Latoya selling out MJ's kids...again?

she sold Michael before, and now she is selling his kids.
i want tese kids to grow up as soon as possible and runaway from all the leeches around ,relatives, nanies, daddy's so-called dear friends and first of all lawyers.
I am really disappointed in her. For years I believed her then she said it was JG who forced her to say and do certain things ( you know what I am talking about) , because it seemed like she didn´t act like that anymore since she got rid of him, but now I am not so sure about that anymore.
um....she was saying negative things about her family. lies about her family.

now she's telling the truth. so um.....?
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i just hope latoya to shut up, why cant she be quiet like Janet?? i wonder if Michael would be confortable with all his siblings, mother and father(lord have mercy on him, no! please dont!) talking about anything... Michael was so PRIVATE he wouldnt give interviews, and now that he's not here all this family...., i just dont want to hate them, but they make me DO IT::: POOR MICHAEL, imagine what it must have been like for him...

What About the other brother Jermaine saying that the kids want to be MOVIE STARS.... I mean what????

I have seen pics and Paris DOES LOOK HAPPY, Prince Michael I looks serious but i have seen him smiling too, the little one looks happy too, i dont understand a thing...

If i was Paris i'll be crying all day, glad she's doing so well though, i think those kids are beeing given all sorts of entertainment just to blackout them, like to make them forget his father

And one more thing, i have nothing against Katherine Jackson but Michael himself once said (this was in a private conversation, that he was dessapointed by her, cause she taleked about him in an interview, he said she shouldnt be talking about anything of him to the press, cause it was HIS business, Michael wouldnt have liked this new Katherine, not at all

I dont understand why that family wants so much press, they are like Lindsay Lohan and all those people...

Michael had all the press in the ENTIRE WORLD AND HE HATED IT, HE HATED IT!
why is that family so different from him, im saving Janet though, hope the children go with her.
I just saw the preview of Access Hollywood's tomorrow show. Yet again, Latoya will be selling out Michael's children personal information for money.

In the preview she insinuated that Prince is not handling his father's death very well.

I wish she would STFU and let the kids grieve in private. Just because she is not grieving doesn't mean those kids who loved their dad very much shouldn't.

Latoya and Joe Jackson are despicable human beings.

I agree with you 100%. If LaToya isn't selling the kids out, then Joe Jackson is selling out his son. How low can you go actually having the nerve to try to charge MJ fans $3000 for a meet and greet?! Then for some company in London to pay Joe Jackson $250K to introduce the This Is It movie in London?!! They should boo him!
I think what Katherine needs to do is file a motion for a gag order against LaToya and Joe. Then she can worry about dealing with estate matters. For the record MJ fans, anything you hear from the two of them about MJ or the kids should be ignored. Those two are not the most reputable sources. Has anyone ever wondered why LaToya, Joe and Jermaine seem to be the only 3 saying anything? It's so sad.
That really pissed me and my sister off like come on latoya that’s not the public business I really wish their mother Pops on latoya but sadly she has no say so as for Mrs. Jackson get that belt and whip her ass for us please damn. I just saw latoya on Access Hollywood talking bout she not going to see this is it because she feels Michael wouldn't rehearsal that way he would gave his all some bull like please he did give his all he looks fine to me even thro he was thin they showed him teaching his young dancers how to move his music they was on point and everything it made me change my mind i'm will go see it now. I love u MJ but ya sis is loco. I breathe for a Janet one on one sit down she is the realest the rest are failing>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

Katherine doesn't want to see the movie because it is too soon for her after Michael's death. Jackie Jackson is the ONLY family member to see the movie last week. Apparently, Jackie really loved it! He said it was riveting! I will be seeing the movie on Wednesday. I had some reservation b/c I didn't know how Michael would be portrayed. But since Liz Taylor and Jackie Jackson both liked the movie, I feel much better about seeing it. Enjoy!