Letter to Legacy Recordings


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
I have just sent a letter to legacy recordings regarding their apparant ignorance of their request forum, where many people have requested the Bad Tour release on DVD (among other things)

Dear Sir/Madam

I am writing in regard to your Reissue Request Forum at http://feedback.legacyrecordings.com/forums/6333-reissue-requests

At the top of the page it states that the purpose of this forum is for ideas for releases and artists you may have been neglecting. As an avid Michael Jackson fan i was pleased to see that many Michael Jackson related projects, including the legendary Bad tour 88 concert (preferably Wembley) are among the most commonly requested for release. However i have noticed that not only the Michael Jackson material, but very little actually seems to be happening with any of the suggestions on the website.

I realise that a new album/DVD cannot be released overnight and that a lot of planning, editing, market research etc is involved in any release however the lack of information from an official source on this website is a little disheartening. I think fans who are pushing so hard for releases and have been doing so for many years now (besides the thousands of votes on your website, there are many Bad Tour petitions online, some of which have over 17,000 signatures) could do with a little update to know what is going on. I think it would be a good idea to post occasional updates on your forum so we know that our views are being listened too, and what, if any, plans are being made for release of any material, no matter what stage the project is up to. Also, if there are no plans to release commonly requested material, such as the Bad Tour, due to rights issues or whatever, this could be posted on the forum also, not only so fans stop bombarding you with petitions for a release that is never going to happen, but also so fans can stop wasting time and try other means of obtaining a release from another source.

I speak not only on behalf of Michael Jackson fans, but of all fans who are struggling to get material by their favourite artist re-issued, that we simply want a little more attention paid to forums such as this one, and occasional updates on what, if any, decisions have been made. This continual silence is very frustrating!

Yours Sincerely

Paul W
I am not badgering them to release the DVD, as thats what the forum was made for, im just a little bit fustrated by the continual silence on their part. If they're not going to release it for whatever reason just say so!
dude don't bother, there is a huge demand on their poll taking website for releases on any of the MJ gigs, none have been approved.
dude don't bother, there is a huge demand on their poll taking website for releases on any of the MJ gigs, none have been approved.

I know its a waste of time but its just kinda rude, if they aint gonna do it for whatever reason just say so :p and it dosnt look like just MJ being neglected either, none of the posts seem to get any sort of official input
there's things with one vote that get approved, this is silly
I vote for a release of Ghosts Making of Ghosts & Captain EO on DVD in USA & Canada!
I think Bad Tour will be released this year. Until then, let's just wait. If nothing happens this year, then start harassing them :)
do legacy/sony have the rights to it. has it ever been clarifyed.
I want a release of BAd in USA Ghosts & Captain EO in USA & Canada it's NOT Fair to the fans.