Leave a memory on mj.com ...


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Hope this hasn't been posted yet.

Fans can leave memories on www.michaeljackson.com . More than 100,000 so far...

This is what I wrote:

"A memory with Michael Jackson? How about thousands of them...
The memory of him teaching me to stand up for myself...the memory of him teaching me to fight for my dreams no matter what it took...the memory of him telling me to love everything around me, because love is mankind's only salvation...the memory of him teaching me to forgive and be understanding...the memory of him telling me to destroy all boundaries and see a brother/sister in everyone around me...the memory of his angelic voice that has now gone silent forever, a voice that has always spoken words that cheered me up and brought hope back into my heart.
Michael is the memory of my growing up and becoming a person I am not ashamed of.
Michael was my strength in life and will continue being forever.
I love you, Michael, and what has happened is the biggest injustice in history. No words can convey my pain.
I hope you are at peace now and feel the love that millions of us are sending you.
You will remain forever in our hearts~ "

I don't think I'll ever engulf this pain.

P.S. 2 mins after I posted mine, there were 2000 more :blink: I shouldn't be surprised but.... WOW!
June 27th

The King of Music Forever!

I have had an inexplicable connection with Michael Jackson since I was 5 years old. The first video I saw was Bad and I fell in love. I remember wearing my aunt's penny loafers and doing the moonwalk across my living room. I experienced one of the worst days of my life on August 25, 2009. However, I also fell in love with Michael all over again. Michael you are the definition of perfecting a craft. I am grateful that I was put on this earth while you were here and I was able to experience your greatness. Brother, I love you and I know you are at peace now. You're legacy will live on through your fans and through my unborn children. They will be fans too!! Your fan for life!
Hope this hasn't been posted yet.

Fans can leave memories on www.michaeljackson.com . More than 100,000 so far...

This is what I wrote:

"A memory with Michael Jackson? How about thousands of them...
The memory of him teaching me to stand up for myself...the memory of him teaching me to fight for my dreams no matter what it took...the memory of him telling me to love everything around me, because love is mankind's only salvation...the memory of him teaching me to forgive and be understanding...the memory of him telling me to destroy all boundaries and see a brother/sister in everyone around me...the memory of his angelic voice that has now gone silent forever, a voice that has always spoken words that cheered me up and brought hope back into my heart.
Michael is the memory of my growing up and becoming a person I am not ashamed of.
Michael was my strength in life and will continue being forever.
I love you, Michael, and what has happened is the biggest injustice in history. No words can convey my pain.
I hope you are at peace now and feel the love that millions of us are sending you.
You will remain forever in our hearts~ "

I don't think I'll ever engulf this pain.

P.S. 2 mins after I posted mine, there were 2000 more :blink: I shouldn't be surprised but.... WOW!

Your words made me cry again. It's exactly what I feel...
Posted mines

awww yall posts made me breakdown thank yall thank yall we must bond togther
Here's what I posted:

I had the privilage of seeing Michael Jackson in person on August 30th, 2003 in Los Angeles. One of the fanclubs threw Michael a birthday party. He was turning 45. They extended an invitation to him, and I had the strangest urge that I needed to be there. Michael was present that night and it was the best moment of my life. It's even more special to me now. I was in the upper section of the theater, but so was Michael's private box. I couldn't have been more than 20 feet away from him. It was utterly amazing. I'll never forget the tremendous energy I felt just being in his presence, like my senses were on overload. I will cherish this memory forever.

I love you, Michael. You will live on in my memory and in my heart. Rest in peace.

I have feared this day, whole my life.

I knew it was gonna come someday. I thought I was going to be prepared, be ready.. to let go of you.. Michael. In maybe 10-20 years or so.. Now I understand you can never be ready for death. I was gonna see you in 20 days. In London, in a packed O2 Arena. But the truth is.. I will never see you again.. never. And just the thought of that breaks my heart. I never got the chance to say goodbye to my greatest father figure.

You where the spark in my creative life.

You set it all up Mike. If it wasn’t for you Michael.. None of my love for singing, for dancing, for playing on my keys would have existed. And NONE of my love, my Incredible Love for Music would have come to life. You ignited a fire in my heart.

Gone to soon..

Last time I saw you, was August the 16th 1997. I promise you and everyone around that I will never forget that day. It was in the middle of the HIStory tour. I was in town with my family, mother and brother. Gothenburg was Loaded with MJ-hype! It was perfect! In fact, the whole atmosphere was Magical. You rocked our hearts and souls the whole night and we all loved it.

Human nature

Now you are free.. Free from all this hell on earth. Many people have been terrible to you. Tried to break you down, with lies and jealousy. You could never trust anyone, but your beautiful self. I hope.. I know and You know Mike.. that they will pay for it today and forever on.

Michael Jackson,
I will never stop loving you and what you did to this earth. You brought faith to the people, you brought love, hit’s, dancing joy, so much charity and fantastic shows that no one can can ever dream of creating. You gave your soul, you gave it all.

I know you had a spectacular life, for better and for worse. Your talent and beautiful mind says it all. We will never have a Star, an Angel like you.

I will see you on the other side..
Rest in peace my friend, my dear Friend.

Michael Jackson.. You are my life.