Let's talk about everything about Universe

*Little Suzie*

Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
First of all.. I am thankful to be alive here on Earth, the Earth is beautiful things I ever had seen.. I see Earth as a beautiful home place... But sometimes.. I think so much about; "Is there life on other place in the universe?" I wish I could be on another planet than Earth.. The earth is already destroyed :( I had seen Avatar Movie, and now I really want so badly to be on another Planet were life is..

Do you think there are life other planet than Earth? I do :) Lets talk about everything here.
The Universe was created by God.....not a Big Bang

(just wanted to add that here lol)
Yeah, I also belive that God made it.. And not Big Bang.... Oh I wish I could be in another planet now :(
Though it could have become from a Big Bang, which was created by God.. :D

The whole Universe is too confusing to me. It's so amazing that we're actually here..
Yeah, there's life on other places in the universe. The only thing stopping it from being a scientific fact is that we haven't seen it, but it should be considered a fact in people's minds. You'd have to be egomaniacal or something to think there isn't. Earth is just a teeny tiny spec of dust, although it's special because there's life on it which is apparently rare. All it takes for there to be life on other planets is the right conditions, regardless of if you believe those conditions are created by a higher being or by completely random chance.
It was the Big Bang that created the Solar System and Earth.

Would be good to be able to see what life is like on another planet for a day. Actual likeliness of that ever happening is probably as close to 0 as you can possibly get without it being an impossibility.
Don't believe that we constantly get visited by other alien beings like all the UFO stories and all that. Its not aliens. But I think there was something back in histry the examples of Stonehenge and The Pyramids do come to mind....

I like this video alot, its a simpler video going on about the size of the universe :)
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well, they say that if every star was the size of pea, they would fill Wembley stadium !! I find it hard to believe with all these stars, and all of these stars having planets that orbit them, that we are alone in this universe.
I do believe this universe was created by a greater being though. If the universe was created the big bang, who caused that ? something can't come from nothing , can it ? Its a very interesting subject and I love watching TV shows about it and reading books and so forth :)
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lol...if this place is so screwed up, what could make us think we couldn't screw up wherever else we went? we always like to think we should change things just for the sake of change, which may be why things aren't so good, here.
how are you so sure of that, since they still call it a theory, after all these years? and people who believe in God, don't consider God a theory, and the big bang people say it was all about chance..and people who say they believe in God say it's not about chance. plus, which God are you referring to?
It's really interesting to read your thoughts about it here. I did studies in Quantum physics and space science before to try to understand how the universe came about and what are the possibilities of the existance of another realm, such as Heaven.

I'll share what I know here, feel free to give your thoughts or even debate over it! haha!

I know from science perspective, there are yet evidence that there is life elsewhere or at least complex life such as ourself and there isn't another realm. But that doesn't mean it doesn't exist, they just haven't find the answers yet.

Science can only reason that if life does exist somewhere close by (such as within the solar system) it will be in the form of a bacteria. It is also very possible for other inteligence to be form in another planet in another solar system. Our space technologies are still not advance enough but there had been discoveries of some particles orbiting a star. It will be a long way to go if we are ever going to find the answers.

About the existance of another realm, this is the most intriguing subject scientist can ever explore. So far the understanding is that if another realm does exist, it will be in another dimension! We can only see 3 dimensions but if there is a higher dimension, those who live in that dimension will be able to see us but we cannot see them!

Quantum physics can also be use to explain the possibility of being transported into another world. If there is another world which is just another planet far away in our universe or another universe(if it exist) then the only possible way to go there would be via teleport, not by spaceship because it's too far away (unless it's a teleporting spaceship!) and the fastest physical thing in this universe it light. Ofcourse teleporting into another world of adventure are just normally a child story such as Narnia or Harry Potter but science tries to explain that teleport and time travel could actually be possible if we have the technology and understand how it works! One very simple demostration is to draw 2 dots on a piece of paper and bend the paper to connect those two dots! This shows that there are faster way to get from point A to B than a straight line! If the space can be bend then the distance of one world to another world will just be beside each other!


I wish I could read more because it seems very interesting! So if any of you have futher information or knowledge about it, let me know! hahah!

I'm a Roman Catholic but I'm a science graduate so I'm very open minded to all sorts of possibilities and theories. Hahah! You can say I'm Dangerous!
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SOmetimes I wonder if it was good for the humans as a specie, to evolve as far as we have. Any animal or plant that was extince over time has been because they could not evolve with the climate or changes in their natural surroundings.

For humans I"m starting to believe that we are going to kill ourselves with all the bad things that we are doing to ourselves/others and our planet.

This sounds very negative, I know. It's not that I'm a negative person, but to all that I see happening it feels like I'm starting to lose faith in mankind. Even though I"m desperately trying to hold on, because I know there are many many great souls out there, like all of you!
how are you so sure of that, since they still call it a theory, after all these years? and people who believe in God, don't consider God a theory, and the big bang people say it was all about chance..and people who say they believe in God say it's not about chance. plus, which God are you referring to?

