Lighter Discussion.. Teaching ur kids all about MJ


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
would you or do you Have them rock out to MJ?
I totally plan on playing MJ from the second theyre in the womb. They must know the goodness.. the music.. all.. I will tell them all about it. All about him. Pass it on down. Is there anyone here that plans on doing the same? Maybe even naming their child Michael? Or anyone here have children and already doing this?
When i'm older (14 atm) i know michael will still be in my heart close and strong. so yes my children will be broguth up with mj right from the start,
would you or do you Have them rock out to MJ?
I totally plan on playing MJ from the second theyre in the womb. They must know the goodness.. the music.. all.. I will tell them all about it. All about him. Pass it on down. Is there anyone here that plans on doing the same? Maybe even naming their child Michael? Or anyone here have children and already doing this?

yes absolutely, I've thought about that a lot and there's no way my children would grow up without Michael's legacy everywhere. I always wanted to name my son, if I have one one day, after Michael. That way I will think of him even more. Michael means so much to me. I'll tell my children all about him, that's for sure.
cute story here,

My lil sisters middle name is "Paris". When my mom had her..she was what you would consider a "Drug Baby". My mom had gone through some things but is doing great now and my sister came out healthy. I was the first person at the hospital to see her and I gave my mom the middle name "Paris".

I never thought my mom actually gave her that middle name but then found out a year later when I saw her birth cert..hehe. My mom also named her "mikayla" pronounced "Mykayla" cause her dad's name was mike.

So my mom said when she was watching tv and saw the "Paris" flash on the screen she screams! "My name"! My mom explained to her that I named her that and when she found out it was Michael's daughters name she was just in amazement! hehe! She also loves MJ's video's. She's 7 years old.

I don't live at home with them; in fact my dad raised me. So when I heard this! I was soooo happy and it made me smile. I had been sad about MJ when I got that call.

I know this is not directly related to the thread but wanted to share :)
Me too! I am 21, and not thinking about having children at the moment, but fortunately for them they will be bought up with him from day ONE. That's why I need a very understanding husband, lol.

I'd like to play music for them when they are in the womb (they say they can hear).. when they're toddlers, play them all the videos and concerts :) Then when they're older, explain EVERYTHING, tell them that the world suffered a great shock. Tell them "only believe half of what you see, and nothing of what you hear". Tell them what he meant to me, and make sure that they are a fan no matter what (lol) so my gran-kids will love him too :)

I will never forget him, EVER. I want to continue his legacy.
My kids adore Michael already...especially my middle child who is 7 ...she makes me put the videos on all the time...she loves the dancing :)
My best friend and I actually talked about this the day he passed... how it'll be weird having kids who don't know him alive, but I promise you my kids will DEFINITELY be raised on him. :) I'll be 21 this year so there probably won't be any kids for a good while, but I'm excited to teach them all there is to know about Mike and what's he's taught me personally.

Good thread, btw! :)
would you or do you Have them rock out to MJ?
I totally plan on playing MJ from the second theyre in the womb. They must know the goodness.. the music.. all.. I will tell them all about it. All about him. Pass it on down. Is there anyone here that plans on doing the same? Maybe even naming their child Michael? Or anyone here have children and already doing this?

I am so looking forward to it. And i am definitely gonna name my son Michael. Everybody I know knows this, I was sure of the name since the age of 8. I'm 24 now and still haven't changed my mind.
I look forward to having children and teaching them all about Michael.
I've known for a while now that I want my first son to be named 'Michael Joseph Ryan'. Its even more clear now that thats what I want to do :)
I will absolutely. My nephews already love him i have had good practice teaching them about him. I swear kids just gravitate towards him i was watching dangerous tour and my lil nephew aged 3 just stopped dead in his tracks and was like whoo is that!! I swear kids can feel it. My kids will know michael bt it fills me with saddness knowing they will neve know him as we know him, how they'll ask me what was it like when he died? Pass it on, thats wat we must do.
I don't think i will have children but if i change my mind on that one sure i will tell them about Michael and play his music a lot. But i don't gonna force it at them like you HAVE to like him. But what is there not to like anyway.
Love the thread!

