Legends, Icons and Idols


Proud Member
Jan 19, 2012
I thought this would be funny subject to talk about.
I had a conversation with the friends about legends, icons and idols.
We were talking about who famous internationally, globally knownperson can truly called a legend, who is an icon and then just an idol.
That was quite easy job and conversation flowed, and we were able to agree with nearly all the names that came up into our heads.
We hit the rocky road when we started to talk about who can be called all three, Legend, Icon and Idol.
Requirements were:
The Legend - legendary
An Icon - iconic
An Idol - idolised

Can you name other people that qualifies in all three category? It doesn't necessary have to be singer or actor, just someone - something that is well known and can be regarded as all three above.

I name 3, Michael, Elvis and Marilyn

PS, I hope my post is understandable what I'm after:blush:
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Thanks for the reply Severus.
I was kind of looking for more international, globally well known legend, icon+idol. Sorry, my fault, it wasn't mentioned in my post.

I say Martin Luther King. Would he be considered as legend, icon and idol?
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