I totally agree with you. I really do believe in God but I really don't believe that God created the universe. It was the Big Bang that created it. I am a Brethren and in my religion we only follow the New Testament as our guide. We really don't follow what the Old Testament of the bible says. Which includes of how the universe was made. We do how ever believe that God reigns over the universe.

Astronomy is one of my 3 major passions. The other 2 is Michael Jackson and Bollywood. I had a L.O.V.E. for astronomy ever since I was 6 years old and I remember hearing about the return of Halley's Comet. I am almost always reading one of my Astronomy magazines. I have been a subscriber to Astronomy since the early 90s. And I have kept all the issues since I first started getting them. I get them once a month so I have a lot of issues. And I have all 4 seasons of the HIStory Channel's program The Universe. One of my favorite episodes is the one about the Parallel Universes. How our universe could be just one of many other universes. And we could be living parallel lives in another universe. And that anyone or any animal that had died on our planet. Could still be very much alive and well on another Earth in another universe. Ever since I first saw that episode a few years ago. That has really fascinated me the most about that episode. Especially now more than ever. Mainly because of what happen to Michael. I just wish I could be on that Earth that he is alive on.
SOmetimes I wonder if it was good for the humans as a specie, to evolve as far as we have. Any animal or plant that was extince over time has been because they could not evolve with the climate or changes in their natural surroundings.

For humans I"m starting to believe that we are going to kill ourselves with all the bad things that we are doing to ourselves/others and our planet.

This sounds very negative, I know. It's not that I'm a negative person, but to all that I see happening it feels like I'm starting to lose faith in mankind. Even though I"m desperately trying to hold on, because I know there are many many great souls out there, like all of you!

If you believe in evolution, then human is only a small bud from it. Dinosaurs had lived on earth for about 165 million years and human only about a million! Extinct animals due to climate change are very interesting to study but cockroaches and scropions had lived since the time of dinosaurs!

There are many theories of dinosaurs extintion but the most famous one is the earth was hit by a meteor. It is very possible that human kind will extinct one day as well but I agree with you that the destruction we are doing to the planet is so far the fastest way it may destroy humankind. Most animals and the plants will die first before humans. We might be lucky if we can build ships to live in space, but not many will be able to fit in the ship!
There is actually one way to solve this problem but with our human nature will never really do it. Maybe when the goverment realised that the world is in critical condition only will they do it but human population are important for the economy as it generates income...ahem...money for the country. Yes, the only way to save the world is to reduce the human population. It may mean less birth and there will be more older generation which will mean lots of economy problems!

I totally agree with you. I really do believe in God but I really don't believe that God created the universe. It was the Big Bang that created it. I am a Brethren and in my religion we only follow the New Testament as our guide. We really don't follow what the Old Testament of the bible says. Which includes of how the universe was made. We do how ever believe that God reigns over the universe.

Astronomy is one of my 3 major passions. The other 2 is Michael Jackson and Bollywood. I had a L.O.V.E. for astronomy ever since I was 6 years old and I remember hearing about the return of Halley's Comet. I am almost always reading one of my Astronomy magazines. I have been a subscriber to Astronomy since the early 90s. And I have kept all the issues since I first started getting them. I get them once a month so I have a lot of issues. And I have all 4 seasons of the HIStory Channel's program The Universe. One of my favorite episodes is the one about the Parallel Universes. How our universe could be just one of many other universes. And we could be living parallel lives in another universe. And that anyone or any animal that had died on our planet. Could still be very much alive and well on another Earth in another universe. Ever since I first saw that episode a few years ago. That has really fascinated me the most about that episode. Especially now more than ever. Mainly because of what happen to Michael. I just wish I could be on that Earth that he is alive on.

The Big Bang is only a theory not a law. There are a few laws that had been proven wrong including the famous one - Light travel in straight line is wrong! I remember I used to study in science class that light only travels in straight lines! haha!
However it doesn't mean the Big Bang theory is wrong or the believe that God created the universe according to the bible is wrong. We do not have evidence to both of it. In the end "Its'really just what you believe" Quote from Prof. Robert Langdon in DaVinci code! hahah!

I'd heard about theory of parrallel universe before. There haven't been much demostration yet except the studies of how atoms can superposition themself. It's really fascinating that you read all those science magazines. I used to read alot as well and those topics so astronomy is sooo interesting! Thanks for bringing it up!


By the way talking about Universe...I was really sad when Pluto was stripped of it's planet title! I missed those days when I studied about the nine planets of the solar system!
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If you believe in evolution, then human is only a small bud from it. Dinosaurs had lived on earth for about 165 million years and human only about a million! Extinct animals due to climate change are very interesting to study but cockroaches and scropions had lived since the time of dinosaurs!

There are many theories of dinosaurs extintion but the most famous one is the earth was hit by a meteor. It is very possible that human kind will extinct one day as well but I agree with you that the destruction we are doing to the planet is so far the fastest way it may destroy humankind. Most animals and the plants will die first before humans. We might be lucky if we can build ships to live in space, but not many will be able to fit in the ship!
There is actually one way to solve this problem but with our human nature will never really do it. Maybe when the goverment realised that the world is in critical condition only will they do it but human population are important for the economy as it generates income...ahem...money for the country. Yes, the only way to save the world is to reduce the human population. It may mean less birth and there will be more older generation which will mean lots of economy problems!

