Lawsuit affect concerts????


Proud Member
Mar 7, 2009
Southampton, UK
I had a horrible thought brought to me today...

Is there a chance that this latest lawsuit could affect THIS IS IT??

I would be SO sad if any concerts got cancelled

Can't people just leave michael alone !?!
Can't people just leave michael alone !?!

Well not really. A lot of the time it is because people are owed money from him, so they arent just going to leave it, and no I doubt this will affect the concerts :)
I know people want what they are owed. It just really annoys me when i hear another negative story about michael.
It wouldnt effect the concerts unless Michael is called to court
It wouldnt effect the concerts unless Michael is called to court

for this type of case, even if it went to court... it is unlikely michael would be required to attend... he could do something via video link (in terms of a recorded deposition as he has done previously) or he could send someone on his behalf to represent.

it won't go that far, though. I seriously doubt raymone is owed $44 million dollars. lol.
it has nothing to do with it and its a civil lawsuit they cant call him to court even more so when hes out of the country and as we have senn it takes well over a year at least for cases to reach trial
I know people want what they are owed. It just really annoys me when i hear another negative story about michael.

I know but they arent likely to leave him alone when they feel something is owed to them from him.
It won't affect the concerts. This won't come to court until months down the line anyway and its possible it may not even come to that.
Don't worry. It only will delay the release of the new album. Because his music costs more than he earns with it. If she takes the money, he can't use it for his art
yes it will affect the concerts!!! MJ will be stronger !!
Even if (Heaven Forbid) Mike gets accused of a horrific crime and made to surrender his passport, The O2 shows are known as a contractual agreement, which means that in July, his Passport will be given back to him and he will be given the go-ahead for the shows.

Who remembers in 2003 (late December I think it was) when it was reported that MJ could be travelling to London to sort out a contractual obligation? They reported it as a sneak-in, sneak-out situation. In the end, I think whatever the business dealing consisted of was dealt with and he stayed in the States.

Bottom Line; NOTHING can stop him from doing these shows :)
Like many of the other lawsuits Michael has had filed against him, I think it will be sorted sooner rather than later.

Like everyone else has said though, it isn't gonna affect the concerts!