Latoya states MJ was a drug addict AGAIN

she was talking about when he had a problem with it years ago, and she clearly says that he was clean before june 25
I listened to the interview a couple of times and I understand her to be saying that Michael had a drug problem was was then VERY CLEAN prior to June 25th......I believe her...I can look at Michael in the TII Movie and tell he was is very obvious to me..IMHO.
I listened to the interview a couple of times and I understand her to be saying that Michael had a drug problem was was then VERY CLEAN prior to June 25th......I believe her...I can look at Michael in the TII Movie and tell he was is very obvious to me..IMHO.

But she did say he was ashamed of admitting that he was a drug-addict. She claims MJ pushed his family because they didn't allow him to continue being a drug-addict. Latoya stated that MJ's kids don't even know who their mother is nor do they know who is Diana Ross. She is painting Michael as someone who knew nothing about his own life, despite the family's many attempts of giving him a better life (something that obviously didn't happen: his family never cared). This woman said Michael lied about Joe Jackson. Continue defending the woman who keeps tarnishing his image!
OH JUST STOP WITH THE LATOYA THREADS. aint like she was never on drugs! hell look at her past!
She clearly said before he died he was very clean, he had been to get treatment.

If he got treatment then it was because he used to be a junkie. So, Latoya called Michael a junkie. The autopsy reports showed that Michael's liver was in perfect condition, so he was NEVER the low-life druggie Latoya claims he was once.
I do not like criticising the Jackson family but I have had enough of LaToya. Even Jermaine hasn't hogged the spotlight as much as her.
But she did say he was ashamed of admitting that he was a drug-addict. She claims MJ pushed his family because they didn't allow him to continue being a drug-addict. Latoya stated that MJ's kids don't even know who their mother is nor do they know who is Diana Ross. She is painting Michael as someone who knew nothing about his own life, despite the family's many attempts of giving him a better life (something that obviously didn't happen: his family never cared). This woman said Michael lied about Joe Jackson. Continue defending the woman who keeps tarnishing his image!

I guess you have never read any of my other posts on this forum,,,,,hhmm,,,,,,,I am not a LaToya supporter....I think she talks to much...way too much...And I think she is full of crap when she says the kids dont know their mom.....Michael himself said that they went and spent two weeks at a time with her,,,so with that being said.....I will no longer mention Michael's children because I feel as though it is disrespectful to speak about them seeing as they are minor children and do not have a say.......However maybe she did say that Michael WAS ashamed of being an addict in earlier years...that doesn't mean she was speaking about the recent days prior to june 25th.
But she did say he was ashamed of admitting that he was a drug-addict. She claims MJ pushed his family because they didn't allow him to continue being a drug-addict. Latoya stated that MJ's kids don't even know who their mother is nor do they know who is Diana Ross. She is painting Michael as someone who knew nothing about his own life, despite the family's many attempts of giving him a better life (something that obviously didn't happen: his family never cared). This woman said Michael lied about Joe Jackson. Continue defending the woman who keeps tarnishing his image!

She was talking about before around the time when he admitted he was addicted to the drugs, but after that he was clean and had got help, I think you didn't understand what she said.

She not talking about before michael died, if you listen to what she said, when they found out the first time michael was addicted to the pain medication, they had to find ways to force their self into his house and jump the gates to get to him.
Because the people around him was keeping them away from him, she said before michael's death he was very much clean and she said what ever michael had in him they put that in him (meaning the doctor).
If he got treatment then it was because he used to be a junkie. So, Latoya called Michael a junkie. The autopsy reports showed that Michael's liver was in perfect condition, so he was NEVER the low-life druggie Latoya claims he was once.

Wow you are taking this wrong, michael admitted a long time ago he was addicted to pain medication and latoya was talking the pepsi commerical when he was taking pain medication and that was the medication he had addiction to.

That's how he got addicted to it and after they found out they had to force their self into his house by jumping the gates because the same people michael fired or let go was keeping them away from him to make sure he stayed on medicatioin.

But the family was able to get in and help michael so he could get treatment, after that michael was very much clean, she is saying also in her words someone killed michael.
She was talking about before around the time when he admitted he was addicted to the drugs, but after that he was clean and had got help, I think you didn't understand what she said.

She not talking about before michael died, if you listen to what she said, when they found out the first time michael was addicted to the pain medication, they had to find ways to force their self into his house and jump the gates to get to him.
Because the people around him was keeping them away from him, she said before michael's death he was very much clean and she said what ever michael had in him they put that in him (meaning the doctor).

She SAID Michael pushed his family who didn't allow him to continue being a drug addict. She claimed MJ started being a junkie when he got burned in the Pepsi commercial. Well, Michael had a drug problem once: when he was accused of pedophilia ofr the first time. Besides, he was addicted for a few months. He wasn't addicted for years as Latoya implied.
She SAID Michael pushed his family who didn't allow him to continue being a drug addict. She claimed MJ started being a junkie when he got burned in the Pepsi commercial. Well, Michael had a drug problem once: when he was accused of pedophilia ofr the first time. Besides, he was addicted for a few months. He wasn't addicted for years as Latoya implied.

