Lady Gaga new rolling stones interview: talks about new album


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Lady Gaga graces the latest cover of Rolling Stone wearing little more than a bra constructed from machine guns, her "Alejandro" bob, a thong and her signature heel-less "Bad Romance" shoes in hot pink. In the issue, out Wednesday, Gaga admits that even as the picture of confidence, she sometimes questions herself.

"When I wake up in the morning, I feel just like any other insecure 24-year-old girl," she told Rolling Stone. "Then I say, 'Bitch, you're Lady Gaga, you get up and walk the walk today.' "

Gaga said she has no intention of ever letting fans see her as Stefani Germanotta. "If I were to ever, God forbid, get hurt onstage and my fans were screaming outside of the hospital, waiting for me to come out, I'd come out as Gaga," she said, adding that she hopes to model her persona after Michael Jackson.

"Michael got burned, and he lifted that glittered glove so damn high so his fans could see him, because he was in the art of show business. That's what we do," she said. "I don't even drink water onstage in front of anybody, because I want them to focus on the fantasy of the music."

There are very few details out there about what Gaga's next album will sound like, but she say it's already finished. She's planning to announce the title of the album — due early next year — at midnight on New Year's Eve. "I think I'm gonna get the album title tattooed on me and put out the photo," she said. "I've been working on it for months now, and I feel very strongly that it's finished right now. It came so quickly. Some artists take years; I don't. I write music every day."

Covering such topics as love and celebrity on her previous efforts, this new album will veer more toward the political. "Why are we still talking about 'Don't ask, don't tell'? It's like, what f---ing year is it? It makes me crazy! And I have been for three years baking cakes — and now I'm going to bake a cake that has a bitter jelly. The message of the new music is now more bitter than it was before," she teased. "Because the sweeter the cake, the more bitter the jelly can be."
OM goodness we have so many threads about this woman on this board I am starting to question which board I am coming to. No offense to the OP. Just my own personal rant. :)
wow..everybody is looking up to Michael *surprise* ..not.

but it does remind me..i never thought about it that way..he lifted the glove after being burned. back then, i thought it was Michael Jackson. but now..that she brings it up the way she does..i say..yeah..could anybody else lift that glove after that happened to them? he was trained in a way, that haunts me now, about his appearance in This Is It, thanks to what GaGa just said there, about it. far as her next offering..i guess, with success comes more pain, exploitation of her, and any artist, and therefore, resentment, and retaliatory measures in the music. maybe she's thinking she's patterning that after Michael, too. i would think so. but still their music and personalities come from two different camps.
OM goodness we have so many threads about this woman on this board I am starting to question which board I am coming to. No offense to the OP. Just my own personal rant. :) power. whose face is on every radio station's billboard, these days? Gaga. whose songs are played five times an hour on the radio, every hour, every day? Gaga..

and the media LIKES this artist, as opposed to the other you mentioned. or..sorta mentioned. rollingstone is in on the .....kissing. of Gaga.
The media used to kiss Michael's ass back in the day until they decided to turn on him and treat him like garbage. The same will happen with Gaga (not to the same degree but you get the point). They love you and then they leave you. Only the strong survive.

Gaga fans better hope that she take another page from Madonna's book or she'll be used up and spit out sooner than later.
The media used to kiss Michael's ass back in the day until they decided to turn on him and treat him like garbage. The same will happen with Gaga (not to the same degree but you get the point). They love you and then they leave you. Only the strong survive.

Gaga fans better hope that she take another page from Madonna's book or she'll be used up and spit out sooner than later.

no. it wasn't the same with Michael. there was no ass was everybody caught up in the moment. it wasn't media was the media that followed the hysteria. if MJ wasn't going to be played on the radio, the crowds still would've gone crazy over MJ. but with madonna and gaga, the media led the way. you had to hear them on the radio to stir up excitement. then, madonna and gaga were not looked at as aloof and strange, early, by the media as Michael was. and then no backlash can be compared to the backlash by the media against Michael. there was never a radio ban of madonna and gaga. it doesn't look like the media is even hinting of distancing itself from gaga the way they started early against Michael. who wouldn't get caught up in thriller? but with bad, media already started asking questions about his skin..

