Latoya selling out MJ's kids...again?

Actually I have seen LaToya on AH & elsewhere discuss the kids & will disagree respectfully - I think LT comes across sweet, the details she gives about the kids humanizes Michael as a loving father, not what has been portrayed about MJ in the media. This will be so important that the jury sees MJ as human and that they care & can feel this loss, especially by the kids. When Katherine was interviewed by her daughter you can feel her grief across the TV screen.

One has to realize that the majority of the viewers are not going to delve into details like we are doing on the board. There will be a trial for Murray unless he is allowed to plea to a lesser charge. I hope not. I have enjoyed LaToya's interviews.

Why did she call him a drug addict (20/20) ? Why did she call him a liar (The View)? Why did she claim MJ's kids don't even know who tehir mother is (20/20)? Why did she say that Diana Ross doesn't even know the kids (20/20)? Why did she claim MJ knew nothing about his own life (20/20)?
Actually I have seen LaToya on AH & elsewhere discuss the kids & will disagree respectfully - I think LT comes across sweet, the details she gives about the kids humanizes Michael as a loving father, not what has been portrayed about MJ in the media. This will be so important that the jury sees MJ as human and that they care & can feel this loss, especially by the kids. When Katherine was interviewed by her daughter you can feel her grief across the TV screen.

One has to realize that the majority of the viewers are not going to delve into details like we are doing on the board. There will be a trial for Murray unless he is allowed to plea to a lesser charge. I hope not. I have enjoyed LaToya's interviews.

I hope so, Murray has to pay. If it wasn't for his ignorance, these kids would still have a father.

I really hope Prince is okay. He's a strong kid and I'm sure he'll always be there for his sister & brother.

&, while I'm at this, I was reading the search warrant ..and it kinda sounds like Prince DID go upstairs.
"Murray continued CPR and after a few minutes without the security detail's response, he left Jackson and ran out to the hall and downstairs to the kitchen. Murray asked the chef to send up Prince Jackson, the eldest son, and returned to continue CPR. P. Jackson responded upstairs and summoned the security detail."

I'm not surprised he's not handling it as well as Paris.. of course he's not, imagine what he's been through.
Sometimes I still can't believe it happened.. it's so unfair to these kids! :(
if what she says is right, then he saw his father during this mess. so of course he's not doing well. would u expect him to be? i wouldn't.

i feel bad b/c it's like she's stuck between a rock and a hard place. she's humanizing her brother. his kids are amazing and have gone thru something NO ONE can compare. there was no internet or tabby shows around when elvis died.

these kids can't watch tv, read magazines, read the paper, go to the grocery store, go to a book store w/o being carefully monitored, or even see a movie or go to a clothing store w/o seeing their deceased father. so damn.
Actually I have seen LaToya on AH & elsewhere discuss the kids & will disagree respectfully - I think LT comes across sweet, the details she gives about the kids humanizes Michael as a loving father, not what has been portrayed about MJ in the media. This will be so important that the jury sees MJ as human and that they care & can feel this loss, especially by the kids. When Katherine was interviewed by her daughter you can feel her grief across the TV screen.

One has to realize that the majority of the viewers are not going to delve into details like we are doing on the board. There will be a trial for Murray unless he is allowed to plea to a lesser charge. I hope not. I have enjoyed LaToya's interviews.

I am willing to bet, if MJ were to have been asked between humanizing him to the public or his children' privacy...he would pick his children privacy.

MJ is dead...what good is it to humanize him? And knowing what MJ went through with the press and him having no personal life, why put his kids through this?

Right now, Latoya's claim to fame (beside being the least talented of the family) is whoring MJ's kids. She is a 54 year old woman for crying out loud...get a freakin' job.
Latoya overacts every time she is infront the camera. She is a DRAMA queen. I do not like to see her as I think she will say something to hurt Michael or his Children and I will have to write her an e-mail..
I am willing to bet, if MJ were to have been asked between humanizing him to the public or his children' privacy...he would pick his children privacy.

MJ is dead...what good is it to humanize him? And knowing what MJ went through with the press and him having no personal life, why put his kids through this?

Right now, Latoya's claim to fame (beside being the least talented of the family) is whoring MJ's kids. She is a 54 year old woman for crying out loud...get a freakin' job.

MJ was murdered, there will be a trial unless Murray is allowed to make a plea deal to a lesser charge of manslaughter(which would be absolutely awful) as he would only serve 2 years in jail. Unfortunately, as in any trial, the victim (in this case MJ) will also be put on trial, not just Murray. If we think we know alot about MJ now, we will probably be proven wrong. This is why it is important to humanize him. He was loved and needed by his children, family, friends - fans too.

I can see the other side but IMO whatever La Toya's revealed is general and just things really that everyone would understand when children undergo a great loss.
There was a part about Michael and her, they showed some photos of them from the '90s. They talked about those photos & about Todd Gray's book, "Michael Jackson - Before He Was King".

But, since we're talking about the kids, she said:

"I think Paris is handling it very, very well. Prince is not handling it as well, he's very quiet with it, but that's where he stands right now. And Blanket as well."