That's how it all started and that was his drug of choice because of the stress and that's the time i'm talking about he addmitted to being addcited to drugs.
After the family found out they help him so he could get treatment.

I don't believe you understand what she said your jumping the gun.

I took those pain medication once for pain and they really work and make you very sleepy.
She SAID Michael pushed his family who didn't allow him to continue being a drug addict. She claimed MJ started being a junkie when he got burned in the Pepsi commercial. Well, Michael had a drug problem once: when he was accused of pedophilia ofr the first time. Besides, he was addicted for a few months. He wasn't addicted for years as Latoya implied.

what interview are you listening too???.....I was under the impression that it was the one that you I right..????.......Because you are hearing something totally different than everyone else..IMHO....
That's how it all started and that was his drug of choice because of the stress and that's the time i'm talking about he addmitted to being addcited to drugs.
After the family found out they help him so he could get treatment.

I don't believe you understand what she said your jumping the gun.

I took those pain medication once for pain and they really work and make you very sleepy.

Tried to help? Remember that, when MJ was accused of pedophilia, the first thing Joe and Jermaine did was fly to Bangkok in order to persuade Michael to perform in the Jackson Family HOnors show...yet you want me to believe that these family cared enough about Michael in order to help him?

The autopsy report showed that Michael's liver was in perfect conditions...yet Latoya wants us to think MJ was/had been a drug addict? She clearly said he got adddicted after being burned and his addiction continued.
"I got an idiot for a sister, folks." - MJ (referring to Latoya)
Wow you are taking this wrong, michael admitted a long time ago he was addicted to pain medication and latoya was talking the pepsi commerical when he was taking pain medication and that was the medication he had addiction to.

That's how he got addicted to it and after they found out they had to force their self into his house by jumping the gates because the same people michael fired or let go was keeping them away from him to make sure he stayed on medicatioin.

But the family was able to get in and help michael so he could get treatment, after that michael was very much clean, she is saying also in her words someone killed michael.

Pure speculation. The bold sounds like its straight from Entertainment Tonight. The media has already tried to make it sound like MJ was a drug addict this whole time. :smilerolleyes:
All I am going to say is that I just wish that LaToya would stop talking already. The problem with this interview is that she is not very eloquent in what she is trying to say. It's like she assumes that people know backstory to some stuff that happened in Michael's past. We understand the background story and therefore we understand what she is saying, but to the average viewer they are going to take what she says at face value.

It didn't help that Bonnie Hunt kept saying that Michael was a drug addict, addicted, etc. Grrrrrr! She was really leading LaToya on.

She did say that Michael passed his physical and that he was clean to do his shows, but somehow that got lost because Bonnie kept calling Michael a drug addict and LaToya wasn't stopping her.

IDK. . . I didn't like this interview at all and I actually haven't been that annoyed by LaToya's past interviews. It seems too deep and revealing for an afternoon talk show like Bonnie Hunt's. But then again, that's the only reason Latoya is being invited to be on these shows.
All I am going to say is that I just wish that LaToya would stop talking already. The problem with this interview is that she is not very eloquent in what she is trying to say. It's like she assumes that people know backstory to some stuff that happened in Michael's past. We understand the background story and therefore we understand what she is saying, but to the average viewer they are going to take what she says at face value.

It didn't help that Bonnie Hunt kept saying that Michael was a drug addict, addicted, etc. Grrrrrr! She was really leading LaToya on.

She did say that Michael passed his physical and that he was clean to do his shows, but somehow that got lost because Bonnie kept calling Michael a drug addict and LaToya wasn't stopping her.

IDK. . . I didn't like this interview at all and I actually haven't been that annoyed by LaToya's past interviews. It seems too deep and revealing for an afternoon talk show like Bonnie Hunt's. But then again, that's the only reason Latoya is being invited to be on these shows.

La Toya again...

Junkie, addicted and dying... I tried to find this man in the movie This is it. What I saw in the movie was a healthy man and great shape.

La Toya... please be quiet... It's the best you can do.
What we know is that when he died, he was not a junkie and didn't have any major drugs in his body, other than what was given to him. Anything other than that is speculation about his private life, which I think is against the rules..
Hey, Toy Toy

If he got treatment then it was because he used to be a junkie. So, Latoya called Michael a junkie. The autopsy reports showed that Michael's liver was in perfect condition, so he was NEVER the low-life druggie Latoya claims he was once.

I totally agree that someone should reel La Toya in and she should just stop being a media whore.

But what I don't like and agree with is calling someone a low life because they are or where addicted to drugs. That is not the case so many many times you know. I know a lot of good and decent people that fell into drugs and are battling it to this day. It can happen to anyone from any walk of life. It is a disease too. It's not fair to label everyone that does drugs, or has done them as a low life druggie, it really isn't.
I have had it with La Toya, she is loving the attention. She is and often has been disloyal to Michael and she should leave personal information about his children out of it.

No wonder he kept some of them at arms lenght, he couldn't trust them.

I have always been respectful of his family and will continue to be so, but she gets no support from me.
La toya must not know something very well. she just imagine them. she is a little stupid. she should defend Mike not say something stupid.
4 months later..she is still doing the talk show round...that woman is shameless.