The Big Bang is only a theory not a law. There are a few laws that had been proven wrong including the famous one - Light travel in straight line is wrong! I remember I used to study in science class that light only travels in straight lines! haha!
However it doesn't mean the Big Bang theory is wrong or the believe that God created the universe according to the bible is wrong. We do not have evidence to both of it. In the end "Its'really just what you believe" Quote from Prof. Robert Langdon in DaVinci code! hahah!

I'd heard about theory of parrallel universe before. There haven't been much demostration yet except the studies of how atoms can superposition themself. It's really fascinating that you read all those science magazines. I used to read alot as well and those topics so astronomy is sooo interesting! Thanks for bringing it up!


By the way talking about Universe...I was really sad when Pluto was stripped of it's planet title! I missed those days when I studied about the nine planets of the solar system!

Your welcome. And I was kind of surprise they drop Pluto as a planet. But then I realized that they are right to drop Pluto as a planet. And during that time my mother gotten me this Opus like book about the universe. And in that book it talks about Pluto as our 9th planet. Which is now out dated because of Pluto is no longer a planet. Well actually it is still a planet but it is known as a dwarf planet now. Just like we have 2 other planets in our Solar System that are also dwarf planets. Those 2 are called Eris and Ceres. Eris when it was discover is a few hundred kilometers bigger than Pluto. Ceres is not only a dwarf planet it is also an asteroid. Ceres is round like a planet which is why it is consider both a planet and an asteroid. There is a new planetary mnemonic sentence that a 10 year old girl came up with to help you remember the order of the planets. The sentence is

My Very Exciting Magic Carpet Just Sailed Under Nine Palace Elephants.

That's Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Ceres, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto, and Eris

I so L.O.V.E. that sentence that she came up with.

This was the traditional sentence

My Very Energetic Mother Just Served Us Nine Pizzas

But there are a lot of sentences to help you remember the order of the planets. And I was in this site that lists all of the sentences and the one I saw I don't know if I should be happy or angry about that sentence. It is

Molestation Vote Expected Michael Jackson Shuts Up Neverland

I guess the reason why I don't like that sentence. Is because I still don't like seeing Michael's name and the word molestation in the same sentence. Any way this is one of the sentences that people came up with after Pluto was drop as a planet.
Y There is a new planetary mnemonic sentence that a 10 year old girl came up with to help you remember the order of the planets. The sentence is

My Very Exciting Magic Carpet Just Sailed Under Nine Palace Elephants.

That's Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Ceres, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto, and Eris

I so L.O.V.E. that sentence that she came up with.

This was the traditional sentence

My Very Energetic Mother Just Served Us Nine Pizzas

But there are a lot of sentences to help you remember the order of the planets. And I was in this site that lists all of the sentences and the one I saw I don't know if I should be happy or angry about that sentence. It is

Molestation Vote Expected Michael Jackson Shuts Up Neverland

I guess the reason why I don't like that sentence. Is because I still don't like seeing Michael's name and the word molestation in the same sentence. Any way this is one of the sentences that people came up with after Pluto was drop as a planet.

OMG! Now you remind me!!! When I was much younger and learning the orders of the colors of the Rainbow, my class teacher actually taught all of us a verse!!! It was around 1995 that time and the verse goes.

Michael Jackson killed his brother in University!

which stands for Merah (Red), Jambu (Orange), Kuning (yellow), Hijau (green), Biru (blue), Indigo (indigo), Ungu (purple) in Malay Language.

OMG!!! I was only around 10 years old that time and know nothing much about MJ except he is a famous singer. I just used the verse innocently. I remember my teacher said
"this is the easiest way to remember the order of the rainbow colour" and she goes
"Well everybody knows Michael Jackson right?" and she wrote his name on the blackboard. Then she wrote the entire sentence and asked us to memorised it! Gosh! At that time I always though that MJ don't have any brothers and wasn't even sure if Janet is his sister because they look very different! hahah!!!

Poor Michael.
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I love Astronomy!! I've done a course at UCLAN and went on a weekend course at an observatory in Lancashire.

Anyone remember watching about this event on TV years ago? At the time I was honestly scared we'd be hit by shoemaker-levy 9 :p

Lol dumbest question that will probably ever come up in this thread....

With Jupiter being a gas planet, and yes I know its HUGE, but could you jump into Jupiter and come out the other side haha?
Lol dumbest question that will probably ever come up in this thread....

With Jupiter being a gas planet, and yes I know its HUGE, but could you jump into Jupiter and come out the other side haha?

I don't know though :mello: I'd think so?

I don't know though :mello: I'd think so?

Its an area of speculation but fair amount of scientists think that Jupiter actually has a rock core surrounded by a huge amount of gas. But if it didn't you'd probably get fried inside it anyway :p