life after This is it


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Well iam still sad and hurt that Michael Jackson is no longer with us. No more new pojects no more tours.. Nothing but after watching "This is it" it made me notice MJ could have done the tour.. Even is it was 10 tours or 50..I think he could have pull them off. Anyways I sit here and think to myself Now what? We as fans have to keep MJ fans partys and unite forever. Let us never forget the man. I feel we have work on something MJ would wanted us to do for him. There has to be more to" this is it"...."This is it " is not the last of MJ. What you think?
I hope more exciting things will be released regarding MJ in the future, and we still have this forum to cheer us up.
I dread the day I log on here to find about three members left... :cry:
The thing we can look forward to is a release of all those wonderfull songs Michael have written all these years. And I am sure there will be TII 2, because they have so much material.
When it comes to fan-boards....I think we are better than that. We will love him,talk about him, and we will keep his legacy alive forever.
But I would give all that up just to have our baby back........
This is NOT the end.... This is NOT it.. !!

There is much more to come and to remember :) Lets keep it that way *s
This is NOT it! There is so much to come like getting justice for Michael, release of unreleased songs, the TII DVD, and the tribute concert at Wembley which I'm sure a lot of us will be going to.
I think there will be a lot more to come.
Michael is no longer here but as painful as it is without him...this is NOT it.
I for one never thought this forum was just to talk about "new stuff," don't forget, there were long stretches of time in the past few years where there wasn't anything new going on, yet this forum was always active.
Just try to think positive - there is always a "tomorrow" - life´s going on. I´m sure that there are still many fans who haven´t even joined this wonderful forum.
It keeps MJ alive. I just try to take the best out of all the depression. There are many ups- and downs - but I try to think positive!!!
I dread the day I log on here to find about three members left... :cry:

Oh boy, i hope i dont live to see that day.

Well iam still sad and hurt that Michael Jackson is no longer with us. No more new pojects no more tours.. Nothing but after watching "This is it" it made me notice MJ could have done the tour.. Even is it was 10 tours or 50..I think he could have pull them off. Anyways I sit here and think to myself Now what? We as fans have to keep MJ fans partys and unite forever. Let us never forget the man. I feel we have work on something MJ would wanted us to do for him. There has to be more to" this is it"...."This is it " is not the last of MJ. What you think?

I never quite thought about it that way. Now since you got me thinking..we are going to celebrate michael year after year.

More cd re-release cds...LOL

LOL and we will still buy èm LOL. In Kanyes tone : You can make new music, but Michaels essentials are still the best out there.
Even though there wasn't any new releases to come, we still have our mission to accomplish: take care of Michael's legacy.
There will be something.
For those of you worried about only finding 3 members logged in one day don't worry that won't happen, especially anytime soon. There are forums out there for TV shows that have been off the air for years and so on but are still active. Plus MJJC is big and we keep getting new members.
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I dread the day I log on here to find about three members left... :cry:
This is not going to happen... Love lives forever, remember?

And people will always listen to his music. He's given us so much; as a person and as an artist... We have so much from him. Noone and nothing can change that.
Michael was a legend even when he was alive. He´ll be in our hearts forever. Nothing will change that. Just hope that the forums won´t close.
Michael was a legend even when he was alive. He´ll be in our hearts forever. Nothing will change that. Just hope that the forums won´t close.

I don't think the forums will close, there is always something to bicker about lol, and Michael is constantly gaining new fans. There will be so many new things coming out from Michael, and hopefully unreleased goodies. I mean look at Elvis he is definitely more famous alive than dead.
I can't help but feel a little depressed even though I'm sure that there will be more to come but I always keep remembering the fact that these are the last new clips that we'll ever see of him :cry:
There will be something.
For those of you worried about only finding 3 members logged in one day don't worry that won't happen, especially anytime soon. There are forums out there for TV shows that have been off the air for years and so on but are still active. Plus MJJC is big and we keep getting new members.
couldn't agree more :)
I arrived to this forum just some weeks ago. I was given the link by another MJ friend and I simply love this place. Worried about 3 people here? Well... I might be a newby here and so I don't have the right to say it, but I see people who has been here since 2003. And they are active members. They show us (at least me, a newly-arrived) it is possible to stay together, to share a common interest, to enjoy MJ's amazing legacy.

Yes, sure, many of us arrived to MJ forums late... TOO late for him to see and to be honest, this is something that hurts me, something I sometimes feel ashamed of. I hate to see the date of my arrival to the forums, for that is a constant reminder of me being late. TOO LATE.

But then I thoght of all the time I have known and loved MJ. EVER since I was born he has been around. He was already worldwide famous when I was born. These are the first (almost) 5 months of my life without him around. And yes, now... what? After so many years waiting for his comeback, after the plans to visit London in February 2010, at least to stand outside the O2 listening to a bit of his show, the dream of a new tour, the hope of the new albums, of any films or whatever projects he might have... Yes, yes: for me, he was invincible and I always knew he would be back. For he was Michael Jackson. Period.

So I have learned the love and respect for MJ goes further, stays longer, goes deeper. I understand many people might have discovered MJ recently and they need someone to introduce them to the MJ universe. Well... I think that is our mission. It's us! It's not the media, it's not MTV, it's not Rolling Stones magazine. It is us! So we have to learn form each other, we have to be humble to let other teach us what they know about MJ and then, we have to be generous and passionate to share our love and knowledge of MJ with others.

I hope there are many more to come. Millions!

But despite this, I think the pain we keep inside will remain for a long time. I try, I really try to turn back to my usual mood... but I can't. Not yet. So at this moment, my personal fight is with me, to learn to accept this, and to discover how to incorporate this to my life. So far, I have failed to do so. Then I think MJ wouldn't like us to be this bad... but what else can I do? So it's an everyday fight.

So there is really a lot to do. I just hope I, we will have the strength to do it and the passion to keep it up in time. I have loved him for so long... there are millions who have loved him silently for so long... and there are so many others who have gathered together to share their love for MJ at forums, clubs and others... and MJ loved us so much... that I trust we will make it. In a forum or in the silence of our heart. But we will.
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This is NOT it! There is so much to come like getting justice for Michael, release of unreleased songs, the TII DVD, and the tribute concert at Wembley which I'm sure a lot of us will be going to.

True. We fans must carry on Michael's legacy.
Michael? No way.

Now, i've been a member of a board for Jonathan Brandis since 2001.... He was a child/adult actor (Seaquest DSV, Ladybugs, IT, Sidekicks, etc) who died young, in 2003. Though the board slowed some, it's still very much active. If it's like that for JB, who many never new existed... then I really believe this board, will ALWAYS be busy. Don't have to worry about that one at all :)
you know... to be honest. I never really put much thought into this. I can't help but feel he is still with us.
So I tend to forget he isn't in physical form at least. I've seen a lot of change in people. From bad to good and good to bad. All depending in what state they were in prior to that fateful day.

I keep telling myself, his passing was NOT in vain. For I will do my best to spread that message as great as I can in my own path.

Man... this is getting me sad. :cry:
I dread the day I log on here to find about three members left... :cry:

I don't think this will ever happen. Michael will always be remembered and celebrated in the world and therefore there will always be new fans and not to mention the old ones who will always remember.
It's time to heal the world! That is what follows up This Is It.