Let's be EXTENTIONS of Michael Jackson! I just sponsored the child :)


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
I did it, In HIS memory. i sponsored the child from Chile :)
I'm so happy now. I know soon i'll be weeping over Michael again, but he's more alive to me now than he was since his death!
We can do so much. So much! By just helping one person. And those were Michael's words.
I vowed to our Angel, I will continue what he was doing. That's how he will stay alive in my life :)
If you think about suicide, think of doing something good because of Michael. You will feel better. Michael gave us sooooooooo much, we can give something back by helping the world to be a better place.

Peace and love to all :)
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I was planning to sponsor a child when I get enough money!
And YES it keeps me strong to think that we as fans are the living extensions of Michael. Our love and passion will contenue! We will be the ones singing "Heal The World" now!
He gave us the tools, now lets use them!
I had tickets to one of the shows next January so I'm going to give my ticket refund to charity. Haven't decided which charity yet though.
So beautiful. :) I'm gonna do the same in trying to help around me. We all should use what we learn from Michael, and apply it. It's a great idea... "extensions of Michael Jackson" to help the world in every single little way and that will all add up. We can give back from all the wonderful things he has given us.
That's a beautiful thing. I've always wanted to go to a poor country and volunteer at an orphanage. I think now I will stop putting it off and arrange it, in Michael's memory.
so beautiful. Michael look at us! you've made us this way. we love you so much. thank you for being our tutor and sharing your life. you did heal this world. now you're gone, it's in our hands to do so.

heal the world we live in, save it for our children.
That's exactly the kind of thing I think we should do! Michael would be happy to know that he inspired people to make a difference.