Lets Talk Michael: MJ Haters


Proud Member
Jan 22, 2014


I'm posting this to Youtube! :)

Nice video.

But dear lord I could probably write a book on all the MJ hate I've experienced over the years.

I remember when I was in high school I had a book about Michael I was reading. I think it was the Magic, The Madness (yeah I know that book is horrible.) I would usually take the slip covers off my MJ books to make it less obvious. Anyway, I was in a free period class quietly reading to myself when this person comes up to me and comments on my book.

"Why are you reading a book about that pedo?"

I was boiling with rage by this point. "If you're going to say something it's best to come armed with facts. So show me your facts. Prove to me that he's a, as you said, 'pedo'."

They kind of just stuttered and backed off at that point.

I also had that same book purposely knocked out of my hands by a hater when I was in the hallway walking to class. I always kind of wondered why I got so degraded for the person I loved when I never went after anyone else for what they liked/hated.

My dad was probably the biggest hater of them all. He met Michael once and flipped him off. (Trust me I was madder than anything when I found that out.) I wasn't allowed to listen to Micheal's music growing up. My dad was convinced that Michael was a child molester and therefore wouldn't let me or my brother listen to Michael.

I remember when the album Number Ones came out. We were in a Best Buy looking at the CD's. This was right after Michael was arrested. I was browsing through when that album caught my eye. I picked up and flipped it over to look at the track listing. My dad came up behind me and yelled at me in front of everyone.

"Put that child molester's crap down."

I was ten or eleven at the time and I wasn't a Michael fan then but I remember being really hurt by that. I remember watching the trial on TV when I'd come home from school. My dad was practically glued to the set hoping to watch Micheal's downfall.

Then the not guilty verdict came. I remember my father screaming at the TV, raging that Michael wasn't put behind bars. That he got away with it because he had money and celebrity.

I remember seeing the footage of Michael walking out of the courthouse and the look on his face broke my heart. If I, a kid at the time, could see this man was innocent, why couldn't an adult?

When I got my own job my dad couldn't say squat about me buying Micheal's music anymore so I did. I've been a fan ever since.

I had a hater try to tell me Michael bleached his skin. I used to keep a album on my iPod of pictures clearly showing Micheal's vitiligo for just such occasions. I showed them the photos and this was the ONE time I have ever convinced a hater to change their mind.
Great video

As one of Michael's older fans. Been one since the early 80s. Yeah I am that old. But also as an American MJ fan. I could probably write a book the size of the MJ Opus book. Of all the constant MJ hating I have encounter in my life. Not just from the MJ hating kids in my old middle and high school. But from my MJ hating family as well. Back when the first allegations had started back in August of 93. I was very upset by them. But I knew as a fan of his at the time. He was totally 100% innocent. But what really upset me the most was that I was going to be starting 7th grade in a couple of weeks. And I knew I had to hide my MJ fandom from the other kids. Out of total fear of what they might do to me if they knew I was listening to him. Back during the HIStory Era. And I was still the only MJ fan in a school full of haters. But I did found out after my high school library gotten the internet service. For their computers. That I really wasn't the only MJ fan that Michael had left in the world. Which made me really happy. Cause I really did thought that I was. During my final 2 years of high school. I did finally starting to stand up for Michael. I was like an attack dog defending it's owner's property. You did not want to mess with me when it came to my beloved Michael. You mess with me and you were messing with fire. In my senior year I almost nearly put a girl in the hospital for making fun of him. It is not something I am really not that proud of doing. And I am sure Michael wouldn't have been either. But at the time the girl did had it coming. And I did warn her about what might happen. And she did not take my warning seriously. And I had never gotten in to trouble for doing something like that. Even though there were teachers near by at the time I did it. But the best thing about it was that I was a senior. And at the time in my high school the seniors for some reason could not be touch by any teacher. No matter what they did. But I am sure it has since change then. But the one thing I did during my last year of high school. Just to show some of those haters just how awesome Michael really is. Happen in my Health class the one day. Was during our mock wedding reception. Which we had after our mock wedding. Since we were learning about relationships and stuff at the time. The one kid was like the DJ during this wedding reception. And I really was not liking the music he was playing. So I asked him if he could play one of my cds. And he said yeah go get it. So I went over to my desk where my book bag was. And I pull out my Blood On The Dance Floor cd. Which was the perfect cd to play. I gave him the cd. And I told him to play the first 2 songs. Which he did. And when it started everyone was in the classroom saying how awesome the cd was and stuff. That kid told them that it was not his. And that it was Jenn's cd. They told me how awesome the cd is. And I just said I know. That is because he is awesome. And they knew it was Michael Jackson that they were hearing. And they still thought that he was awesome. I might not had made those haters fans that day. But I did hopefully got them to change their minds about him. 15 years later and I still find it very funny of what I did to them.

