Lets Talk Michael


Proud Member
Sep 14, 2003
Lets go oldschool. Lets just talk anything and everything Michael, not news stories, not controversial topics, just look at this like we are hanging out outside The Lanesborough Hotel in London. We have snacks, we have hot chocolate and coffee to keep warm. We are sitting on yoga mats against the barriers. We know Michael is in the hotel as we have just spoken to his bodyguards.

This is one of my photos from March 2001, outside The Lanesborough Hotel, for those who may need a visual :)

I would be complaining about the cold and how excited I would be to watch Michael perform. I would probably be freaking out from both excitement and from all the noise/ chaos.
Well now you are, you have just been transported back in time. So what are you talking about?
I feel a twinge of guilt as I sit uncomfortably on my mat with my heart beating rapidly with anticipation…it turns out unbeknownst to my parents that the “girl’s trip” that I elaborately planned with my college girl friend and roommate was a cover for this. Although, my roomie causally sighs about the frosty temperature and how it’s nipping her nose, I know that deep down inside she and I are almost dead from enthusiasm and elation that we can barely contain. Our faces are radiating with suppressed girlish giggles and nervous energies as we overhear whispers of spottings of Michael. Although I have a thousand things I could say, I can barely catch my breath as my intuition tells me, the moment is dawning on us. Our incessant chatter that we engaged in over ten minutes ago, has quieted into a hallowed, sober, expectant silence. We’re mutually holding our breaths and squinting our eyes not wanting to miss this once in a lifetime moment. I stare so intensely into the distance that I almost forget about the weight of my loud and animated poster that I have raised over my head, with the words I LOVE YOU MICHAEL JACKSON, scrawled in blocky letters. This is the moment that our hearts have been waiting for and we anxiously share a look of pure utter disbelief. Could this be the magical moment our fangirling has dreamed of…
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I’m not sure what the event exactly is so I’m sorry if my interpretation is wrong, I’m just using my imagination 🤗
I never got to see Michael perform live, mainly because he only did three tours and most of the stops were international (I couldn't afford to travel). I've watched a lot of his concert videos online though, and he was truly one of the greatest talents we ever had.