And she told the story about Paris putting the half-heart necklace around Michael's wrist. AGAIN!
thanks, that's it? people are getting worked up over a retold story
Why did she call him a drug addict (20/20) ? Why did she call him a liar (The View)? Why did she claim MJ's kids don't even know who tehir mother is (20/20)? Why did she say that Diana Ross doesn't even know the kids (20/20)? Why did she claim MJ knew nothing about his own life (20/20)?
she didn't, she didn't, they probably don't... who knows, who knows if they do, she didn't
why they keep doing that !!!!!
leave mj & his kids alone !!!! :sad:
I am willing to bet, if MJ were to have been asked between humanizing him to the public or his children' privacy...he would pick his children privacy.

MJ is dead...what good is it to humanize him? And knowing what MJ went through with the press and him having no personal life, why put his kids through this?

Right now, Latoya's claim to fame (beside being the least talented of the family) is whoring MJ's kids. She is a 54 year old woman for crying out loud...get a freakin' job.

Exactly!! He was soo protective of their privacy!

For those who defend her - put yourself in Prince's shoes - How would you like to be a 12 year old and the entire world knows how you feel over your father's death?

This is so morally incorrect. We're so far gone.
MJ was murdered, there will be a trial unless Murray is allowed to make a plea deal to a lesser charge of manslaughter(which would be absolutely awful) as he would only serve 2 years in jail. Unfortunately, as in any trial, the victim (in this case MJ) will also be put on trial, not just Murray. If we think we know alot about MJ now, we will probably be proven wrong. This is why it is important to humanize him. He was loved and needed by his children, family, friends - fans too.

I can see the other side but IMO whatever La Toya's revealed is general and just things really that everyone would understand when children undergo a great loss.

Latoya has no credibility within the general public. She is viewed as a nutcase. So I highly doubt after accusing her own brother on numerous occasions of being a child molester, she can humanize him.

She acts as if she never said those things. But people did not forget and her going in front of the cameras giggling like a schoolgirl, instead of a grown a$$ woman, doesn't change a thing.

Now giving interviews about the kids is her new source of income. What a pitiful woman.
I love Janet and Rebbie Jackson.

Ok..I will take the bait and write it:

I despise Latoya. In fact, I would probably tell her what a despicable sister she is, if we were to ever cross path.

I have despised Jermaine since 1991. Randy is a fool (for obvious reasons). I am over Joe Jackson.
well, at least Latoya said Mike was murdered, which i agree. i believe she loves Mike and his kids. yeah, she should keep silence.
well, at least Latoya said Mike was murdered, which i agree. i believe she loves Mike and his kids. yeah, she should keep silence.

I fail to see the correlation between her claiming Mj was murdered (which is nonsensical in itself) and the kids' needing their privacy?

Murder is intentionally taking someone's life. There must be intent. Murray must have planned to kill MJ.
so i am hard to judge La toya. on the one hand , i think she loves Mike and his kids. on the other hand she always accept some interview.
i've heard fans boasting that they would talk shit to mj's family for yrs. when they get in front of them, they forget it and end up taking a pic w/ them. so honestly...

she's said this before. ur up in arms now why? y not be upset that they seem to go out every day and they'renot being covered or that grace is back or this or that? but his own sister?

i'd bemore worried about randy and what he's trying to do to the estate than toy talking about the kids. b/c if the former happens...then the kids will have nothing.
i've heard fans boasting that they would talk shit to mj's family for yrs. when they get in front of them, they forget it and end up taking a pic w/ them. so honestly...

she's said this before. ur up in arms now why? y not be upset that they seem to go out every day and they'renot being covered or that grace is back or this or that? but his own sister?

i'd bemore worried about randy and what he's trying to do to the estate than toy talking about the kids. b/c if the former happens...then the kids will have nothing.
agree with your soso.
I'm guessing the Jackson family are just too exposed to the public eye so maybe that's why La Toya is spilling all these without thinking through that these are not what the public should be knowing. o_O Well unless she did it for money, then that's a whole different story.
I have had it with defending La Toya and Joe, they seem to be loving the attention and everytime they open their mouths they do a disservice to Michael.

She is making a fool of herself and I wish she would put her brain in gear before she opens her mouth.
I just saw the preview of Access Hollywood's tomorrow show. Yet again, Latoya will be selling out Michael's children personal information for money.

In the preview she insinuated that Prince is not handling his father's death very well.

I wish she would STFU and let the kids grieve in private. Just because she is not grieving doesn't mean those kids who loved their dad very much shouldn't.

Latoya and Joe Jackson are despicable human beings.

I agree. Both LaToya and Joe Jackson are very despicable human beings, and people ought to stop giving her credence in the news. She's horrible.
Latoya is a despicable human being, she should just vanish from the face of this earth and take her deluded supporters with her.
wow y'all don't even know her. ur basing her off of what little u see, a cut and spliced interview on tv.

wehre's randy and jermaine on that shit list, btw?

u know, the brothers who have their kids living at the house, who go on outings w/ michael's children yet theirmother can't even afford food....toy isn't taking money away from those kids but jermane and randy...not so sure.
I am really disappointed in her. For years I believed her then she said it was JG who forced her to say and do certain things ( you know what I am talking about) , because it seemed like she didn´t act like that anymore since she got rid of him, but now I am not so sure about that anymore.