? I have given away two. So I have got six all together, you see what I’m saying!?!

Lionel Richie stars alongside Gary Lineker in the advert for new Walkers Extra Crunchy.

And you’ve seen that?

Look at Michael [Jackson]. How many people get Propofol? Not too many people can get their hands on it. But, if you’re big enough you can get your hands on just about everything.

So what’s the solution?

You have to allow someone to come in and kick your ass and get you straight.

Did you try with Michael?

Yeah. We all did. But one day you didn’t make the phone call, the day when you didn’t go by the house, that was the day you should have been there. Because we are artists we are never in town for very long together you know and it’s just this one little fluke. Michael and I used to talk about this kind of thing. ‘We are never going to let this happen to us Lionel,’ he would say. ‘You’re right Mike, we are never going to let that happen, drugs and alcohol…NEVER going to that happen. And that is exactly what we said we would not let ourselves get involved in…

No comments!!!!
you know..right now, Mr Ritchie is two faced. he sounds like Lady Gaga right now. first he sounds like he's against drugs, then he says some go in and can handle it, and others cannot. which is it, Lionel?

he's speaking for himself. and he's hawking a product. and the media loves it, cus he just buried Michael all over again. yes, i am surprised. but, not so, at the same time.

as long as the media brings about their own holey(notice i didn't say holy)moral code, i'll brush aside anything they have to say, and anyone they have to endorse. they heard what they wanted to hear, so, now, they're presenting a video and a commercial for their client.

oh and..Mr. Ritchie. what happened to your memory? did you forget your recent interview where you said you were pushing Michael Jackson to get back on that stage for the fifty concerts in london o2? apparently you were there to talk to him. yet you now say you were not there just that one time you needed to be? well, that one time that you were there telling him to get back on that stage when you said he told you he wasn't quite ready to go back to pushed him to get back on. so, if you claim that Michael was so fucked up, and you tried to 'kick his ass' because of supposed addiction...then why the FUCK were you pushing him to get back on that stage, according to that LAST interview you did? AND you were planning to see one of his concerts!!!! that's what you said!

is your career in that much trouble that your language has to change right now for your current media sponsor???

edit: mannnn i was so hoping to find this!:

where oh where are you now, Lionel Richie? wherre oh where are your priorities now?

so...the next time someone gets on me for coming after someone who was supposedly close to Michael, and then backstabbed him....remember this video. no wonder the media is flattering you, Mr. Richie.

*goes to listen to 'In The Back', and 'Money', by Michael Jackson*
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Ok so I guess Lionel is acting like the Jackson's now.. Does any of MJ's family or so called friends blame Murray for killing Michael?

Lionel: Michael didn't get the propofol, Murray did
Ok so I guess Lionel is acting like the Jackson's now.. Does any of MJ's family or so called friends blame Murray for killing Michael?

Lionel: Michael didn't get the propofol, Murray did
I don't know if Lionel has been asked about Murray but every Jackson family member that has spoken about the situation say Murray is to blame.
No matter what we say/thing, I think we can agree Michael was sorrounded by yes-people. That is never good. Never.
Autopsy reports give no signs of addiction, I know.
I might be wrong, but truth is few, very few people could get propofol at home and even when we have discussed this before and I agree for sure we do things following our doctors advise, I still believe there comes a point when we can ask for a second opinion when something smells bad.
Using propofol to get some sleep smells bad. That's for sure. And if the doctor tells you it's ok and that he would take care of you, you can still wonder what makes a "professional" advise you to do things that are that dangerous.

well... we'll never know.
Just Michael knows his truth. that CM knows just about lies.
No matter what we say/thing, I think we can agree Michael was sorrounded by yes-people. That is never good. Never.
Autopsy reports give no signs of addiction, I know.
I might be wrong, but truth is few, very few people could get propofol at home and even when we have discussed this before and I agree for sure we do things following our doctors advise, I still believe there comes a point when we can ask for a second opinion when something smells bad.
Using propofol to get some sleep smells bad. That's for sure. And if the doctor tells you it's ok and that he would take care of you, you can still wonder what makes a "professional" advise you to do things that are that dangerous.

well... we'll never know.
Just Michael knows his truth. that CM knows just about lies.

but why not have doubts about Lionel if we consider the autopsy valid, then? though it is against the rules to call MJ a drug addict on here, anyway, i'll just go on and say what i have to say. besides..i'm vehemently arguing against calling him one, anyway.

Michael was in a unique position. the trial proved that there were as many people out to trick him, as there were lusting after him. he proved, in his song 'Money', that he knew who the weeds were. there are a lot of things we don't know. however, just by looking at how the media treated Michael, compared to how it treated Lionel, i think Lionel got far more 'yes' treatment, though MJ was clearly the bigger star.

as far as doctors go, you know how powerful their influence can be. that can never be underestimated.

nothing changes the fact that Richie is two faced. and that video, and his subsequent 'tribute' is proof of that. we have two Lionels going there.

Michael is the most unique musician in history. the most popular, but with the least yes people. because he's the most criticized in history. had to fire the most untrustworthy people, in history..including his own father.(he said so in an interview, to his clothing designer for the luomo vogue shoot. we all saw that interview, if not, most of us, and we all know the story of his father). so..while Lionel thinks he can relate...he can't.

sorry..i'm not clear on what 'CM' means..
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