Law & Order- Sick

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Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Everyone knows the TV show Law & Order. Well they always get the plots of their episodes straight from the headlines.

Well check out this episode tittled "Sick". It was made in 2004.

Its about a rich man who has dedicated his life to helping children being accused of molesting multiple children(including a dying cancer patient) and paying money parents millions to keep quiet. Sound familiar?

I found this to be interesting. Because the guy in the episode has a home that is exactly like Neverland(toys, games, animals, maids, etc.). Basically everything in this episode is EXACTLY like MJ's situation. They talk about how he has constant sleep-overs with children. When you watch it, its REALLY earie to see and hear the similarities of the two cases. They even use some of MJ's direct quotes from the Bashir Documentary.

BUT it turns out at the end of the episode that the second accuser set up the whole thing to frame the man. But they still think he is guilty of the first crime.

And for anyone who might get offended by this, I'm sorry. But I'm posting this for anyone who may be interested in watching, or who didn't know about this.
Yeah I remember seeing that one. My girlfriend likes watching those shows. Both of was where like WTF when that episode was on TV.
I remember this from the time during the trial...

Its pathetic.
A lot of MJ-fans stopped watching the show since then..
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