Lady Gaga speech for the gays!

That was a speech worthy of admiration.

I'm not a fan of hers or her style, but from what I've seen, she's a good person, and I respect her for that.
That was a speech worthy of admiration.

I'm not a fan of hers or her style, but from what I've seen, she's a good person, and I respect her for that.

I agree Musically i don't like her, but she does seem a good person.
I'm not sure if it's sincere or not. She knows a large portion of her fan-base is LGBT. What better way to solidify that fan-base than through a speech like this? Now she's the biggest gay icon in the world. Smart career move.
I was wondering about that as well, but whatever her motivations behind it are I'm glad she's focusing her energy in this direction. It certainly won't hurt anyone.
Can't stand what she said and I don't care if it's politically incorrect to say that. Before you say I'm full of "hate", just stop. I'm not full of hate. I just don't think it's cool to lump in God with "gays". She was just trying to be "controversial" and I'm tired of all that in this ridiculous culture we live in today.

I'm done talking about it though because I don't want to argue with anybody about it. :)
^ What's wrong with putting God and gays in the same sentence? :huh:

I doubt she wanted to be cool, I think she rather wanted to point out that God - as society perceives Him - is loving towards all humans, so people should be more human to each other, regardless of such differences.

I won't say you're full of hate, but I can't deny that I don't understand what you're so mad about either...
^ What's wrong with putting God and gays in the same sentence? :huh:

I doubt she wanted to be cool, I think she rather wanted to point out that God - as society perceives Him - is loving towards all humans, so people should be more human to each other, regardless of such differences.

I won't say you're full of hate, but I can't deny that I don't understand what you're so mad about either...

That poster is probably in denial most Homophobes are usually closeted Gays.
That poster is probably in denial most Homophobes are usually closeted Gays.

Sorry? I fail to see how his post was homophobic? It was just an opinion, that's all. People throw that sentence around too much imo. Who cares who is gay and who isn't? Not everything is negative.
Sorry? I fail to see how his post was homophobic? It was just an opinion, that's all. People throw that sentence around too much imo. Who cares who is gay and who isn't? Not everything is negative.

Thank you, Stacey.

Exactly. I don't care about who's homo and who's not. I really don't. I've worked with a few homos at my job and forged really good relationships with them. Seriously. I don't care what you do in your bedroom. That's between you and God.

But what Lady Gaga was trying to do was a U.S. thing. To the rest of the world who hasn't watched U.S. television every day for the past few decades...I know what she was doing. She was trying to be controversial and get under the skin of those who hold traditional Judeo-Christian values in this American society. That's not being paranoid....that's reality. A LOT of pop stars have been doing that over the years, esp. the last 10 years or so when it's exploded. I'm not a fan of all this gimmicky controversial statement crap.

Like I said before....I don't want to argue with anybody about this. I don't hate gay PEOPLE. I have real true friends that live that lifestyle and I do NOT hate them at all. I don't agree with their lifestyle but I don't hate them at fact I really enjoy their company. One of my good friends is a guy in his 40s named Terry. He's awesome. He's just a great guy regardless of what he does in his private life. He doesn't push it and I appreciate that. He's very respectful and I'm very respectful of him and I'm a close friend of his no matter what.

But besides that....this trend in pop culture to push agendas is really really tiresome.

EDIT: By the way...we're here on an MJ forum. You of the things I've always loved so much about Michael is that he appeals to all people no matter what background you come from and he doesn't push political agendas. He's all about love and goodness. The closest thing you can really come to as far as political agendas go with Mike is saving the earth....and I think none of us would disagree regardless of politics that we need to conserve and take care of the planet. God bless you Michael. :)
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