Leave me alone.


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Anyone else in love with his AAOOWWWs in this song, particularly the first one?
it's awfully cute :)
YES and I can't wait until he performs these particular parts during his concerts!
:lol: i love them :)
i'm also a sucker for the "HOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO"s like in Beat It live and yeah the pAOOOWWZ in Smooth criminal are incredible, also on "bad" near the end when he goes HOOOOOOO!...answer right now gonna tell you once again... who's bad and to finish off when Michael is punching through the air on Black or White and says HOOOO! :lol: sorry! i love MJ and his noises :wub: i love him so much ;) :D
i like it when he does multiple HOOOs. Like in Man in the Mirror, I think there are 9 in a row, and in earth song, there's 12 or something off the top of my head :p

Also, anyone love the 'air slap' in you are not alone???
know what i'm talking bout???
It's awesome :)
YESS I can picture it right now he has some sort of facial expression and i can't find the right word, but kind of a grunt look? he bites his lip then goes "tho you're far away" then like whips his hand :wub: haahaa i've never noticed how sexy that is.
YESS I can picture it right now he has some sort of facial expression and i can't find the right word, but kind of a grunt look? he bites his lip then goes "tho you're far away" then like whips his hand :wub: haahaa i've never noticed how sexy that is.

lol yeahhhh THAT'S IT! i love it!!!

one time, this girl was giving my friend a really hard time at school, so i went up to the girl and did the the little slap thing (i didn't hit her), but I knocked her beanie off of her head and everyone laughed. I t put a smile on my friend's face :p