Learning more about the real enemies. (MJ and education)


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
The Moon
The real enemies of Michael Jackson weren't a race, weren't a religion but a type of mindset and possibly sociopaths. There is barely any real awareness on what a sociopath really is due to the media only fixating on those that are serial killers. Not all sociopaths kill with their own hands.

Some will get someone else to do it for them. Some are just more about emotionally traumatizing others and never taking blame but blaming the victims.

Why is there little awareness of sociopaths? Sociopaths don't view people as human beings with feelings and rights but instead merely objects to control to suit their own agendas. Will often refer to a person in such a manner disregarding how the person may actually feel.

When emotions are displayed they come across as feigned and can cry on command, even pass lie detector tests. Very two faced and backstabbers.

If caught in criminal activities when questioned "Do you understand what you did wrong?" the sociopath will talk about getting caught and how that was wrong and how they would change it next time.

The real enemies behind Michael Jackson were sociopaths. Journalists that disregarded his rights and didn't care about him as a human being and just ratings for themselves and what is interesting is after Martin Bashir aired that horrible interview "living with Micahel Jackson" which prompted the 2nd molestation accusation, Martin Bashir now has a job with ABC. Only sociopaths would deem that worthy of consideration for hiring someone. On Youtube you can find the same interview but what Martin Bashir did not add to his interview which shows two faced Martin saying nice things about Michael.

We are currently living in a society that promotes the sociopathic and narcissistic mentality. All over MTV it's gangstas, theft, crime, materialism and treating women like objects rather than human beings.

This is what Michael Jackson was totally against and alot of MJ's fans admired this quality in him because they themselves are tired of it too.

So in your own personal time and your life since the media will not give out warning signs of sociopaths and what to look out for, here is what you look for.

-lying cooly often with a straight face. When caught in a lie will change story, may also turn it around on you and berate belittle you.

-Not all will resort to violence but if a sociopath feels that you have wronged them even if it was a misunderstanding, the sociopath will not let up. The sociopath may turn others even your close family against you and even resort to making up lies.

-Appear charming but covertly hostile and controlling. Manipulative and always must have their way.

-May demand unreasonable favors such as spending all of your time with the sociopath even though you have other things to do. Might seek revenge or criticize you constantly.

-Gaslighting. Gaslighting is when the person tries to drive you crazy by changing the facts of events that have occured. Over time this will make you question your own sanity even though you know that your recalled events are correct.

-Has strong empathy in one sense which is the ability to know what the other person wants to hear from the moment of meeting the person but lacks compassion and empathy in the area of not caring about the person's feelings or rights.

-Likes to press buttons to get what they want and will often use guilt, fear to control their victims. Will also use the hot and cold shoulder treatment leaving victims always feel on edge. If it's a relationship, sometimes at first it may seem interesting but after a while the perosn feels emotionally drained.

-If the person is in a profession, the sociopath will sabotage their way to the top but not really be able to perform the tasks they claim. To keep their position, they will keep a paranoid close eye on those who are honest and report workers doing bad things. Rather than reward the honest person, will promote the dishonest person because the dishonest person is more likely to help with the sociopath's mask of deception.

-Sociopaths view children as burdens and "different" people as a threat. In the public eye however the sociopath will put on a fake smile and act loving but behind closed doors abusive.

-The sociopath will feign emotions but if someone doesn't fall for it may turn into a very spiteful and vindictive person.

-Sociopaths do not want love, they want someone to exploit for their own personal gains. Will often marry if it will make them look good or give them a bonus. It's all about money and having multiple masks to portray a good person. Sociopaths often have roles involving charity, crisis hotlines, nurses, doctors, child care, boy/girl scounts, preachers at churches to give an illusion of nice person. The difference between a sociopath and an actual nice person is, a nice person gives with no ulterior motive. The sociopath will get upset if there is nothing to be gained for themselves and often if it doesn't add onto their mask of deception will pull out of the charity and ridicule those they pretended to care about blaming them for being ungrateful.

Sociopaths involved with charities do not like those that actually give from the heart and may resent that person as they think the other person is lying or trying to one up them.

There have been reports of nurses murdering their patients injecting lethal amounts of drugs for a thrill including a nurse who hated the elderly and thought of them as nuisances.


There were sociopaths all around MJ. Jews weren't MJ's enemeis. Dr. Murray was not the enemy because he was black. Thome Thome who said “Michael Jackson is an institution.
He needs to be run like an institution," is something a sociopath would say. Martin Bashir was not the enemy because he was Pakistani. These people all have similarities. Those similarities are the mindset of a sociopath.
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