Lindsay Lohan gets 3 months jail for parole violation


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
united states
Judge sends Lohan to jail for probation violation

Associated Press - 22 minutes ago
Actress Lindsay Lohan, center, arrives at Beverly Hills courthouse in Beverly Hills, Calif., Tuesday, July 6, 2010. (AP Photo/Jae C. Hong)Associated Press
BEVERLY HILLS, Calif. - A judge sentenced Lindsay Lohan Tuesday to three months in jail and a rehab program after finding the actress had violated the terms of her probation in a 2007 drug case.
The actress immediately burst into tears after the ruling.
Superior Court Judge Marsha Revel issued the sentence after listening to testimony from employees of a court-mandated alcohol treatment program.
Lohan missed numerous classes — seven since last December — which led to the judge's harsh rebuke of Lohan moments after the "Mean Girls" star offered a tearful apology.
"I did do everything I was told to do and did the best I could to balance jobs and showing up," Lohan told the judge. "It wasn't vacation, it wasn't some sort of a joke."
Revel said she found Lohan's apology insincere, comparing it to "somebody who cheats and thinks it isn't cheating if she doesn't get caught."
Lohan was not immediately taken into custody and will be permitted to surrender on July 20. She will have to wear an ankle alcohol monitor until then.
Los Angeles County district attorney spokeswoman Jane Robison said it was not uncommon for judges to allow defendants to turn themselves in at a later date so they can get their affairs in order.
The sentence tripled the monthlong jail sentence prosecutors had sought for Lohan.
The actress' father and younger sister also burst into tears after the sentence was issued.
Revel revoked Lohan's probation and ordered her to wear an ankle alcohol monitor after the starlet missed a court date in May. She was promoting a film project at the Cannes Film Festival at the time and claimed her passport was stolen.
The monitor issued an alert after the actress attended the MTV Movie Awards and after-parties last month. Revel said the device registered a .03 blood alcohol level at the time.
Lohan's attorney, Shawn Chapman Holley, urged the judge to place the actress back on probation, saying she had learned her lesson and had improved.
Prosecutor Danette Meyers disagreed and urged jail time for the star.
"When you ordered her to go every week, it didn't catch her attention," Meyers said in a closing statement.
Lohan spent 84 minutes in jail in 2007 after she pleaded guilty to two misdemeanor counts of being under the influence of cocaine and no contest to two counts of driving with a blood-alcohol level above 0.08 percent and one count of reckless driving.
The plea came after a pair of high-profile arrests earlier that year. Lohan was sentenced to three years of probation but had to ask for a yearlong extension in October after she failed to complete her alcohol-education courses on time.


may be a lifesaver. i'll pray for her.

mistook the word probation for parole...
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Re: Lindsay Lohan gets 3 months jail for probation violation

edit......sry...tried to correct something and got a malfunction and multiple post..
3 months is short. What are they crying for. I wonder what they would do if she was given 20 years.
About f*cking time she was locked up. She's been in trouble so much and has only gotten slaps on the wrists. She was warned if she messed up she'd be doing some hard time. She didn't even try to turn things around, assuming her lawyer would get her out of it again.

Life's a bitch and this time, Lindsay has to pay. I applaud the judge for this move
Re: Lindsay Lohan gets 3 months jail for probation violation

It is very sad to see how far she has come. :bugeyed :doh: I do not understand, she is beautiful, rich, famous and does so many things wrong? :sigh: I hope she has learned her lesson and now behaves and do not do more things wrong. -_-
I think it is just we have a young girl that obviously has not had the proper guidance.I will admit she is a little to big her britches...but..she needs help and I am glad she is going to get it. We have lost far to many young stars due to drugs and alcohol.
Good. now maybe she'll stop making money off her crap version of monroes depressed image for awhile. This girl needs to stop looking at the world so sad and depressing. this is a rich spoiled brat who is an adult now and needs to act more professional with her work and stop assuming that the law doesn't faze her with being some big female celebrity. also to stop pairing herself with tragic stars to get sympathy for her ''big image'' ...thats actually bigger in her mind from now seeing how shes been acting towards her legal dramas. she would love people to baby her over her problems being a celebrity. not all child stars fall pray either. she needs to learn like anyone else.
About time. It's such a shame to see such a talented actress eclipse her talent with her irresponsible behaviour. Hopefully she will understand the error of her ways and turn her life around before worse misfortunes fall upon her.
Is it true she tweeted something about some stupid bag auction while in court?

I hope this jail time turns her around. I don't want to see yet another young talented star die unnecessarily. I'm not sure about her father but it seems he is trying to help her. He was on Larry King tonight crying for his daughter.

However, 90 days in jail most likely won't be 90 days in jail. She'll probably only serve a few weeks. And what good will that do?
Wow all you people are pretty rude and harsh. Looks like Michael hasnt taught you guys a thing.

And Lohan wont even do 20 days in jail let alone 90 lol
Wow all you people are pretty rude and harsh. Looks like Michael hasnt taught you guys a thing.

And Lohan wont even do 20 days in jail let alone 90 lol

actually i wasn't harsh and rude. i sent my prayers. at the same time, she had been behind the wheel DUI. much worse could have happened. there are celebs out there who have to live with having killed people from behind the wheel of a car. and there are those who didn't live, after being behind the wheel of a car after drinking. MJ fans are compassoinate, and would rather she be alive, and learn a lesson, than....dead. some kind of discipline sometimes helps in life.

MJ was one who was not an irresponsible human being. He was descent and disciplined, and people still killed him.

how much worse could it be for somebody who is truly risking her life, almost on a daily basis, if some kind of discipline doesn't stop her?

this is a cruel world that kills innocent people. so surely, we don't want to see someone go down, at least partially because of their own behavior. because surely, there are people and the media out there, that could care less. i'd like to think MJ fans want her to be saved and back on the right track, so that things will not get worse.
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I think it is just we have a young girl that obviously has not had the proper guidance.I will admit she is a little to big her britches...but..she needs help and I am glad she is going to get it. We have lost far to many young stars due to drugs and alcohol.

Agreed with that! She's not just a "Movie star" she's a young woman who seriously needs some help!! And the hollywood scene is probably making the situation a little worse. I remember reading a list of "young famous celebrities" who will die next and unfortunately she topped that list - now isn't that sad?? I don't want to read in some magazine or a headline on the internet that this girl has died. I want her to get help and Im glad it's finally happening..
I can just see it now - "Parent Trap 2 - Stuck in Sing Sing" Sorry to be so cynical, but this probably is the best thing that ever happened to her. Maybe a good dose of reality will snap this woman into acting like an adult.
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Lindsey definitely needs some tough love to get her life in check. This should have happened sooner in my opinion. Jail is the best thing for her at this time. Now she sober up long enough to reflect on her life and where it's heading. The tears are because she's a spoiled rich kid who's used to having everything her way. Paris Hilton went to jail and it helped her out a great deal.
This girl seems to have a problem respecting authority. She has no sense of accountability. And what kind of a person would have that type of profane message written on her fingernails or anywhere on her body, especially at a court appearance? I want her to get well and back on track but she has to want that too.