Last week i met a very nice lady, and i need some advice :)

Jan 17, 2004
Long read, but i hope i can get some advice here...things like that :)

Ok, i am sure some of you remember me from....february this year. At that time my ex-girlfriend had broke up with me and i was just writing everything off my chest.

It's been awhile now...and i must say i was expecting the coming time to be real hard and difficult, but honestly....apart from a few moments now and then it wasn't so bad. Probably because i had known for a while already that things weren't gonna come back together was just that i didn't wanted to face the facts, so it was only good my ex-gf made the decision to make an end to it.

I have to say though that the few months after our break up...i didn't had any interest or whatsoever in other girls, not even just looking or anything like that. But recently that 'feeling' has returned, the feeling of maybe finding someone nice sometime soon, that would be good....that feeling is starting to return. Now i've never been the type that goes out to clubs and meets new people that's just not i probably would sign up for a dating site or things like that. My bro for example has gotten a very nice girlfriend that way....however, this was until last wednesday.

It was after my work and i had to pick up food for my bro's dog, so i went to the vet's place (exact same place where i met my ex 3 years ago) and i ringed the bell (you always have to ring the bell before you can enter the vet's place here) so a assistent of the vet always opens up and greets their customers. This very friendly young lady opened up and i already felt my was exactly the same feeling i had 3 years ago at that exact about that huh? ;)

When i went to buy the food...i noticed her smiling at me a few a way that happened...again...3 years ago, its very hard to be sure of these things, but i almost believe she was smiling at me in a way she doesn't at other customers, but again...this is very hard to be sure of.

So i went home and i just couldn't get her out of my head...not at all.
So i found a reason to go back to the vet on friday, it was actually a good bulldog had to be checked for certain known dog ilnesses.
I kinda planning to make a move...but it never happened. Never got the chance to it...well the only chance was when she opened up...i could have started a short conversation, however....the assistents open up the door, greet the customer and go back to the vet right hardly any time for that.

Neither was i gonna start a conversation or a question when i was inside the room of the vet....i ain't gonna do that with them around. So i left the place and that was that. Now the weekend is nearing its end...and i cant stop thinking about her. I'd really would like to get to know her better. When the weekend started i was like 'ah well, 2bad,.better luck next time..i'm just gonna forget this' but now i just now that i have to at least try something, you know? Why ignore this.....

I am gonna admit that i really ain't very great at things like this...
3 years ago i called the lady that i thought was really nice at her work(the same vet's place) and it worked out great. However...i feel that i need to be original and not do this again, it was fun and like i said..worked out great, but it would be exactly the as hell IMO. I dont know her if i'd call the place and i would have her on the phone i would have to ask for a girl that looks like this and that...that i dont know her name..clumsy as hell, and all been done me ;).

So other options would be.....just going to the place, ringing the bell. (i would go there for no apparent reason other than i guess asking her out)
and say something along these lines ' Hey, i was here last week with my soon as i saw you, you seemed like a really nice girl to me, i was wondering if you would wanna go for a drink or just a walk with me sometime?" i would either get a yes or no, nothing to lose , right?

Only that this is gonna be damn hard for me....afraid of looking like a damn fool, afraid of messing up what i want to say....but still, i dont have anything to lose, so i can try....i'll only learn from it. No problems there i problem IS though that i'm not sure she's gonna be the one that opens the door for me...if that's not the case i shouldn't even bother cause i wont have any opportunity then. Like i said...they always go back straight to the vet....however...last week she opened up there's a big chance.

Another option would be...waiting before the place closes for the day...and me just walking their with my bulldog , walking towards her and try to get a conversation started, or just ask right away...what i was gonna ask anyway.
Or i could just go there and wait for the place to close and just start alittle talk with her....

Another one would be to write a short letter, a small note, with basically me saying the stuff i otherwise would have said in person, and i would be real honest by saying i aint very great at things like this...i spoke to several women who told me women REALLY apreciate honesty like that.

I would hand over that little piece of paper to the lady when she opens up(if she opens up, if she doesnt i have to come up with a lame excuse...cause going in wont change a thing,lol) i could tell her to read it when she has the time and just leave..or she could read it right away and i'd get a yes or no ....but personally this one sounds rather childish to me, lol.

Last option...and i just came up with this as we speak...

I don't know her name, once again...this is exactly like 3years ago...i
could call the place, and hope that she'd pick up the phone so i would know her name...i think i would know when i hear her voice....not 100% sure i could already mess up on this. i would know her name...i could write that message and put it in a enveloppe with her name on it. go to the place and throw the message/letter in the mailbox.

I am not sure yet, my intention however IS , to try something. Cause just ignoring this is not gonna help anything.
i can't give advice on this..but..i am going to the same place and all...were you subconsciously hoping to meet your ex?
No noooooo, nothing like that :)

My ex is working at a much different place than the vet's place, i always go to this vet when there's something with my dog or when i have to pick up food for my bro's dog.

To be honest, each day i'm more and more happy that it's over between me and my ex, definitely realizing things weren't gonna work at all anymore.
I stillhad many feelings for her after she broke up with me, her feelings were starting to go away feelings for here as far as i can tell are really gone as well now too.

Nope, i knew for sure i wasn't gonna see my ex there.
Je maakt het jezelf ook niet makkelijk he ;D

Anyway, this is going to sounds very corny but I'd say do whatever feels right for you. Others can advise you to walk up to her, or to write her a note or call or whatever... but in the end you are the one who has to do it and only you know what the most comfortable option is for you.

You sound like a good guy, and most women don't bite when they're being asked on a date. So I'd say just do your thing, be yourself and see what happens. Good luck! :D