and now, fan love is the same with Michael as it always has been, despite the media hate. i don't think madonna or gaga could survive, careerwise if the media hated them like the media hates Michael, now.
there simply is no comparison of media hate, when it comes to Madonna and gaga vs. Michael. there simply is no indication that the media ever truly hated madonna. they never fully stopped playing her music..and they don't give the impression that they hate her now. and it isn't because of what she did. i mean, it's not like Michael should be blamed for media backlash because of 'something he did'. it's not his fault. the media just kept on loving madonna, and still do. and they hate Michael.

it's not fair to say Michael wasn't strong. somebody killed him. he didn't just wither.

and now the media resents that the fan love is as intense as it ever was. and never died down. and they knew it while he was alive, and now, despite their efforts to turn fans against him. there never has been anything like it. and now the press is really hating how palpable the fan interest in this week of the 25th is mighty high.

so the media is alone in the chew up and spit out of Michael. the media know they are being treated like they don't exist in this equation. you'd never know, by the world wide love, that the fans never stopped having for Michael, that there was a media that attempted to disperse that love...and the size of that love. and that is unique, only to Michael...the contrast of the media hate, and the size of the worldwide fanlove
Last edited: power. whose face is on every radio station's billboard, these days? Gaga. whose songs are played five times an hour on the radio, every hour, every day? Gaga..
I don't know about that. I've never heard any of her music. But I don't follow popular culture, and have a bunch of unlooked at threads to prove it, lol.
I agree that Gaga is going to burn herself out fast. And there is going to be a backlash against her as well. It is already beginning. But I don't see a media backlash against any artist as much as I have seen with MJ. And espcially not with the person coming out as "well" as MJ did.

He was unique in so many ways. Of course, if any one knows different they are free to post and correct.
I don't know about that. I've never heard any of her music. But I don't follow popular culture, and have a bunch of unlooked at threads to prove it, lol.

lol..u r so u haven't heard lady gaga on the radio the way i've heard her, then u must have invented the radio station ur listening to. lol

I agree that Gaga is going to burn herself out fast. And there is going to be a backlash against her as well. It is already beginning. But I don't see a media backlash against any artist as much as I have seen with MJ. And espcially not with the person coming out as "well" as MJ did.

He was unique in so many ways. Of course, if any one knows different they are free to post and correct.

i don't think gaga is trying to burn herself out..i think the media is trying to do that for her. i sometimes wonder if she would want them to cut back on how often they play her songs. if there is going to be backlash against her, unfortunately it will be the wrong backlash..cus it will come from fans. with MJ it just came from the media. yes i was around in the eighties.

ur right, he is unique in so many ways. sometimes i wonder if fans would love him as much as they do, if the media didn't hate him as much as they do, and make the playing of his songs on the radio so rare, as they do. and did for years. of course the media will say they played MJ ad nauseum. but they didn't. you really had to sit by your radio for a whole day hoping to hear MJ, back in the day. i believe that's why he was an event when he did happen...and why he is an event, right now.

the one time i heard that a radio station played back to back MJ, was after the fact, cus the station didn't make any big announcements about it. it was as if they didn't want us to hear it. and that was the song he did with Mick Jagger..State of Shock. i HEARD that it was played back to back for a day..but..i missed it.
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lol..u r so u haven't heard lady gaga on the radio the way i've heard her, then u must have invented the radio station ur listening to. lol
If I happen to turn on the radio (which is rarely), I only listen to the oldies station or the jazz station.
no. it wasn't the same with Michael. there was no ass was everybody caught up in the moment. it wasn't media was the media that followed the hysteria. if MJ wasn't going to be played on the radio, the crowds still would've gone crazy over MJ. but with madonna and gaga, the media led the way. you had to hear them on the radio to stir up excitement. then, madonna and gaga were not looked at as aloof and strange, early, by the media as Michael was. and then no backlash can be compared to the backlash by the media against Michael. there was never a radio ban of madonna and gaga. it doesn't look like the media is even hinting of distancing itself from gaga the way they started early against Michael. who wouldn't get caught up in thriller? but with bad, media already started asking questions about his skin..

and now, fan love is the same with Michael as it always has been, despite the media hate. i don't think madonna or gaga could survive, careerwise if the media hated them like the media hates Michael, now.
there simply is no comparison of media hate, when it comes to Madonna and gaga vs. Michael. there simply is no indication that the media ever truly hated madonna. they never fully stopped playing her music..and they don't give the impression that they hate her now. and it isn't because of what she did. i mean, it's not like Michael should be blamed for media backlash because of 'something he did'. it's not his fault. the media just kept on loving madonna, and still do. and they hate Michael.

it's not fair to say Michael wasn't strong. somebody killed him. he didn't just wither.

and now the media resents that the fan love is as intense as it ever was. and never died down. and they knew it while he was alive, and now, despite their efforts to turn fans against him. there never has been anything like it. and now the press is really hating how palpable the fan interest in this week of the 25th is mighty high.

so the media is alone in the chew up and spit out of Michael. the media know they are being treated like they don't exist in this equation. you'd never know, by the world wide love, that the fans never stopped having for Michael, that there was a media that attempted to disperse that love...and the size of that love. and that is unique, only to Michael...the contrast of the media hate, and the size of the worldwide fanlove

I do see what you are saying and I agree that it was totally different with Michael. I said so myself. The way the media will eventually dump Gaga won't be the same as they did with MJ. Certainly not. I also didn't mean to suggest he wasn't strong enough to survive media criticism. It was the opposite actually. I meant that if Gaga isn't strong she will be gone. Michael did survive.

Where I don't agree with you is your assessment of Madonna. Madonna could, would, and did survive media hate and scandal. It was never the intensity of MJ's treatment but she used to be called every name in the book back in the day. From the media saying she would be gone in a years time, to when she was an established name and was being called a blasphemous whore, to having albums burned and being banned from churches, yes... Madonna took a hit. No, not the same kind of treatment from the media as MJ, or for the same reasons, but there for a while it was tough being a fan. I know, I was there.

All the papers would say raunchy Madonna did this, raunchy Madonna did that.

I remember how scandalous it was to be a fan growing up as a kid. Or maybe it wasn't the same everywhere because I grew up in the bible belt and people thought of Madonna as the devil. An actual demon. My parents were horrified when they found out I was a fan. It's comical but I've come across sites that are dedicated to convincing people of Madonna's satanic connections. There are people out there who really believe she's the anti-Christ.

So, no, Madonna never had it as bad as MJ did. I'm not stupid enough to suggest that but also as a fan who experienced her entire career... I know that she wasn't always treated fairly and always given a fair chance. It wasn't until the late 90's, early 2000's that critics and the media starting giving her praise. Before that, it was hard to come across a nice word.

Madonna stuck it out and now has respect but it's a respect that she had to earn. It wasn't handed to her.

Again, the situation with MJ was completely different on every level and I'm not trying to compare.
She's so insecure. One thing is to have a stage name and another is to completely hide from who you really are. I wouldn't be surprised if she hated herself. In fact, it would explain so many things...the hiding behind OTT costumes/makeup, the stage name, the "artistic" facade, and the excessive arrogance.

People will see through it all eventually.
I can't believe she said she is like Michael in that showbizz comes before everything.
Michael did that in a whole other way then she is trying to do. With him it was a natural part of him, with her you can see that it's not who she is. It comes across as very fake.

Please everyone with eyes can see that she is walking down the Madonna path, why won't she just admit that?

Again people are kissing her behind way to much and she is starting to believe in her own hype, it's obvious in the way she talks about herself imo.
She is very lucky that the media seems to love her and won't report anything slightly negative.

She's so insecure. One thing is to have a stage name and another is to completely hide from who you really are. I wouldn't be surprised if she hated herself. In fact, it would explain so many things...the hiding behind OTT costumes/makeup, the stage name, the "artistic" facade, and the excessive arrogance.

People will see through it all eventually.

I hope people will see through it all, I've already been waiting several months for that to happen.
To me it is so obvious that something is wrong with this girl. I don't mean that in a
condescending way, I just think she has got some sort of problem. (I think it's either a drinking problem or worse.) She just looks very unhappy whenever there's a picture of her. Her eyes look dead half of the time. I do think she is addicted to the fame ironically.

She says she writes all the time, but she also says that she drinks whiskey before she writes because ''it enhances her creativity".
Please, there are plenty of artists out there that don't need liquor to write classic songs. Add to that all the times she fell on stage and almost passed out, I'm sorry but I think something is not right in all of that.

I'm afraid kids today really do think she is as big and great as Madonna and Michael. That's what the media is telling them anyway. They have no idea that it doesn't even come close.
It's sad because there are actually more talented artists out there that don't get the hype and the recognition that they deserve. ( I guess the last part may just be my opion)
I'm wary of saying Gaga will burn out, we all thought that back in 1984 when Madonna released single after single in amazingly quick succession from the 'Madonna' and 'Like A Virgin' albums.

No-one had an inkling that 25 years later she's still be having number one hits.

So it's possible Gaga will have longevity but I think, like Madonna, she'll need to change it up or the persona will tire.
"I've been working on it for months now, and I feel very strongly that it's finished right now. It came so quickly. Some artists take years; I don't. I write music every day."

NOT a clever move. She'll end up boring the public and become overrated and she'll be viewed like how the majority view Beyonce. Michael released 9 albums from 1979 to 2001. That is genius and yes Gaga, he too wrote everyday! Most artists do! The difference is that they are clever enough to write many songs to select the best for an album. Not release any junk.

She needs to leave for a while to build anticipation.

And I don't know about you guys but I HATE that she talks about Michael like he is her Goddamned best friend and she has the nerve to compare herself to him. Seriously Gaga?

Also, when Michael raised his hands to the fans, I'm willing to bet that he did it because he CARED for his fans not because he wanted even more media attention. He had tons of press around him anyway!
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Gaga said she has no intention of ever letting fans see her as Stefani Germanotta. "If I were to ever, God forbid, get hurt onstage and my fans were screaming outside of the hospital, waiting for me to come out, I'd come out as Gaga," she said, adding that she hopes to model her persona after Michael Jackson.

Will she hurry up and die then.

I feel like Im living in some sort of hell. Its like Michael was my heaven and now Im in hell cause he is gone and she is here. lol (and Im not even religious).

I don't understand what is going on. Why are people falling for this woman's actions. She is constantly on MJ's back trying to make out she is at his level. Well she seriously needs to F*** OFF. Its not even the MJ comparison that is the most stupid thing, its the fact she believes she will have fans outside the hospital screaming for her.

I think Im going to be sick.
Gaga said she has no intention of ever letting fans see her as Stefani Germanotta. "If I were to ever, God forbid, get hurt onstage and my fans were screaming outside of the hospital, waiting for me to come out, I'd come out as Gaga," she said, adding that she hopes to model her persona after Michael Jackson.

Will she hurry up and die then.

I feel like Im living in some sort of hell. Its like Michael was my heaven and now Im in hell cause he is gone and she is here. lol (and Im not even religious).

I don't understand what is going on. Why are people falling for this woman's actions. She is constantly on MJ's back trying to make out she is at his level. Well she seriously needs to F*** OFF. Its not even the MJ comparison that is the most stupid thing, its the fact she believes she will have fans outside the hospital screaming for her.

I think Im going to be sick.

You don't think you're being a tad dramatic? There's a singer you don't like - Wow.
You don't think you're being a tad dramatic? There's a singer you don't like - Wow.

Perhaps, but Im good with using words and they are expressing my inner anger over her existance. Im sorry is my words are too much for you, but I say it how it is for me.
I can't understand why people are even giving her a minute of their 'happy' time. If people want to talk about her, they should be using their anger on her, cause she is vulgar and we need to express that we don't want her on our tvs, radios and papers etc.
That statment alone about her being in hospital and acting like Michael, should be enough to put everyone on this board off her. She is so arrogant, in real life she would have no friends.
Perhaps, but Im good with using words and they are expressing my inner anger over her existance. Im sorry is my words are too much for you, but I say it how it is for me.
I can't understand why people are even giving her a minute of their 'happy' time. If people want to talk about her, they should be using their anger on her, cause she is vulgar and we need to express that we don't want her on our tvs, radios and papers etc.
That statment alone about her being in hospital and acting like Michael, should be enough to put everyone on this board off her. She is so arrogant, in real life she would have no friends.

I agree, you're over dramatic and so are the others who are making more of this than it is. Gaga didn't disrespect Michael and from what I've seen of her she's always been very respectful to other artists and her fans. She's not actually done anything to anyone other than saturate the airwaves, and that's what is annoying to you guys, not Lady Gaga herself. Well, not the real Gaga, now the one you guys have created in your mind is a another story.