Now let me tell you about my MJ hating family. Especially with just 3 members. Starting with my cousin. Who is only my cousin by marriage. Since her mother married my mother's older brother. Well before the 93 allegations had started. She was an MJ fan. I went in to her room and she had all sorts of MJ related stuff in her room. I was 12 years old at the time. This is going back to the Dangerous Era. And she show me the 92 Bucharest Dangerous Concert that she had taped. Since she knew that I was fan as well. And I was just so very glad that she had taped the concert. Because I remember just how badly I had wanted to see that concert. Since I did not have HBO at the time. But I was very thankful that she did had it. Well after the 93 allegations had started. She told me that she no longer like him. In fact she as far as I know. Became one of the most biggest MJ haters you could ever want to meet. I had asked her if I could have her MJ stuff. And she told me she had gotten rid of them. And I could not believe that she would believe those child molestation allegations. When I never not even once did. I had always thought once an MJ fan always an MJ fan. That has always been true for me. And it should of have been true for her. But it wasn't. And she really hates the fact that I had stayed an MJ fan. Even after those allegations came out about him. But to me I think she was just jealous over the constant loyalty that I have to my sweet beloved Michael.

My brother has always hated Michael. I remember back when the 2nd allegations was going on. My brother had called Michael a child molesting freak quite a few times. I remember this one Easter I was quietly sitting at my mother's dining room table eating my Easter dinner. When my brother had called Michael that horrible name again. And that really anger me. And I was suddenly back to being an attack dog again. I had gotten in to a huge fight with him. That my brother had started of course. My mother did try to get us to stop. But I turn to her and told her to shut the hell up. Because you are no better than he is. The look she saw in my eyes knew better to mess with me. Especially when it came to my Michael. So she just stayed out of it. And I went back to my fighting with him. And I storm off before I did something that I might regret doing later. Like wanting to actually kill him. I was that angry with him. After I had went downstairs I had listen to my Michael. And he had helped calm me down enough. To go back upstairs to finish eating. But I did not talk to my brother rest of the time that he was there with his fiancee. Who is now his wife. She just stayed out of it and not say anything.

And now for my mother. My mother might come off by saying that she likes him and stuff. But she is definitely no MJ fan. Not when in the past she had said some very terrible things about him. That no MJ fan will ever say about Michael. Well no true MJ fan that is. And I still hate the fact that she likes the song Stranger In Moscow. When that song I had once consider sacred to me. And I will never ever forget what she did just 2 days after it had happen with Michael.:( :boohoo I had spent the entire day in my room in bed sleeping. Because I was trying so very hard to forget what had happen to him. When my mother uninvited herself in to my MJ shrine bedroom. And asking me what I had wanted to eat for supper so she can ordered it. Well eating was the very last thing in the world I had wanted to do. So just to get her to leave me alone. I said the first thing that came to me which was spinach pizza. So I thought she was going to leave my room after I had told her. But she didn't. She wanted to talk about what had happen to Michael. When I knew she didn't want to talk about him. And I was right when I saw that she started to make fun of what had happen to him. She said she wasn't but that wasn't the way I had taken it. And I very coldly told her to leave my room. She knew by the coldness in my voice that it was time for her to leave. And I just went back to lay down in my bed. So I could try to go back to sleep. And just try to forget again. Since sleeping was the only way I could forget at the time. But weeks later after it was reported by who did that to Michael. My mother had defended what that evil nameless monster did to Michael. And she didn't think it was that bad of what he did to him. I couldn't believe that she would defend that evil monster. But then I realized that she is just like any other MJ hater. That I had ever come across in my life. But I am definitely no longer the attack dog that I once was back when we still had him. Not when I am still in a constant state of deep depression and mourning over what had happen to him.:( :boohoo I just let people say what they want to say about him. But I still know the truth when it comes to him.
I had a couple of experiences with a couple of haters. 1st experience which I've explained before and I'll share it again, it happens about a few years ago I was a member at the Naruto Forums, that MJ hater sends VMs on my page saying such repulsive crap about Michael and speaks lies about him too, he even said an illicit comment on my Hinata Hyuga tattoo which I cannot say. I sent my message to the administrator of the forum about that retarded hater for comments and harassing me, I got nothing from the administrator at all. Ugh! That idiot keeps at it and I even reported on him and like the first attempt, they did NOTHING! So I had no choice, but then I found out we can block members, so I blocked him off and I never heard from that retarded hater in that Fourm again. I'm still an active member at the Naruto Forums btw.

2nd time is 2 years ago, it was back at the MJIFC chat (I'm no longer a member there anymore), an MJ hater invaded the site and came in the chat room attacking one of my friends saying mean things about her and Michael as well and then there were about 6-7 of us including myself fighting off the hater telling him to "GET LOST", "GO TO HELL" and I was like "I'LL SEND YOU TO THE HOSPITAL IF YOU DON'T BEAT IT!" and I've called a retard and yak yak yak. And after about 10 minutes of the verbal feud he gave up and left for good.

If anybody tells me crap about Michael in person, I'll give them a "stone cold" finger and if they go too far, they just poked this bear and I will have a right to punch them in the face to shut them up.