Let's all stay positive for Michael and his family.


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
I know it can be hard hearing and reading some of the 'negative' articles about the man we loved and respected, and we are used to having to defend Michael (our 'friend') for many years. But I have to say that, in general, most people respect Michael for the 'legacy' he has left us.

Since his tragic death I have noticed an uprising of public support for Michael, and a lot of positive information and articles being presented to us via the media - albeit 'too late' in many ways. We need to focus on the positive and treat the negative with the disdain it deserves. It can be hard, I know, to ignore some of the rubbish we hear and read but, for our own sakes as well as Michael's, we need to try as hard as possible. Otherwise all we do is 'fan the flames of hatred', and I am sure none of us want that.

If we post about the many positive articles surrounding Michael, we will lift ourselves up, help ourselves overcome the grief we are feeling, and promote the truly great things the 'King of Pop' achieved in his lifetime -and even after his death. If we ignore the desperate attempts of the media to sully his reputation and we refuse to fan their flames of hate, they will eventually fade and die.

I hope this does not come across as 'preaching, as it is not meant to be. I am writing this as much for myself as anyone. I really feel it is time for us to let go of the hate (although the media may deserve it), and start celebrating Michaels wonderful life and achievements.

Rest in peace Michael. The Angles have a new 'Lead Singer'.
Yeah I think so too! :)
We have to cheer ourselves up!

I totally can understand that you are still sad like I did, but I managed to stay strong and now I enjoy more being a Michael Jackson fan! :)

If you need to talk, we are here!
I think since some people here have MSN, we should add each other and talk and support one another. We are a family and now Michael's spirit is watching over us.