Linda Deutsch-interview about the MJ-trial

Wasn't she supposed to write her memoir?
Thats a book I would loved to read.
No lies being told there, straight to the point........He is and always was innocent!
Finally finished the whole video - she is such a class act. I would like to see panel talk where she and Demon trash Dimond are against each other. Linda could stare Demon down with just one look:)

In closing her opinion of journalism was spot on - she felt like visitor from another planet, and felt there is a cult of personalities around now and its not healthy.
Also mentioned that stars are made from trial - Nancy Disgrace type is mentioned. Then she says it gives a different type of motivation to be there.
So true, and I would have added Demon Dimond was there to make a career out MJ's back and falsifying what was going on in the court room.

Linda D is awesome journalist with great integrity towards her work.
I watched that interview and a few others and Ms Deutsch shares the same stories in each one, much like Mesereau!

* Michael called and thanked her for being fair in her coverage.

* She still meets with TMez (they dine with friends) and TMez is still grieving for Michael.

* Whenever, she talks about the trials she had covered, she always says Michael's is the one where she felt the charges should never have been brought in the first place.

* She says that Michael was gentle and kind soul who absolutely adored children (you can really hear her affection for him in her voice).

* It was clear the media and the prosecution (especially Sneddon) were out to get Michael and she could not understand why, because *see above* (LOL)

I really enjoyed the 3 interviews I watched. Thanks to the OP. This is a journalist who is highly regarded in her field and for her to have sat through the trial and spoken to Michael and not come away with "he's weird, a freak and a celebrity who got away with it", says volume about her and about Michael. And I feel that once her book comes out, it will be a part of the positive change in attitude towards our baby.
We need more Linda i love her interview but what she said about how Michael was found not guilty on all counts that ppls have made up in they mind that the person is guilty as the case was with Michael.
I'd love to read about her experience with Michael, any of them.. all of them!
I also like what Linda said she ask are you done chasing Michael and they said no comment.
Lovely photo of Linda Deutsch and Jin Chohan

"Had the pleasure of interviewing Linda Deutsch 2 years ago. Such sad news hearing of her passing, we sat down for 3 hours speaking about her career and the MJ case. RIP"
