Let's Watch the Titanic Sink!

Severus Snape

Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
The Dungeons
I am officially failing French and English. I am seriously contemplating dropping out of college, getting a retail job like I used to have prior to enrolling, and getting a small apartment somewhere cheap, and fleeing from this horrible society I can't begin to understand as soon as humanly possible. I was considering moving to Germany, but you need a university degree and a job to immigrate legally, so I can't do that obviously.

My second option, then, is to merely get a job and to live on my own, even if I live modestly. I've had it up to here with people and their forcing me to conform through any means, and the entire college system is nothing more than a giant joke. No outside-the-box ideas or actions are considered, and the way they wish you to go about things is so status quo it makes me ill. You're discouraged from seeking out people who are actually worth talking to, and are expected to associate with, to put it politely, people who have nothing in common with you (to put it purely, in my perspective, f--ing idiots.) It's so sad to watch them break every single one of the campus' rules over and over again and getting away with their antics, such as peeing in the elevator and drinking and smoking pot when it's supposed to be a dry campus (I kid you not.) The sororities and fraternities campus sponsors have no qualms about handing out alcohol to their underage littles, and hosting frat/sorority events where spirits are obviously involved--rape, anyone?! People make themselves throw up to avoid hangovers during school hours. A few days ago, I overheard two girls from my hall talking about how they didn't want a hangover the next day for class, so they made themselves throw up (I heard it too, ew.) It's utter madness--yesterday, at about four in the morning, let's just say I heard some pretty disturbing noises coming from the people next door to me and they kept me up all night with whatever they were doing... they had boys in their dorm way past visiting hours (these officially end at 12 and it was pushing on 5 a.m. and they were still at it.)

Yet, when I attempt to better my situation by seeking out someone who actually has something halfway relevant to contribute to my life, I'm reprimanded for not adhering to "normal" behaviour. Yet, no one does anything about the other things, which in my opinion are actually real problems they should be tending to instead of making my life a living Hell for no good reason--the hypocrisy has me LOL'ing harder than the trolololo guy.

Well, you know what, f--k it all, then. What is the bloody point--I can already see where this is going, and I want none of it. I'm out.

I'm at the point in my life where I honestly don't give a s--t about anything, and I would much rather drop out than go on and collect nothing but a massive debt. I've been so disillusioned--I thought college would be different from High School, and I now realize it is...even worse.

P.S. The hall vacuum cleaner got stolen. We may all have to "pitch in" to cover the costs. F--k that. They can count me out--I didn't take it, so why should I pay for other people's petty thievery?
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Hey... so sorry to hear that, and what you're experiencing with the campus... Are you from a far-off town/region that you had to be interred on a campus for college?.. You're so brainy, it'd be such a waste if you dropped out of college... Where are you studying, the US?.. At least, maybe get transfered elsewhere?.. I don't know... It is very yucky having to stay there, I bet, witnessing all that you are, and I haven't been in one before, but have knowledge on mindless crap that goes on in them, students getting high and drunk on campuses from here as well, but thank goodness I've been born in the country's capital and raised here and studied here, so that I won't have to experience lousy places like those... as for fraternities, although I don't think we have those over here, but I wont even get into that..

Anyway... I don't know what to tell you.. But the 'Titanic' can't sink, if it does, Rose gets to save herself. ^^ And a few others. .. Seriously, though, try to hang in there a bit, esp now that life has brought you some nice opportunities and you had some surprise turn-outs your way..
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I have to agree with Alma..you are much to bright to drop out of college..your future has much potential. Maybe a tutor for french and English would help? Your surrounds sound like they leave a little to be desired..I am sorry about that..:(..I think it is like that on most college campuses here in the US..I have to say that I am proud of you for not getting involved in the bullshit end of it. My son was like you..he went to college for the education..not for the party end of it. I know you will be ok...you have alot of intelligence and that is what it takes to succeed...so please rethink the dropping out. As Alma said..maybe a transfer to another college...if at all possible.?
^I don't need a tutor for English at all. The reason I am failing is because I cited something in MLA format incorrectly, so as of right now I have no grade on that paper until I cite things "right." I've always hated MLA format--but as soon as that's fixed everything should be OK. As for French, I do legitimately suck at that, and since it's not a large program, the school has no tutors and I can't afford a private one, so it looks as though I'm going to have to struggle along the rest of the semester. I won't take French again, needless to say.

The problem is that tuition is so damn expensive. The college I am at is actually not even my first choice and the only reason I am here is because of the tuition discount I got due to my brother being a student here as well. I was originally supposed to go to another college, in the city, but tuition was 60,000 per year, and there is no way in Hell I could afford that. If I were to transfer, it would be to a lower-quality school due to expenses, and there's really no sense in that.

I won't do anything as of yet, but I have to admit it's been fun watching my professors not give a sh*t when I brought that up. Really gives me hope.
Sorry to hear you are having a rough time in college I did also. If you are not enjoying it just leave:yes::hug:
...Please, try to reconsider the effect this action would have... You can't become a school drop-out, many.. feeble-minded beings are doing it, your intelligence can't go to waste like that.. At least try to a find another college, or another campus to live in, you can't give up this easily...