Lady GaGa: The Movie


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
12:15, Sunday, 8 August 2010

Lady GaGa is eyeing a career on the big screen and plans to star in her own blockbuster.

Report state that GaGa’s movie will be a cross between Michael Jackson’s film Moonwalker, which tied together the music videos for his Bad album, and the Oscar-winning flick Dreamgirls which starred Beyoncé and Jennifer Hudson. Director Bryan Singer, best known for his work on the X-Men films, is said to be interested in the project.

"GaGa is a real creative genius and is thinking about new possibilities all the time,” a source told News of the World. "She's very excited about a movie, but she wants to do it right. She wants to work with the best people in the business."

The Poker Face singer was inspired to make the leap to the silver screen while on the set of her epic nine-minute video for Telephone. “Lady GaGa is a workaholic who loves pushing the boundaries. Straight music is never going to be enough for her,” the insider said. “If she isn't breaking new ground and doing new things she doesn't really feel that she is truly alive. The Telephone video was the closest thing she has done to a film and she was in her element.”

“GaGa wants to emulate what Michael Jackson did during the eighties,” they continued. “You can already see that with her music videos. Every one of them is a mini event. So it's only logical she moves that on to the big screen
I would have rather seen what Michael had planned for his other movies..
“GaGa wants to emulate what Michael Jackson did during the eighties,” they continued. “You can already see that with her music videos. Every one of them is a mini event. So it's only logical she moves that on to the big screen

WTF? :bugeyed :scratch: :lol:
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Gaga is creative you can't deny her that but She's released only 2 album one being a re-issue of the orginal with a few more songs on...
I think she needs to prove more to show if she has the staying power before labling her as 'Genius' and claiming her videos are an 'Event' haha
The word genius get's thrown around way to much and to easily these days. All you need is a number 1 song and bam! Your a genius
If it really comes true... damn, that's totally ridiculous.

All this happens when CREATIVE - real! - directors like Terry Gilliam are struggling to gather funds for new movies...
1st. Why is she moving so fast?

2nd. She's trying to establish herself as a lasting, good musician so why doesn't she actually make better music?

3rd. Why is she setting herself up for failure by trying to copy Michael? I don't care how big one gets, they'll be a failure compared to Michael.

4th. Lady Gaga and Michael Jackson in the same article ARE NOT NICE.
She's a real, creative genius...stealing ideas from previous successful artists. >.>

I would love for her to make at least one thing that is even halfway original before tooting her own horn and claiming her music is groundbreaking. The funny thing is she thinks she's so original, but not even the themes of her songs are original, much less their actual sound and style. In the end she's just another one of those wannabe artists with no notable talent for actual music. In short, she churns out jingles--catchy stuff with no deeper meaning, just like everyone else. :)

To compare herself to Michael, or to even mention him when she's talking about the crap she calls music is criminal. Michael Jackson was a true musician who stuck through his art through and through, and made songs with meaning and strength. HE was a musical genius. Gaga is a competent singer and a good piano player, but other than that she's a complete sellout for abandoning her craft in favour of heavily edited and brainless music. No wonder her first album is called The Fame, that's what seduced her in the end.

If only she and Michael could trade places, then we could see some genius come to the silver screen. :p
This is depressing.............what is society coming to????????

Question: How do you make 1.5 albums worth of music (that sounds the same) into a whole film??????????................

Answer: ZZZZzzzzzzzzzz Boring!!!!!!!!!

Remember Michael had about 20 years of his career to throw into Moonwalker and on top of that he threw on a mega-load of NEW stuff!!!!!!

Let's just hope that this and Bieber's film both fail big time................

........Then music labels might actually wake up and sort the industry out!!!!!!!
I remember the first time I really saw 'gaga' it was on dancing with the stars last year... I kept asking my mother who is that gosh awful singer..singing in and out of commerical breaks..she sounds like a cat struck in a trap. auto tune should be banished till these singers learn to sing for real.
12:15, Sunday, 8 August 2010

Lady GaGa is eyeing a career on the big screen and plans to star in her own blockbuster.

Report state that GaGa’s movie will be a cross between Michael Jackson’s film Moonwalker, which tied together the music videos for his Bad album, and the Oscar-winning flick Dreamgirls which starred Beyoncé and Jennifer Hudson. Director Bryan Singer, best known for his work on the X-Men films, is said to be interested in the project.

"GaGa is a real creative genius and is thinking about new possibilities all the time,” a source told News of the World. "She's very excited about a movie, but she wants to do it right. She wants to work with the best people in the business."

The Poker Face singer was inspired to make the leap to the silver screen while on the set of her epic nine-minute video for Telephone. “Lady GaGa is a workaholic who loves pushing the boundaries. Straight music is never going to be enough for her,” the insider said. “If she isn't breaking new ground and doing new things she doesn't really feel that she is truly alive. The Telephone video was the closest thing she has done to a film and she was in her element.”

“GaGa wants to emulate what Michael Jackson did during the eighties,” they continued. “You can already see that with her music videos. Every one of them is a mini event. So it's only logical she moves that on to the big screen
it's amazing how the press is obsessed with comparing everybody to Michael Jackson when they were the very ones who sought out to and succeeded in destroying him.
The more she mentions the man's name, the more she loses my vote. Seriously, would someone PLEASE wake up her ego and tell her "Be the best you can be but you sure ain't touchin' on Michael." That's like classical composers trying to outdo Mozart.

Just. Does. Not. Happen.
The more she mentions the man's name, the more she loses my vote. Seriously, would someone PLEASE wake up her ego and tell her "Be the best you can be but you sure ain't touchin' on Michael." That's like classical composers trying to outdo Mozart.

Just. Does. Not. Happen.

Exactly! I don't care about gaga that much but this kind of article just makes me dislike her. No one comes close to Michael..WTF are they talking about? seriously! they need a slap in the face lol I mean, we are talking about Michael Jackson here! its funny
While I agree with many saying she needs to humble herself down, and chill knowing she only got her big break not 3 years ago, I don't think Gaga ever once said she's anywhere NEAR what Michael Jackson accomplished in the 80's.....hell, even the 70's! The press simply stated she's trying to be like him. Tell me a star on the top today that isn't guilty of striving that goal?

Honestly, tho I consider most of her music set for night clubs right now, I won't put it past her to write some powerful stuff later on in her career. I will bet she's not going to leave any time soon. And if i'm wrong, yall can call me out on it! But we can't call her off this early! What if she turns out to be quite creative later on?

Yes, she's wild...eccentric...attention seeking. That's the formula for a megastar. But she's also got a heart. I don't think she's out to get anybody, or take anybody's place. And an ear for good music. I don't doubt that. They found her in a shitty club in LA playing her own songs on a keyboard, holding more of a crowd than anybody blabbing out shit on this forum ever will.

That being said...this movie might be another "Purple Rain" which I thought was awesome, btw....or crash and burn like "Spice World" did for the Spice Girls. BUT...every damn Prince fan and Spice Girl fan watched their artists movies! Gaga is almost guaranteed success with this movie due to her fan base. I guess that's really all i'm saying here. Give the girl a break, and let her have her fun on the silver screen. She'll draw a crowd no matter what she does.
Lady Gaga is so desperate to appear different in unique.... I find her revolting.