Lets Go on a Flight with Commander Jackson


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This is cool! I had seen this before! I wish I could play that game!

Edit: Oh this one is longer & different! I seen a shorter version and more clearer where the person loses the game and mj looked sad lol! I wanted to see what he says when someone actually won and this video showed that, cool! Thanks!
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OMG Commander Jackson, I'm at your command! I like the way he says "handle" :wub: Why have I never seen this before? Best 3:30 minutes of my life. Thanks for sharing. :D
Where is this from by the way?? It almost reminds me of Captain EO!!!!! :dancing:
Awww! :wub: Thank you so much for posting. Loved it when he yells "Touch Down!" at the end. :D
I read this in the youtube comments from Bitsy83

It's a simulator ride made by Sega in 1993 for an amusement park. It was originally called "Michael Jackson's Scramble Training", but this was made right before the Chandler incident. Before the ride was released, Jackson was edited out and it was changed to just "Scramble Training" because his name was being dragged through the mud.
oh you know MJ had alot to do with Sega, its said he made some of the music for sonic :D


Aww wow! Can't believe I have never seen this before!:doh: That looked pretty sweet.

Damn Chandlers!! If it weren't for those prats...

This would have been soooo awesome to experience in public! Thanks for posting tho!:)
Awwww! Michael. :wub: It kills me to think about what he went through right after that. :( Just look at that sweet baby, how could anyone do that to him? :no:
Thanks so much por posting this video, so rare!
And it's great, Michael looks so good! It kinda makes me a bit sad to know what came after that... :(