Lets Spread The MotherLuvvin Peace!! (Please Read)


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
I binned 6 tabloid newspapers the other day omg freedom :p

I was thinking, and came to the conclusion all this false rubbish I cant be bothered with anymore. Why are we honestly bothering, I just think my god we all have talent and as much as everything may seem hazy and not clear right now, Would Michael want us being depressed all the time?

The world is full of hatred and the boards seemed to swarmed with *So Called* Legitimate news what the hell is the point seriously.

I've only tried to stop swearing and it's going okay. I know Mike didn't really swear and ever since he died I realised so much in myself that was just garbage, rubbish stupid behaviour that wasn't needed.

I was doing a quiz on facebook and it was just about what you have and are you a greedy, spoiled child or are you the appreciative child and I realised that I just take things for granted not even thinking. Watched Man in the mirror the other day I was like what the hell am I doing, lazing around all day where I am going.

The only reason Michael got to where he got to was because he got off his backside and did everything he ever wanted.

This may seem like a useless thread but to me it's just about THE PEACE!! God I've been praying for the brainwave to help me get sorted and it's this.

People on this board say "Why can't the press leave Michael alone", there's a reason, because we react to the stories posting them, reading them getting wound up so they then think great their paying attention. From now on I'm not going to post in anything that is tabloid.

I'm not saying don't post your opinion but before you play into the tabloids hands just think before you enter the thread do I really need to do this, and do something else more time consuming like playing Billie Jean or think of Michael moonwalking the paparazzi out of the water.

Just an Idea I hope you post your opinions.

New Day, No Tabloids, New Start!!

Spread the peace and remember everything you do today can change something tomorrow.
freakin yeh! i love this post! mate, im getting in touch with you this evening... ive had the same opinions, and im planning something i think you might be interested in, cant go into it now as its loooooong, and im supposed to be working eeek! x
freakin yeh! i love this post! mate, im getting in touch with you this evening... ive had the same opinions, and im planning something i think you might be interested in, cant go into it now as its loooooong, and im supposed to be working eeek! x

Haha sounds flippin awesome hun!! :)

Talk later hun, think of mj while ur at work always helps the time go by hehe xxxx
Word!!! You are totally right. Michael didnt read or care about this garbage, so why shold we. I an really felling this! Thanks!
Word!!! You are totally right. Michael didnt read or care about this garbage, so why shold we. I an really felling this! Thanks!

Wicked hun keep that thought because the more we do now we can try and minimize along the way!!

I'll moonwalk some ass lmao!!