lady gaga's telephone was originally for britney spears


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
lady gaga wrote the song for her for the circus album but britney rejected it

didnt she turn down umbrella too? sharp as a tack Brits! lol

oh yeah the dream did wrote umbrella orginally for her too, see briteny that could've been two number one hits for you LOL
Her version is horrible. No wonder she didn't use it. Shows up how weak her vocals are.
That is an incredibly raw track and it has the wierd vocoder all over it. It's not fair to base it as anything but a demo.
Makes sense. It's the kind of pop song Britney would sing. Always thought it was surprisingly bubble-gummish for GaGa, even though she wrote it.
didnt she turn down umbrella too? sharp as a tack Brits! lol
I don't think ti's britney's fault, i think it's her label and her people.

I like lady gaga's version better. Britney's has too much autotune.
Either way I cant' stand the song, but if I had to choose, I would chose Britney's. Feels like it fits her way more. Maybe because it was written for her.
SORRY, I CAN NOT HEAR YOU, 'cause of your auto tune shit. *sing it*

I wish Britney good luck.
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I love Britney, but I think there was way to much autotune used in the song.
I like Gaga's version better, but I think this song would fit Britney better.
Oh come on people, Britney no longer has any say in her albums anymore... She never rejected anything, she just sings what she's told to... it's kind of sad really, she used to have a lot of passion for this...
didnt she turn down umbrella too? sharp as a tack Brits! lol

i know. that's what i was gunna say..people don't give britney credit for her musical ear. that is her gift. that's what she uses for her business acumen.
Ah I so wish she'd done this! Her performance would have been fierce!
I Love gaga, but i prefer brit's version, i love her voice with or without autotune..

and guys, stop judging her! this is just a demo!
Britney Spears Demo of Lady Gaga's 'Telephone'

Britney Spears' 'Telephone' demo: Producer confirms it's her


Image Credit: Lauren Dukoff; Kevin Mazur/

“Telephone” producer Rodney “Darkchild” Jerkins has confirmed that a widely circulated leak is, indeed, Britney Spears’ rough demo of what would later become Lady Gaga and Beyoncé’s hit single. “I really don’t know who leaked the version,” Jerkins said in a live online video chat noted by MTV News. “It was an early demo stage of the version. It wasn’t even a mixed version. I would never leak something without Britney’s approval, without [her manager] Larry Rudolph, without Jive Records. That’s just not how I get down.”

The alleged “Telephone” demo hit the Web this weekend, occasioning much hubbub and speculation about its authenticity. Was that really Britney’s voice singing the words we associate with Gaga and Beyoncé? The producer’s comments answer that question pretty definitively. Jerkins also included a teasing mention of Spears’ future plans, promising to “put 200 percent of my focus into writing a new smash for Britney’s new album.” Spears’ label, Jive Records, has not responded to EW’s repeated requests for comment on this story.

What do you think of this revelation? Are you looking forward to Britney Spears’ next album?
Why do I like Britney's version? I don't like Gaga's version at all. Oh well!
Now I listen to Britney's version it is soooo a Britney song. I like her version better I think..