"Lets Both Go Outside And Play"?


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Can someone explain to me what the heck that lyric is about? lol. Everytime I hear this song, I try to ignore it, but can't. Kind of messes up an otherwise flawless song.
I'm assuming you mean in "Break of Dawn", right? Honestly, you're not alone! I've always wondered where he was going with that particular lyric.

I guess one could interpret into many different things, and there could be a number of right answers. I've always kind of taken it literally. He want's to start a new day with his "lover", or whomever. After what they "did" until the "break of dawn" he feels like a new man in the morning, and want's to use the day to it's fullest. Go out and "play". Play could mean many different things. He could mean that he wants to show his affection outside of the house, ya know, or he really does just want to play. You know, typical MJ style, water balloon fight, lol!
And aren't the next lines something like "let's walk down the park, makin' love til its dark"
So "play" could mean.....doing "things" outside.....

At the end of the day though, the lyric can almost be up to you. This is a good discussion though.
I was listening to it earlier on and was like "i wish i knew what the heck thats supposed to mean" lol. I always thought that he meant that he and whoever were going to go outside and continue the activity that they had been doing "till the break of dawn". Since as IvoryKeys the next line is "let's walk down the park, makin' love til its dark".

I always thought it was weird and the pairing of those two lines is hard to understand and then he still continues to talk about how he "wont stop till the break of dawn making love". But I also thought all of this could mean that hes just going to love her and treat her amazing well. Since he talks about going on a cruise and stuff like that.

Wow. The more I try to analyze this song the more confusing it appears.So I guess its just going to have to be whatever our little minds wants it to be. I'm just going to take it as exactly as he says it and be done with it lol.
Ya know what I just thought about. If you tally up the storyline, it sounds like it goes for about 2 days. So it kiiiiiiinda sounds like they've been going at it like rabbits for almost 2 days straight, lol! I could be wrong, but it was just a thought!
I guess one could interpret into many different things, and there could be a number of right answers. I've always kind of taken it literally. He want's to start a new day with his "lover", or whomever. After what they "did" until the "break of dawn" he feels like a new man in the morning, and want's to use the day to it's fullest. Go out and "play". Play could mean many different things. He could mean that he wants to show his affection outside of the house,
And aren't the next lines something like "let's walk down the park, makin' love til its dark"
So "play" could mean.....doing "things" outside.....
That's how I' have interpreted it. ;)
It's a beautiful song, one of my faves, very romantic, yet playful, and I think the lyrics all speak for themselves. I suppose perhaps you can get more than one meaning out of that line, though.
Ya know what I just thought about. If you tally up the storyline, it sounds like it goes for about 2 days. So it kiiiiiiinda sounds like they've been going at it like rabbits for almost 2 days straight, lol! I could be wrong, but it was just a thought!

lol, oh my.
Ummmm, I like that line! I think it's so sweet! especially since MJ likes/liked nature so much and animals and playing outdoors, etc........
I don't know if it had any hidden meanings like u guys are on to........LOL
But hey, you never know- could be true!

But either way it's sweet (not like slang "sweet", but like cute-sweet, lol)

But it goes with the song:yes:
He says (paraphrasing) let's not wait the sun is out...let's get up and let's get out. It's a brand new day, lets go outside and play
SO CUTE!!!! *sigh*:wub:
I think it pretty much means what it says...

I'm pretty sure he doesn't mean push tonka trucks in the sandbox, but adults go outside and enjoy themselves too.

I don't think there's anything hidden beneath the lyrics.
Can someone explain to me what the heck that lyric is about? lol. Everytime I hear this song, I try to ignore it, but can't. Kind of messes up an otherwise flawless song.

I couldn't agree more... that line to me is just :bugeyed otherwise a very good song.

I always felt like it don't really fit into the song, and just thrown in type of thing coz it rhymed lol!
I was listening to it earlier on and was like "i wish i knew what the heck thats supposed to mean" lol. I always thought that he meant that he and whoever were going to go outside and continue the activity that they had been doing "till the break of dawn". Since as IvoryKeys the next line is "let's walk down the park, makin' love til its dark".

I always thought it was weird and the pairing of those two lines is hard to understand and then he still continues to talk about how he "wont stop till the break of dawn making love". But I also thought all of this could mean that hes just going to love her and treat her amazing well. Since he talks about going on a cruise and stuff like that.

Wow. The more I try to analyze this song the more confusing it appears.So I guess its just going to have to be whatever our little minds wants it to be. I'm just going to take it as exactly as he says it and be done with it lol.

Been a longtime since I've listened to this song, its one of my husbands favorite from Invincible, which says to me; your interpertation must be what Michael was singing about, lol.
Well, I guess it could be two things...To just finally get up and go out in the fresh air to enjoy the beautiful day...Or it means "doing it" outdoors for variety...:wild: :lol: :lol:
Regardless......effin' great song! Sometimes artists have a specific story they want their listeners to get out of a song, other times they leave it up to the listener to decide on how they feel about it.

I always wished it could have been a single. It would have done great on the charts.
it is very straightforward to me. you need to understand what had been going on to know what is meant. The couple have been rolling in the sack for a longtime, nonestop. they are taking a break for the moment, they are going outside to play, yes, play, love play, walking in the park, enjoying nature, loving each other, outside, until it is time to go back indoors to make love again til the break of dawn. that is love talk. You got to be there to understand. Even the best of lovers need to go outside sometimes, but they carryon loving each other outside,playing with each other. nothing strange at all.
Interesting analysis of the lyric by everyone. I guess I found it to be questionable because when you hear someone talking about going outside and play, they are almost always referring to children, not adults so that's why I found to it to be a bit odd, but reading some of the comments in here has made me look at a bit differently now.
To me it seems as though he feels energized. She makes him feel like LIVING! Go outside and play :D just that. It is, after all, a part of keeping love fresh.
:scratch: y'all have all got me feelin' kinda dumb because i always took it to mean let's go outside and play you know tag, hide n seek, redlight :scratch: why is there probably another meaning? will someone help me out here? i always feel so lost in the land of song interpretation

sorry i missed reading your post Datsymae

it is very straightforward to me. you need to understand what had been going on to know what is meant. The couple have been rolling in the sack for a longtime, nonestop. they are taking a break for the moment, they are going outside to play, yes, play, love play, walking in the park, enjoying nature, loving each other, outside, until it is time to go back indoors to make love again til the break of dawn. that is love talk. You got to be there to understand. Even the best of lovers need to go outside sometimes, but they carryon loving each other outside,playing with each other. nothing strange at all.
thank you, makes all the sense in the world to me too
It could've been about the couple rolling around, playing around. Michael didn't mention sex until he got to the "making love until it's dark" part, lol.
Well what would they "play" in the park? The song's about making love, lol.
^ oh you mean like let's both go outside and ......? hmmmm :scratch: hadn't thougtta that

well i still choose to believe he wants to get up and run around :lol:
come on guys, its a metaphor lol..im sure if u think long enough u will get it, i got it when i first heard it and i was 11 @ the time lol
Maybe he is leaving the interpretation up to her to decide whether he means play play, or sexual fun ;) ...lol. I think both could be possible.

but I always saw it as "let's get up and let's get out" meaning get up, get outside and enjoy the day! In a romantic fun way sure, but not as sex... ah I guess I'm just too pure and innocent to see it otherwise :lol: