Lady Gaga General Talk


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
I've created this thread ( think I have the right to do so, as this activity isn't directed to moderators only), because it's obviously unfair and biased to other people who aren't fans not to have their own thread where their can discuss more controversial matters. And unless this forum has become a unilateral dictatorship, this thread won't be deleted. In addition to that, Lady Gaga isn't Tom or Jerry the cartoons that everyone loves, that no one can criticize, so being silenced isn't a just thing now, is it? No, it isn't, it's actually quite vindictive to say the least. Jesus Christ can't be compared to Lady Gaga, nor with you, me, the man next door, the priest from the local church, nor to anybody that is a human being on this earth.

..So, for this is for the non-fans and/or the neutral ones, yet Not for haters of her own person, thus some decorum would be nice. Thx. ...
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Alma, there are many members here who do not like Gaga. I for one find her to be uninspiring and unoriginal. I did like her first few songs, and I was excited about her live rendition of (I think) Poker Face on AI a few years back where she played the piano as an opener, but she has quickly worn on my nerves. Quite frankly, I find her to be demonic. She gives off a vibe to me that I do not like. It's hard to explain. I feel very uneasy about her. She seems to be a very nice person, so I am not sure what about her exactly unnerves me.
Exactly, Ginvid... She does seem to be a nice, albeit, a bit lost person, to be honest, but those bad vibes around her are real and thick. I liked Poker Face too, and I actually like 'Edge Of Glory'... but really, she doesn't need to try this hard to be this dark and occult in all of her appearances and videos and even lyrics. .. If it isn't her or in her to come across like that, then she needs to stop doing it and be herself, not sell her body and soul for some most quick 15 mins of fame and play into the elites' agenda of stifling and persecuting Christianity. If she's as Christian and religious as she claims to be, then she should stop contradicting herself and act like one and actually have a positive influence on people.

Many are complaining that we, the 'attackers' and 'haters' of hers, are doing that out personal spite and extreme religiosity and choose to harp on her by Always 'dictating' from the Bible or what not. We're not attackers, nor haters, nor ego-bruised, no extremely religious, but realistic. Some would get bothered even after describing her videos. Isn't She the one who almost always finds a way to involve religion, the Bible, the Christian cross an other religious symbols and erratically incorporate them in her videos and public appearances? So, how come we're those that always bring up religion, when she's the one doing it, and we're only commenting on that as, I dare say, responsible, normally concerned people. Of course, some are gonna get disturbed and hurt by how God is being painted as, and how perfection is being perverted, she has got lots of influence for young kids who like her for some of us not to show at least a remote sense of worry. ....
Nice thread.........

I was wondering how long gaga can keep up with her attention seeking ways before people get bored of her...........
I'm not a hater and I'm not a fan of her either.

Imo she tries hard to somehow to do what Madonna did in the 80's. Madonna was always trying to be controversial, not only with her stage outfits (now tamed compared to Gaga's, but at that time, it was something that caused controversy), but also on her videos, mocking religious beliefs. Remember Like a Prayer, where she kisses a black saint? The sex book, for example, it was nothing, but a seek attention move. The masturbation performance at her show for Like a Virgin. And Gaga, as much as she denies she wants to emulate Madonna.
Here is my review from the closed LG thread:

I was surprised when I heard this album. The ballads were great but the uptempo songs are all too similar. I was expecting the reverse. She is much better at recording songs like "Speechless" than songs like "Bad Romance". Her uptempos songs have started to sound more like noisy nonsense than a song. Songs like "Americano" and "Goverment Hooker" are barely songs. "Judas" could have been much better without the random noises and shouts. "Born This Way" is a big exception it is
excuted perfectly. "Shibe" is also a very good song but goes a bit overboard. The lower tempo songs are amazing. "You and I" has to be one of her best songs to date. "The Edge Of Glory" is also amazing but drags on a bit and gets repetitive. Hair is pretty ok, too. "Fashion Of His Love" is one the best songs I've heard this year. It should be on the normal version of the album and not just the special edition.

The songs that most most shine on this album are "You And I", "Fashion Of His Love", "The Edge Of Glory", and "Marry The Night".

This album would be better better with a shorter tracklist. Some of he uptempo songs ruin the album for me. I would prefer this tracklisting.

1. Hair
2. Born This Way
3. The Edge Of Glory
4. Shibe
5. Judas
6. Black Jesus ¥ Amen Fashion
7. Electric Chapel
8. The Queen
9. The Fashion Of His Love
10. You And I

I give it a 7.5/10

She gives off a vibe to me that I do not like. It's hard to explain. I feel very uneasy about her. She seems to be a very nice person, so I am not sure what about her exactly unnerves me.

Gaga has a good voice, I like... but the way she dresses and some of its atitutes and things she says... It bothers me a lot.

Actually, I think Gaga bizarre and whenever I see... I have a shock. I think it has to be more careful with the things she does and says. She has many fans teenagers and may seem silly, but everything she does and says has a big influence for these fans. This is an example and I get shocked:

Crazed Lady Gaga Fan Charged with Animal Cruelty

Killed Cat to Make an Outfit

Amanda Barnes, a 20-year-old Lady Gaga fan from Oklahoma City, is being charged with animal cruelty. Authorities believe that she killed her relatives' 15-year-old tabby cat.

According to KFOR, relatives found Barnes in an outfit that she had planned to wear to a Lady Gaga concert, a long coat and streaks of cat blood on her face. (She may have been inspired by Gaga's 2009 MTV Video Music Awards performance of Paparazzi," where she faked her own death while her face was smeared in fake blood.)

Relatives called authorities and took Barnes to the hospital, where she threatened a male nurse with a piece of glass.

At the house, investigators found that the cat had been drowned, sliced down the stomach, and eyes mutilated. They also found the cat's liver in a makeup case.

Although Barnes has a history of depression, those who know her say that such violent behavior was out of character for her.

Lady Gaga has a penchant for wearing outrageous outfits, including the floor-length meat costume she wore to the 2010 Video Music Awards. Gaga verified that the outfit was real meat and that it came from her family's butcher.

Barnes is one disturbed fan who went too far to emulate her idol. It's one thing to wear a costume with fake blood. It's quite another to use real cat blood. I doubt Lady Gaga would have condoned the killing of an innocent household pet.

This is not the first time a cat has suffered at the hands of a crazed fan. In October 2009, a Miley Cyrus fan was so upset about the pop star's departure from Twitter that she threatened to eat her cat if Cyrus didn't reopen her account by Nov. 16.

As the Twitter user claimed, "Fuzzy's life his hanging by a thread and will end if I do not achieve my goal. Ultimately, Miley is the only one with the power to save Fuzzy. Use #mileysavefuzzy on Twitter to raise awareness." (We never found out if this fan followed through on her threat to eat poor Fuzzy.)

Both Lady Gaga and Miley Cyrus seem to take a lot of flack for fan behavior. This month, a 10-year-old Cyrus fan got in trouble at school for drawing a picture of Cyrus smoking the infamous salvia bong. The teacher sent the student out to the hall for 30 minutes to "reflect on what she did wrong."


Am I wrong?

Does Gaga seen this? I wonder what she thought of that... :fear:

I see that she desperately tries to be always in evidence, but not in a way ... how can I say ... healthy, do not know if this is a right word, but I think you'll understand.

Well, I hope this thread does not turn a ring: Fans Gaga x no fans Gaga. :fear:

Imo she tries hard to somehow to do what Madonna did in the 80's.

And Gaga, as much as she denies she wants to emulate Madonna.

:yes: BUT.... Times have changed.... What Gaga makes today does not cause much shock like Madonna in the past. Gaga will never be the new Madonna. -_- If Madonna did TODAY, what she did in the past, would not cause as much impact as in the past, sure. The world is very modern and everything happens blatantly in our faces without taboo/shame, everything with very naturally. So Gaga goes for the bizarre side to draw attention, like using a meat dress and so on.... If it is not bizarre, it does not call attention to anyone, does not shock people and she is not in evidence. Marketing... if one can call it marketing. LOL

Maybe I'm completely wrong about everything I said.... :fear:
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I am not a Gaga fan.I am also not a hater,but the amount of attention that she gets does bother me. Musically she doesn't impress me.Her videos ar just weird and dark. She just wants to shock and that's it. There is no real message behind it all, she just wants to be in the spot light.
It annoys me to know that Michael - who really was a musical genious - was considerd a freak for loving children, having a chimp pet or a lama, going shopping for toys,etc. etc. and Gaga, who wore a freakin' meat-dress is so media-praised.A couple of days ago I read an article somewhere on the net... Lady Gaga was voted the most influencial person of the decade. WHAT?! Who is considering her a good role-model?! :doh:
And the media are loving her a whole lot. It's like, whatever she comes up with, it's fascinating to them - she's fascinating to them. So, yeah.. Weirdest thing ever, but it's not like this isn't to be expected from them, whenever have they praised innocence and realest talent?

Lady Gaga should focus more on playing her piano and creating good quality music, which is something she very much could do. Sad to see skills going to waste in such a horrendous fashion. ...
And the media are loving her a whole lot. It's like, whatever she comes up with, it's fascinating to them - she's fascinating to them. So, yeah.. Weirdest thing ever, but it's not like this isn't to be expected from them, whenever have they praised innocence and realest talent?

Lady Gaga should focus more on playing her piano and creating good quality music, which is something she very much could do. Sad to see skills going to waste in such a horrendous fashion. ...

Completely agree with you here...I think she does have a butt load of talent, but she's wasting it. I do like her music, I listen to her a lot, it's catchy, and she has a fantastic voice. She's got a lot of potential, and I actually think Born This Way (the song) is very uplifting and has a great message. WTF is with the video though? Very disappointing to me.

I'd be impressed if she came out on stage, dressed down, sitting at her piano, and just sang her heart out. Put the gimmicks, prosthetics, and freaky behaviour aside for now, and let's see what she's REALLY made of. She is trying so hard to be unpredictable and different that she is turning out to be the exact opposite.
Gimmicks and controversy aside, behind it all, i think the actual music isn't really very good at all. Predictable chord progs (chorus of edge of glory), imo the production is awful, very dry with no mid range, and tacky upper range with a dull powerfull bass. They are catchy chorus lines, but there harmonies are very 1990s pop which is a style i do not like. It's all chord based songs, no riffs, lady gaga's last riff based song was Poker Face, no wonder it was such a big hit. She's good as a star and selling herself, i just don't feel the music is strong enough to be at the level of people she's being compared with. Differen't to the current scene does not necessarily mean good, change for the sake of change is a poor move. It's all subjective though and i accept that some people may love this music :)
Gimmicks and controversy aside, behind it all, i think the actual music isn't really very good at all. Predictable She's good as a star and selling herself, i just don't feel the music is strong enough to be at the level of people she's being compared with. Differen't to the current scene does not necessarily mean good, change for the sake of change is a poor move. It's all subjective though and i accept that some people may love this music :)
I completely agree
I have to say that Lady Gaga's music has actually 'grown' on me lately! :bugeyed
I quite like some of her songs :yes:
Well that's my opinion, lol.
Me with my poker face! :mello:
Ehm, I don't mean to be the wet blanket of the bunch, but what the Hell do we have a "we don't like Lady Gaga/ we're neutral about Lady Gaga" thread for? It seems a bit...pointless? That's what all the discussion threads are for, with the exception of the new "Lady Gaga Appreciation Thread For Fans Only," which sounds equally stupid, since this is a forum and a place where different opinions should be posted without dividing people (except, of course, about Michael, since it is a Michael Jackson fan forum...)

So, if Lady Gaga fans don't want to get butt-hurt over our different opinions, they should join a Lady Gaga fan forum and post their stuff at that place. (There's an idea!) Otherwise, they should grow some thick skin and get over it, because not everyone is going to be considerate of, or approving of, their opinion, especially on such a trivial subject. I could understand if the divide was done over something personally sensitive such as politics, philosophy, or even religion/lack thereof, but Lady Gagag? Please!

I don't think we should insult other users personally (i.e. you're stupid for liking/not liking x), however, saying something like (x is stupid, or x is cool) should definitely be allowed.

With that said, I think both threads are pointless. Good day to you, sirs!

Ehm, I don't mean to be the wet blanket of the bunch, but what the Hell do we have a "we don't like Lady Gaga/ we're neutral about Lady Gaga" thread for? It seems a bit...pointless? That's what all the discussion threads are for, with the exception of the new "Lady Gaga Appreciation Thread For Fans Only," which sounds equally stupid, since this is a forum and a place where different opinions should be posted without dividing people (except, of course, about Michael, since it is a Michael Jackson fan forum...)

So, if Lady Gaga fans don't want to get butt-hurt over our different opinions, they should join a Lady Gaga fan forum and post their stuff at that place. (There's an idea!) Otherwise, they should grow some thick skin and get over it, because not everyone is going to be considerate of, or approving of, their opinion, especially on such a trivial subject. I could understand if the divide was done over something personally sensitive such as politics, philosophy, or even religion/lack thereof, but Lady Gagag? Please!

I don't think we should insult other users personally (i.e. you're stupid for liking/not liking x), however, saying something like (x is stupid, or x is cool) should definitely be allowed.

With that said, I think both threads are pointless. Good day to you, sirs!

Well, Mikage, because the former Gaga thread got closed overnight due to most likely loud complains, and another Gaga thread opened - and it was only for fans. ... o.0 So, I had to start this one for the other categories who were basically silenced. Sure this wasn't That pointless, was it?.. ...
This is just going to turn into a Lady Gaga hate thread. How sad. If fans of hers respected that some people are not fans and haters respected that you can't call people demonic or whatever then maybe we could have one thread with one liberal discussion. The fans need to realise that some people actually do not like her music and it's nothing personal and the haters need to stop going over the top with calling a person uncalled for things.

If Michael's photo wasn't on the banner you'd think we aren't MJ fans to begin with ... arguing over another artist.
This is just going to turn into a Lady Gaga hate thread. How sad. If fans of hers respected that some people are not fans and haters respected that you can't call people demonic or whatever then maybe we could have one thread with one liberal discussion. The fans need to realise that some people actually do not like her music and it's nothing personal and the haters need to stop going over the top with calling a person uncalled for things.

If Michael's photo wasn't on the banner you'd think we aren't MJ fans to begin with ... arguing over another artist.

I am not a hater, no one on here actually has been. I have not said anything over the top either about her, and until a certain reply came in (who had valid points as well tho, like the point that there must be plenty of Lady Gaga websites and forums out there), it was an okay and normal discussion. I created the thread for the reasons mentioned that don't need a reiteration, and because it's not democracy and fairness to silence those people who have the right to express what they don't like as much as the opposite category obviously does.

Go to the Lady Gaga Fans thread, please, if you don't like this thread or feel it's hateful and you obviously don't and do feel it is. It's not a hateful thread, it's actually very realism-inspired, for your information and others', and you are stirring things up on here. Nobody has gone to stir things up in the now Gaga fan thread. .
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This is just going to turn into a Lady Gaga hate thread. How sad. If fans of hers respected that some people are not fans and haters respected that you can't call people demonic or whatever then maybe we could have one thread with one liberal discussion. The fans need to realise that some people actually do not like her music and it's nothing personal and the haters need to stop going over the top with calling a person uncalled for things.

If Michael's photo wasn't on the banner you'd think we aren't MJ fans to begin with ... arguing over another artist.

Have you not read all the posts in here? No one has displayed any 'hateful' attitudes toward Lady Gaga. I believe most of us actually said we like her music, but we're here to talk a bit more objectively about her. That's the issue. It's an objective thread. You're just assuming that it'll turn into a hateful thread, for whatever reason and if it ever does, then you can come in here and use the hater card. It just seemed that in the other Gaga thread, people who were fans didn't seem to appreciate that people have a different opinion about her. I wouldn't consider myself a fan, but I like her music...

Alma, thanks for starting this thread :D
Ok lets stay on topic and not argue over the thread.
If this open discussion about Lady gaga doesnt suite you then
go to the Gaga Fan thread. This is not going to be a hate thread.
If it turns into a hate thread it will be closed.

If you dont like this thread DONT post (complain) ..
Go to the Lady Gaga fan appreciation thread

If any member has problems with any posts please dont derail threads.
You have the option to report any post or threads that break MJJC rules
with the report button below each post _Use it correctly and dont respond to
any hate becuase you might get caught up in the frey when any action is taken.

Thanks for your cooperation

Please dont reply to this note. Just get back on topic _ Thanks
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Well, Mikage, because the former Gaga thread got closed overnight due to most likely loud complains, and another Gaga thread opened - and it was only for fans. ... o.0 So, I had to start this one for the other categories who were basically silenced. Sure this wasn't That pointless, was it?.. ...

Fair enough. I still think both are pretty pointless, with this one being less so because the other one got closed, I suspect (like you) over someone being overly sensitive and temporarily forgetting that this is not a gaga fan forum. I think you all should be allowed to say whatever you want about her, even if it's unconventional like her being demonic, it's fair if you can explain why you think so, and if fans don't like it, they can shut their traps, methinks. Likewise, they should be free to say whatever they will about her being "omg liek so awesummm" or whatever, as it is (I think) still a free forum, and I'm all for freedom of speech and what-not.

All I know is, I'm staying out of it. :3
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Lady Gaga Saga of Sales Spiral Down Continues
Poor Lady Gaga. Her saga of continued downward sales continues. In the fourth week of release for “Born this Way,” her latest release sold a mere 68,935 copies. That brings her to a total of 1,254,484–less, of course, the 440,000 copies that amazon gave away for 99 cents. If those are removed, the total is 854,484. That’s a lot of CDs, of course, no matter what the parameters. But with the amazon deal and no real second breakout single, “Born this Way” is quickly vanishing. This week it fell to number 4. I always like to contrast it with Adele’s “21″ album, which had a zero percent change last week and sold well over 100,000 copies. Lady Gaga also finished behind a child, Jackie Evancho. Why anyone wants to listen to an 11 year old sing classical music is beyond me, but that’s the story right now. In each of the last three weeks, Gaga has dropped about 40,000 units. This means that this week she could finish with around 25,000 copies sold. She has to be making big bucks from endorsements and touring because CD sales are not going to support her lavish lifestyle.
^ Aw man that sucks compared to the fame.

I have no idea if the album will keep selling or not, but it's way too early to deem it a flop or make it out to be dire straights. BTW has only been out for a hot minute and is doing just fine. Did anyone really expect it to be selling 100k+ copies a week over a month in to the game? I didn't. Album sales in general are in the crapper and very few people could pull that off. Very few. Just sayin'. Carry on.
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This is just going to turn into a Lady Gaga hate thread. How sad. If fans of hers respected that some people are not fans and haters respected that you can't call people demonic or whatever then maybe we could have one thread with one liberal discussion. The fans need to realise that some people actually do not like her music and it's nothing personal and the haters need to stop going over the top with calling a person uncalled for things.

If Michael's photo wasn't on the banner you'd think we aren't MJ fans to begin with ... arguing over another artist.

Hating and Disliking are two different things!!!!!
^ Yeah but the last thread got quite heated. Btw, what's up with the "!!!!!!!"? Would you please calm down?
^I agree with Krshna28. Neutrality, dislike, and "hating" are different things. Criticizing trivial/extraneous things which have nothing to do with her work, such as her outfit choices, would be within the realm of "hating." Expressing lack of admiration for her music, however, is simply stating one's opinion on a given subject. Since this is not a Gaga fan board, such opinions are permitted to be expressed, as are opinions in favour of Gaga's work.

With that said, Born This Way isn't doing as well as The Fame. It seems as though Gaga's popularity is fading. The singles, for one, aren't as strong as those from The Fame. IMO, things started to slip with the last single of the transition album, The Fame Monster. Although that album had some good singles, it wasn't as strong as her debut album.

All the videos from The Fame were visually appealing or had a halfway interesting storyline, despite the themes of the songs themselves being a bit bland. The majority of The Fame Monster's videos were still pretty top-grade, visual-wise, although one of them was kind of a bit of a rip off from her first album's idea (poisoning being a theme both in "Paparazzi" and "Telephone"). The fact that "Telephone" was supposed to be a sort of sequel to the Paparazzi video makes the repetition even more inexcusable, presenting Gaga as a sort of one trick pony who can only kill people by poisoning them, which was the opposite of the 'bad girl' image she was attempting to project. Beyonce's cameo/vocals in the song were also pretty out of place, and I am of the opinion that the song would have been much better without her. The last single, "Alejandro", was much better in song than in video format, which is the complete converse of most of Gaga's material--her videos tend to be more interesting than her songs. The video was plainly atrocious, had nothing at all to do with the song, and just seemed to be an excuse to offend some people's religious sensitivities. The entire affair seemed gimmicky and had a stench of pseudo-rebellion, as it almost seemed like she was attempting to be a Marilyn Manson 2.0, without the passion for or talent at pushing people's buttons.

From what I've noticed, things have started to go downhill for Gaga since "Alejandro." Everyone was expecting this hugely awesome song when she sang a bit of "Born This Way" at the MTV music awards, but in the end, the first single turned out to be just a common pop song with some suspect resemblance to Madonna's "Express Yourself," which even Gaga fans had to admit existed. The video for that single was notably tacky and pointless, with Gaga's pseudo-metaphoric babble at the beginning doing the already horrid thing no favours.

The album's second single, "Judas", became easily forgettable as well (despite my penchant for it). Despite her attempt to create controversy by releasing the single so close to Easter, (which she later denied, to nobody's surprise, in an effort to create even more controversy through feigned ignorance), the single failed to reach a top position on any relevant charts. The music video also leaves much to be desired, and the theme of the song is like a watered-down version of her previous (and much better) hit, "Bad Romance."

Note to Gaga: the "piss off as many religious people as you can" horse has been beaten to death by Madonna, and countless metal bands throughout the world, not to mention Marilyn Manson, whose attempts are far more sophisticated than anything we've witnessed from you thus far.

The latest single/music video, "Edge of Glory," is entirely lackluster and repetitive, and even cheesier than her first 2011 single, "Born This Way." The best part out of the whole song is that saxophone solo, which was performed by Clarence Clemons (RIP). The fact that the most memorable part of her song is a performance by someone else doesn't speak well about the rest of it. The single's video is also pretty boring, especially when compared to her prior work. The strongest thing she's got going for her is visual appeal, and she totally botched it with that video. It was reminiscent of "Love Game" with the urban setting, but lacked what made that video interesting. The lyrics are also horrendously cheesy, albeit great material for a drinking game--take a sip every time she says "edge." You'll be drunk in no time, which might make the song more tolerable/less annoying and cheesy, maybe. :p

Most of the other songs from her album are nothing special, especially when compared to her previous work. I'm generally not in favour of comparing musicians to one another unless the plagiarism is self-evident, which is why my review has, for the most part, compared Gaga's efforts to her previous work. Some of the remaining songs beat the aforementioned "piss off the religious" horse to death even more, especially "Bloody Mary," which one would think featured the infamous English queen, but actually very obviously is meant to be a reference to Mary Magdalene, a controversial figure of Biblical stock (thanks to Pope Gregory the Great deeming her a repentant prostitute), whom some believe may have been in a physical relationship with Jesus--but all that's Da Vinci Code drivel, so I won't discuss it. "Black Jesus" also fits in with the whole "piss off religious people" theme, despite the song being about her love of fashion, I could see how some would consider it blasphemy, with the random dropping of the name in a song that has nothing to do with Jesus. "Electric Chapel" would fit in here too, since the song is about meeting someone at a dance club to "make this pure love work in dirty ways," which is diametrically opposed to the idea of what a Chapel's purpose is.

"Hair" is a whiny, mediocre song which places Gaga as a whiny teenager, hence her protests against her mom and dad who "won't let her be who she really is," whatever that means. The entire thing is just some shallow anthem to her love of fashion and, apparently, hair, which would be fine if only she didn't say "I'm not a freak." I don't see how anyone who isn't shallow would deem her thus--looking past her outfits and gimmicks, getting into the soul of her work, she's just like all the others, which is why she's incessantly popular. This is further confirmed by lyrics in the same song, which express her wanting to have "lots of friends who invite her to parties," and giving herself red highlights so her friends will think she's "dynamite," along with some mention of a High School dance. In other words, she's trying to play to the whole "I'm different because I dress weird" image, but at the same time she gives herself away as just an ordinary girl who wants attention. "Bad Kids" belongs in this category as well. Think of it as a less catchy version of P!nk's "Raise Your Glass." All shallow high school/teen drama drivel here, nothing to see at all.

"Government Hooker" is a less sexy version of "Love Game," which also had the sex/authority/submission theme in the video. John F. Kennedy also gets a sorry mention, which I'm sure would have the poor bloke rolling in his grave, but anyway. "Scheiße" should have never been penned down, as she completely butchers the German language. Note to Gaga: stick to French. "Fashion" is a much better song in every regard.

"Heavy Metal Lover" is a song about group sex, with some weak S&M innuendo which barely manages to stay above Rihanna's truly awful "S&M" song. "You and I" is just a regular love song. "Marry the Night" is a song about how she makes herself feel better by drinking and going out into NYC's nightlife. Truly, none of these are anything special.

"Americano" might be the only really relevant/meaningful/halfway redeeming song out of the entire Born This Way album. It certainly is the only one which paints her in a sympathetic light, as someone who fell in love with a Latin American girl in LA, and the entire story of the song is about how they can run away to be together and marry on the West Coast, as their love is "on the edge of the law" everywhere else. Despite the fact that neither speaks the others' language, and Gaga doesn't speak her "Jesus Cristo" (I interpret this as the girl having some reservations about being with Gaga due to her Catholic beliefs--as Latin American Catholics tend to frown upon gay marriage and are overall more religious/dogmatic than American ones, if you can imagine that...), Gaga feels she loves her, etc. and her heart aches for how much she cares for the girl, as she sings of how "they fell in love, but not in court," meaning their love is not recognized by the state like heterosexual marriages. She then alludes to a better place with the following verse: "In the mountains, las campanas, estan sonando. Todos los chicos, y los chicos, se estan besando " can be interpreted as wedding bells ringing in California (known to have mountainous terrain), and the guys kissing are obviously gay men who just got married. She sings of her songs being "of the revolution", which, really, with the exception of this one, they are not. She's no t.A.T.u., however, at least this is a step in the right direction. Arguably, both "Born This Way" and "Highway Unicorn" would fit here too, but god they're both just dreadful.

Overall, Born this Way has pretty much none of the "political" air she spoke of during her discussions of it prior to her release. It was mostly self-indulgent drivel and a major let-down to anyone who was expecting anything of meaning--well, they got one good song out of it, at least. I think it would have done much better had she not hyped it up so much during her interviews, etc. and had she not striven to cause so much controversy by continually misusing symbols of the Christian religion while claiming to follow it. That approach would work much better if she didn't claim to be a Christian, as her use of said symbols could be seen as a protest to the beliefs in said religion, instead of a gimmick for attention and ignorance of Christian teachings on her part.

Then again, I'm of the opinion that religion and non-religious music genres shouldn't mix, as everyone should be able to enjoy music without either being indoctrinated with values of x religion, having their religion attacked by the musician, or in this case, having their religious symbols be exploited by the musician in an effort to appear "edgy." But then we get into the whole "freedom of expression" thing, and end up arguing ad nauseam.

Anyway, my two cents and honest review on Gaga's latest album.
^ Your analysis is so smart. I loved your analysis for Americano but I disagree with The Edgy Of Glory and Hair (mainly because I have an over protective, ridiculously traditional arab father who argues over every single little thing I wear because it's "trashy" - even if it's a simple top, jeans and heels).

P.S. Is your signature from the movie Amadeus? Looks very familiar. I love that movie so much.
I do love "Americano," I think it might be Gaga's redeeming work, along with "Speechless." If her next album is built upon songs like that, she might have something good going for her. "Judas" is a great song (to me), but only because I'm biased towards the theme. Lyric-wise and vocal-wise, it leaves much to be desired. As for your rationale for liking "Hair," I can understand that. However, my situation is the exact opposite of yours--my mother is the one who wears that type of outfit (heels, miniskirts, etc.) from shops which befit teenage girls more than women in their 40s, whereas my style of clothing is more androgynous/definitely not "sexy," with the exception of a corset I occasionally wear.

"Edge of Glory" has nothing to do with parents/style, though. It is a nice albeit common song, with an upbeat theme, but everything would have gone far better if it wasn't so repetitive. The video should have also been a bit more memorable too.

With that said, I really want to see Gaga release some sort of clothing line. I think her fashion is probably the best thing she's got going for her. I don't understand why some people don't like it. Her music is overall pretty bland, her lyric work leaves a lot to be demanded, but her fashion sense is top grade, in my honest opinion. She should do more to capitalize on that.

As for my signature, it is from the film Quills, a historical fiction film based on a play loosely based on the life of the Marquis de Sade. When I say loosely, I mean loosely. The film is more fiction than fact, but it is still an excellent film, and I highly recommend it. I do love Amadeus as well, it is a fantastic film! Although, I daresay de Sade and Mozart have little in common, lol. :p

Oh, and to respond to your previous inquiry regarding Krshna's use of exclamation points, he always does that. It's just his way of posting, and he doesn't mean anything bad by it.
^ Yeah but the last thread got quite heated. Btw, what's up with the "!!!!!!!"? Would you please calm down?

Oh, and to respond to your previous inquiry regarding Krshna's use of exclamation points, he always does that. It's just his way of posting, and he doesn't mean anything bad by it.

Thanks Mikage Souji for your explanation!!!!!.....and you are 100% right!!!!!
I enjoyed reading your review Mikage Souji.

I love Amadeus also. The scene where Mozart changes Salieri's music and show it to the king after listening just once is hilarious. Love it. Wonder if Mozart personality was like the Mozart of the movie.