Leave Britney Alone!


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
We all remember that infamous YouTube video from a certain fanatic Britney Spears fan, right? Well, I'm actually starting to feel that way myself. I never really considered myself a huge fan but I'm getting really tired of reading and seeing such harsh negativity towards her.

I don't understand it. I've been feeling for a long time that she has become the female MJ as far as the media and general public are concerned (obviously, not talent wise). Britney is a walking punching bag. She has become dehumanized and someone deemed as okay to beat up, make fun of, and bring down.

We are encouraged to not like Britney. She is harshly and often unfairly criticized and judged for every move she makes or doesn't make. The girl can't do anything right. I've read every sensational thing under the sun as far as Britney is concerned. Everything from her being a puppet, bad mother, crazy, to a fraud.

I don't understand any of it because Britney Spears NEVER promised us anything. She never pretended to be something she's not. She doesn't try to convince us that she's some brilliant artist. No, she's not Madonna, Janet, Mariah, etc. but she is a human being and doesn't deserve to be treated like garbage.

Some may say she does deserve to be treated so poorly and is undeserving of her success but I disagree. This is a girl who has worked so hard (since she was a little girl) that it drove her over the edge because she didn't know how to cope.

I guess what I'm saying here is that I wish people would cut her some slack. She's only 27 and has been a pop superstar for 11 years (and a child star before that). I know my message will probably be lost to many since it's so popular to hate on her but I have such compassion for this girl. I guess I'm drawn to the underdog types- the people we're told not to like, who get knocked down but still rise to the top.

I wish Britney the best and hope she has people around her that love her and can keep her grounded. She needs all the help she can get with the way the media treats her.

Thanks for reading.
I've never been much of a fan of her music but to come out on top after everything she's been through is pretty courageous and comendable.
I have to admit that I always had sympathy for her and I totally agree that people and esp the media should leave her alone.
But I'm kinda reliefed that the situation improved compared to 08. Last year it was VERY bad and I saw some vids of this nice channel HollywoodTV on YouTube. I felt so sorry for her, people chasing her, placing bids if she's going to kill herself that year, it was so damn disrespecting.. people tend to forget that celebrities are human being aswell, they have feelings and shouldnt be our entertainment programm 24/7.

Totally agree with you Travis!
I agree, I have always liked Britney and I'm really proud of her for the way she's dealt with problems she's faced. I wish people would leave her alone too, it's like people forget she's human with feelings. Very unfair, I just hope she can rise above it.
I agree.

Watching her show on Saturday night I thought she was fantastic! Granted she isn't the same as she used to be but that comes down to rebuilding her confidence I will say she looked like she was enjoying her performance and feeding off the crowd.
The media stories that people wlaked out of her show is complete BULLSHIT! I was there - and sorry, but how the hell do u notice 3 people walking out of a 18,000 sold out venue?

She lipsyncs, but this is nothing NEW? I went in to her show on Sat night expecting nothing less. Let it go people.

Britney - the undisputed princess of pop and most important/influencial/talked about female pop act of the last decade :)
Yes, last year was a very bad year for Britney. Those hollywood TV videos on youtube from last year are terrible. The crazyness that surrouded her..paparazzi were stalking her but then became her sort of babysitters when she went out driving, she needed help. The whole shaving of the head thing was wow..

She was America's princess.. then they brought her down. Familiar story? I feel like we've been here before..
I'm not a fan. I used to like her when I was younger and I feel sorry for her. I dont think she deserves to be made fun of and especially dehumanize. It's not right to treat anyone like that.

And this isn't 1999 anymore, everyone knows she lip-synchs. I'm just disappointed with the way she dances now. That was one of her strongest talent! :lol: Now, it's like she's not trying hard anymore. I remember back in 2005 when everyone was giving her a hard time, she was still fierce with her moves. Oh well, hope you get it back Britney...
Yes, last year was a very bad year for Britney. Those hollywood TV videos on youtube from last year are terrible. The crazyness that surrouded her..paparazzi were stalking her but then became her sort of babysitters when she went out driving, she needed help. The whole shaving of the head thing was wow..

She was America's princess.. then they brought her down. Familiar story? I feel like we've been here before..

This type of thing always builds people of to super stardom and tears them down pretty hard. We have seen it so many time in our pop culture.
Yeah I remeber that youtube video that hit the internet all around the country. I feel so sorry about Birtney & she's a human she makes mistake like everyboday else
I'm not a fan. I used to like her when I was younger and I feel sorry for her. I dont think she deserves to be made fun of and especially dehumanize. It's not right to treat anyone like that.

And this isn't 1999 anymore, everyone knows she lip-synchs. I'm just disappointed with the way she dances now. That was one of her strongest talent! :lol: Now, it's like she's not trying hard anymore. I remember back in 2005 when everyone was giving her a hard time, she was still fierce with her moves. Oh well, hope you get it back Britney...

I'm pretty sure the reason she isn't as smooth with her moves is because she blew her knee out and had to have surgery. I don't think she ever quite recovered after that but still does pretty well.
I don't understand it. I've been feeling for a long time that she has become the female MJ as far as the media and general public are concerned (obviously, not talent wise). Britney is a walking punching bag. She has become dehumanized and someone deemed as okay to beat up, make fun of, and bring down.

She has not endured a fraction of the abuse and ridicule Michael had to! Not even close or in the same league! Most of the mild negative reactions to her are really just self-inflicted annoyances.
her tweets in the last hour.... errrr.WHAT>?!

i hope that the new world order will arrive as soon as possible! -Britney
24 minutes ago from web

I give myself to Lucifer every day for it to arrive as quickly as possible. Glory to Satan!
about 1 hour ago from web
I actually just returned form Britney's Circus concert! It's really amazing to see her in person finally but it's a bit dissapointing that she lip-sync the whole way through her concert and it was too short! There was too much Circus people rather than Britney on her own. Oh yeah, her had "Wanna be startin somethin" played in her concert and the crowd went wild just hearing the song! lol!

I used to be a huge Britney fan and I performed her songs in school events when I was younger.
her tweets in the last hour.... errrr.WHAT>?!

i hope that the new world order will arrive as soon as possible! -Britney
24 minutes ago from web

I give myself to Lucifer every day for it to arrive as quickly as possible. Glory to Satan!
about 1 hour ago from web

huh? is that her real twitter?

i think shes been hacked. she was hacked before..

chimpmunk was tweeting about being suicidal.. dont know if that was him or a hacker.
her tweets in the last hour.... errrr.WHAT>?!

i hope that the new world order will arrive as soon as possible! -Britney
24 minutes ago from web

I give myself to Lucifer every day for it to arrive as quickly as possible. Glory to Satan!
about 1 hour ago from web

Theyve been taken down now...must have been a hacker!!
Theyve been taken down now...must have been a hacker!!

Oh come on now! It's obviously not her. Britney is a southern baptist. That was probably some radical christian trying to condemn her for showing her navel. :smilerolleyes:
She has not endured a fraction of the abuse and ridicule Michael had to! Not even close or in the same league! Most of the mild negative reactions to her are really just self-inflicted annoyances.

No one ever said that it's as bad as it was with Michael but you are deluding yourself if you think Britney hasn't had to deal with immense negativity from the media (especially a couple of years ago). If it were simple "annoyances" she wouldn't have had a breakdown and been placed in a mental health facility along with having her children taken away.