Light a candle for Michael [Merged]

  • Thread starter elusive moonwalker
  • Start date
Michael you're in my heart, candles are lighting here for you, your music is on screen and speakers. I will be there to celebrate this evening with you. I love you ..
I just lit some candles from me and my cats.
My dear Michael every night I light a candle in my house for you, but tonight I didn't so I did it here. I love you more, I wish that you could come back. :weeping:
I lit a candle and my family & friends as well..We light up 27 candles all together. Miss u Michael. :angel:
I lit a candle for you, my love, here and at Church. :angel: I love you and I want to be with you in Heaven!!! You are my love and my life! You mean everything to me!

where is everybody?

there used to be people from 38 - 42 people there lighting candles but since yesterday.... only people from 7 countries are there?

where r u guys?

please don't leave. :pray:

we should FORever light glows of light for :heart:Michael...

come back.
I lit one.