Let's Get We've Had Enough Played on the Radio


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Many people aren't familiar with this song because it came out amidst the trial and it didn't get much attention. But, I think it is one of the most powerful songs Michael has ever written and sung. And it totally expresses the frustrations of the times and yet, in that way that Michael was so adept at, it also is a call to action and a cause for hope.

There is a fan made video for it on You Tube which is very disturbing but incredibly powerful.


This is the last official song that Michael released before he died. And it never got the recognition it deserved.

I would like to start a movement of Michael's fans to get this song played on the radio. To remember Michael and as a call to action in his name in 2010.

It will take a huge effort by all of his fans. Please tell me what you think.
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Re: We've Had Enough

I love this song. It's been on my ipod for quite some time now and I could never skip over this song. So powerful and incredible. One of my favorite songs.

Great post and nice idea. More people need to hear this song. But how will we go forth and get this song on the radio?
Re: We've Had Enough

Hey Guys! Glad you are on board.

I am putting a shout out to anyone on this forum who is involved with or who knows anyone working in radio/music promotion/recording industry/publicity to put in their 2 cents worth. We all need to contact anyone we know who might be able to help. We can then gather all of the info and make a plan. That way we can be an overwhelming force. Like Michael says in the song, "there is nothing that can't be done, if we raise our voice as one".

Also, everyone on Twitter, Facebook, etc. please inform your friends and followers of the plan and ask them for input.

I know this is a long shot. Because the song was released so long ago and the music business is about money. Sony, who has the rights to the song, will want to make money from it. Creative ideas? Anyone?
One idea that I had would be to see if we could get the song played for some highly publicized event. I wish I had thought of this before the Haiti telethon. Perhaps someone could have covered it.

We can direct people to the YouTube version and video. A lot of people aren't even aware of the song. This message needs to be heard.
Re: We've Had Enough

I'm definetly in if we can do something. ANYTHING FOR MICHAEL. This is such a powerful song, just as Earth Song. I hate people who only judge Michael's music because of Thriller and Billie Jean, there's SO MUCH beyong these songs!
Re: We've Had Enough

They know the song in Iran too.At least they used it to their video from the iranian peoples uprising last summer.
It´s very powerful and people dies for real in the video.

In Palestina they think the song could have been made for them.

They ought to play it in the Nobel peaceprice concert.
Re: We've Had Enough

They know the song in Iran too.At least they used it to their video from the iranian peoples uprising last summer.
It´s very powerful and people dies for real in the video.

In Palestina they think the song could have been made for them.

They ought to play it in the Nobel peaceprice concert.

Awesome, then let's make it a global hit!
If we download it on itunes what are the chances of it being played on the radio?
Or should we call radio stations also to play the song. And if so, what radio stations should we call?