I recently read how she said though she gets Madonna comparisons all the time (the interviewer was asking how she feels about it), Gaga finds it silly because she's too new and there will only ever be one Madonna. That doesn't sound arrogant to me. Gaga is the hot it girl and of course with that kind of attention there will be lots of hate. It's kind of like with MJ (don't take this at a deeper level than it is). He got so much heat simply because he was that hot. Once you reach a certain level people want to see the person they built up, fall. Say what you will to defend hate of Gaga, but it's just as MJ said to the world through music, "It's Human Nature".
I don't agree with the idea that any one who does not like Gaga is doing so because she is too popular. (Not saying you imply that about everyone, but the implication was certainly there for some). And, I guess for some that assessment will be correct. I for one, do not like her music (sans her first two songs) and i do not particularly like her. She annoys me to no end. I find her pretentious.

She may be a nice person from what I have seen, and that is why I try not to straight out bash her. But, I do not like her. I don't listen to the radio so it does not matter that she saturates the waves, I would not know. And fortunately I have seen very few of her videos. But I have seen enough to come to an informed decision about how she makes me feel. Her silly, 3rd grade antics are sophomoric (kinda redundant). I don't know everything she has said, but I do know how her behavior carries across to me.

I am not a fan. But I can understand others who do like her. And, good for them. More power to them. But not everyone who dislikes her is just hatin' on her. I need no other dictation but my own personal feelings to tell me what I should like. Popular opinion does not matter. I trust my own gag factor. And I don't think just becuase Gaga has been respectful of MJ, I should or no one else should not be afforded the chance to say she is not their cup of tea.

This post is so piecemill. Sorry!
I agree, you're over dramatic and so are the others who are making more of this than it is. Gaga didn't disrespect Michael and from what I've seen of her she's always been very respectful to other artists and her fans. She's not actually done anything to anyone other than saturate the airwaves, and that's what is annoying to you guys, not Lady Gaga herself. Well, not the real Gaga, now the one you guys have created in your mind is a another story.

I recently read how she said though she gets Madonna comparisons all the time (the interviewer was asking how she feels about it), Gaga finds it silly because she's too new and there will only ever be one Madonna. That doesn't sound arrogant to me. Gaga is the hot it girl and of course with that kind of attention there will be lots of hate. It's kind of like with MJ (don't take this at a deeper level than it is). He got so much heat simply because he was that hot. Once you reach a certain level people want to see the person they built up, fall. Say what you will to defend hate of Gaga, but it's just as MJ said to the world through music, "It's Human Nature".

i didn't make much of gaga. MJ's backlash came from the media..not his fans. GaGa's backlash is coming from radio listeners and not the media, sorta like Beyonce. that is the difference. and i suggested that GaGa may not like that she is being overplayed on the radio. but there is no proof of her saying that. i gave her the benefit of the doubt, in that instance.

with MJ, the fan devotion angered the media..with GaGa..the radio saturation angered some listeners. i was there to witness greatly reduced radio airplay for MJ, and media resentment began early. so listening to an MJ song was always an event.

GaGa never got the chance for her stuff to become a real event, cus she always gets played too much on the radio. you have to be rare to be an event. and MJ went into hiding a lot. and i used ot have to wait a whole day to hear his music on the radio, right from the very beginning. you have to admit, GaGa making appearances at Yankee stadium and stripping, while her music is being overplayed, is not helping her case.

so MJ's hotness due to fan devotion, angering the media and GaGa's media induced hit status, because of constant radio play, angering some listeners, is two different things.
chances are, they might burn out GaGa. that didn't happen to Michael. because his hotness didn't need media help. he's treated like a treasure by fans alone, outside the media...even though the media helped deplete him and kill his body.
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And no, I didn't mean to imply that what I said applies to everyone. It doesn't, but it does for some. I am a Gaga fan. Up to now, for the most part, she's played it very smart. She has even captured the gay audience much in the same way Madonna did and gay fans are VERY loyal to their icons. I can't help but like her and her hustle. That's why she gets the comparisons but only time will tell if she can really live up to it. I'm skeptical myself because Madonna is so bloody smart and savvy. I'm not sure Gaga can truly play in the big leagues for the long haul but I will sit back and enjoy the show.