My kids will definately know who Michael Jackson is/was. I was thinking about this the other day, and I already have things finalized, my babies will be raised on michael jackson... Probably read to them from Dancing the Dream, I can just see it now *goes off to fantasize*
I have a little 4 year old nephew who loves MJ. When the 30th anniversary concert was re aired on tV the other day he was dancing to it.
I have the same idea too. I love this
I m single and have no kids but I love children and one day I will have my own.
I will tell Michael's stories to my kids for sure. I 'd love my kids growing up by know who is Michael and see him as a role model of them life. :)
I would read Dancing the dream to them at night and explain the poems. They would fall asleep to a soundtrack of MJ's soft music "The lost Children, Smile, Human nature"
We'd have his music playing in the house all the time and posters everywhere.
Got it ALLL planned out
I don't have any kids. But I do have 2 little nephews the oldest is going to be 3 next week. They don't understand MJ yet. But I will eventually get them started on him. My brother is going to absolutely hate me for that but I don't care. But it will teach him to call Michael a child molesting freak. And he did that in front of my face too. OMG did I ever gotten in to a huge fight with him about that.
Oh absolutely. That is one thing that puts a smile on my face even after his passing is the thought of sharing Michael's work with others. And teaching them many things about life that I have learned through him.

I'm only 20 and don't want children anytime soon. But when that time comes you can best believe that Michael will be a part of their life. My father brought him into mine when I was about 3 years old and I plan on passing it all on. I have such a collection of videos and audio that just continues to grow. It's great to think about it in that regard.

My friends have turned to his work thanks to me. At first most just mocked me. But as time went on they would go "Hey thats pretty cool you should give me that" and stuff like that. Or they would say "Hey do you have a MJ CD Today" :D. Which I always had several on hand haha.

I've created several fans over the past few years especially. My now ex gf is now a huge fan herself. That tends to happen when that is all you play. You start to enjoy it even if you don't want to lol.
If i were to have kids, i will want to name them Michael, Joseph and Jackson. And when they are old enough, i will tell them why i named them Michael, Joseph and Jackson. Tell my kids everythin about Michael. How Michael influenced and changed the music world, and most importantly how Michael touches people's heart like no one else.

Michael will be best education that i can give to my kids.
My daughter (was then 6 or 7yo) and I discovered Michael together.

we bought all the dvds and cds we could find and read biographies together and basically went michael crazy for some time. we both dance and have made videos of dancing many songs. she had a fancy dress birthday and was a ballerina for half then MJ (bad costume) for half.

my 3yo even knows which songs are on which cd lol, and puts them on himself.

we do heaps of other stuff too, but i'm glad my daughter loves michael and knows what good things he has done.
I would never force my fandom onto someone else its toallly unfair on them thats like forcing someone to go to Church when they don't belive in God, if someone doesn't like MJ then i'm not going to sit in a corner and cry over it like a stubberon child not everyone has to like Michael so to force someone into getting into him is abit Immoral IMO
I don't think anyone here was forcing michael upon anyone. as a young person i was never exposed to michael at all. :( i think it's fine to share what you love with others, and for parents to share what they have learned & discovered with their kids. what they do with it is ultimately up to them, but they maybe wouldn't have the chance if everyone kept it to themselves.

i read heaps of auto/biographies to my daughter. she knows a lot about michael, and lots of other people, and lots of music genres, and makes up her own mind.....but i like that her decision is made from truth and not tabloids
It will be all Michael in my house. I told my boyfriend that I am getting a painting done with him that will be in our living room someday in the future. And believe it or not, he said its fine with him.

The name thing I'm not so sure will be as fine, but I'll work on that and hopefully we'll figure it out somehow :D

But the most important thing, the music will be played a lot and the concert too. I'm sure they will love it but if they don't then at least they heard it and I think everyone that hears an MJ song gets affected in a positive way. The music will live on forever in my family, my kids will listen to it and hopefully they will past it on to their kids and so on.

As they say "Long live the king!!"
From the moment I heard he passed (was middle of the night here) I've been thinking about it all, and the one thing I really know for sure is that my kids are gonna know MJ and I'm gonna tell 'em all about him! :) Not sure whether I'm gonna name them after him, but I'll follow his way of raising and loving children 'cause that was just beautiful. And I'm thinking of getting most of the stuff there is to find about him, so my kids and the next generation can love and have these things too.

It's so sad that we were the last generation to know and be part of this phenomenon. :(
But since we're the last, we need to pass this on 'cause the world may not forget!!!
when i eventually have kids they will definitly be brought up on MJ, which wont be a while as i only turned 16 a few hours ago :p
my mum and dad brought me up on his music - apparently my mum wouldnt stop playing give into me around my birth which could be why thats my fav song off the dangerous album :p
my kids will loveeeeee MJ's music :D
My 2 little kids already know about MJ and love Moonwalker and the Thriller song, my daughter (who is 7) the other day heard me listening to a recent interview with MJ and said that it sounded like the scarecrow in the Wiz, so I had to tell her it was Mike!!

The only thing I aint done is tell her that he's dead, she will be really upset so I think it might be best to see if she doesnt find out, I dunno.