Lena Horne 1917-2010 Trailblazer..


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
East New York ,Brooklyn N.Y,USA
This is sad news for everyone who knows this wonderful talented lady.. Brooklyn Born Lena Horne has passed away at the age of 92 on the a day that celebrates mother's everywhere.... Eventhough she already a great songtress and dancer with many LPs to her credit ,She was a trailblazer of African American women in film with a high paid contract and she was also a believer in Civil Rights. Stormy Weather and Cabin In The Sky and Race Movies and Others films including The WIZ made her a wellknown star on film. She did a 1 Women Play on Broadway, "Lena Horne, The Lady and Her Muisc" about herself and guested starred in sitcoms and other TV shows. The one thing I remember about her as a Teenager is when I saw her in the 1 women play ,she told the audience about the makeup she used to stay the tone she was not to be eventhough she was already lightskinned,Like a few shades lighter than she was because The film makers wanted the audieneces to think she was White and That She had to have many wardrobe changes because she sweats alot but boy what a show she gave and It won a Tony too... My Mother would tell me stories about when she was younger that she saw her in Ohio at a club and years later I got that chance to see her.I didn't know how My Sister got the tickets to see Lena but I was blessed to have seen her perform live. Well Folks, Glinda The Good witch of the South is with The ScareCrow,The Lion,The Fake WIZ and the Tinman and Miss One. WOW Most of the WIZ cast except Diane Ross and Quincy Jones.They are the only ones to tell the WIZ story now. I will Miss her, I also know The High School inwhich she attended, Girls High School which is now Boys and Girls High School in Bed Stuy will somehow do a tribute to her. She will be Missed by all who loved her.
Lena Horne RIP:angel:
Don't worry, Michael will take care of her.
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