Lenny Kravitz Remembers Teena Marie R.I.P

MJ TinkerBell

Proud Member
Aug 27, 2009
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Lenny Kravitz Remembers Teena Marie:

&#8220;She Gave Me A Bedroom And Fed Me&#8221;...
Post by NewsOne Staff in Entertainment on Dec 28, 2010 at 12:20 am


Musician Lenny Kravitz just revealed that he shared a deeper connection than most with the late Teena Marie. Taking to his Twitter account after being informed of the tragic news, Lenny sent out a very personal video in dedication to the singer.

&#8220;Good morning, I&#8217;m in Paris and I just woke to the tragic news that my sister [and] long time friend, Teena Marie, passed away yesterday. I want to send all my love and respect out to her family. And I just want to say Teena Marie was a treasure, genius, composer, arranger, singer, musician, unique, underrated by far and I wouldn&#8217;t be here if it wasn&#8217;t for Teena.


She took me in when I was around 16. I was just a musician on the street. I was living from pillar to post. She took me in and gave me a bedroom. She fed me, she cooked for me, took care of me. She gave me instruments to play, she took me to all her recording sessions and concerts. She nurtured me and helped me to become who I am. I never really talked much about it in depth, but I would not be here. She changed my life not only as an artist but as a person who truly loved me for who I was. We&#8217;ve been out of contact for the last few years but I just want to say that &#8216;Teena I will always love and respect you.&#8217; Thank you for being my friend&#8212;thank you Father for the life of Teena Marie.&#8221;

The duo did however record a duet, &#8220;Main Squeeze,&#8221; that appeared on Marie&#8217;s 1994 album, &#8220;Passion Play.&#8221;


&#8220;Teena and I are both Pisces and we believe that we&#8217;ve been here before,&#8221; he tweeted. &#8220;That&#8217;s why &#8216;De Ja Vu&#8217; is my favorite song.&#8221;

Marie, who was a protégé of Rick James&#8217;, was found dead by her 18-year-old daughter Sunday in California..

-From Vibe.com

Lenny Kravitz Video Message for The Beautiful Teena Marie

The Sources:


MJ TinkerBell..:wub::angel::wub: