Lady GaGa Considers Releasing 2 Albums Next Year


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
During an interview with Ryan Seacrest this morning Lady GaGa revealed some surprising news. The chart monster let it slip that despite previously stating that she had completed her new album she has in fact returned to the studio and is considering releasing 2 records in 2011.

GaGa noted that her creative vigor was inspired by the overturning of California’s Proposition 8 last week. Check out what she had to say below:

“I felt like it was a revolution, like a gunshot went off, like it set us all into rotation,” Gaga said. “It was so exciting when it happened because it, for me, was a moment that indicated that it could happen in every state now…I was so happy and I went into the studio and kept writing [new music].”

She continued on to talk about how the new music would affect her forthcoming third album, that she has said in past interviews was already complete. “I know I told everybody my album was done, which is it kinda is done, but I can’t stop writing music. I don’t know what I’m going to do. I might have to put out two records.” {Source}

2 new albums from GaGa in 2011 would definitely prove to be a bit much. After releasing LP’s in both 2008 and 2009, and embarking on a world tour that has yet to end, I sense that consumers would experience GaGa overload. It may, however, be more plausible to release a double disc album or a standard/deluxe edition combo. Hopefully she makes the right decision.
Is she aiming to be overrated like Beyonce?

Look, I'm happy that she's ambitious and although she has nothing on Madonna or any other icon, she's the biggest thing today - and the most exciting but that's not really a big compliment since everyone is so boring.

Why doesn't she release one album next year and take a two year break? That way she won't make everyone sick of her. And doesn't she know that you don't release EVERY song you write? You write hundreds for an album and select the top best 10-13 (at least, that's what the decent musicians do).
gaga should take a break for 2-3 years she's working to hard
I am afraid that her new songs will sound all alike because she is non-stop releasing singles
Is she aiming to be overrated like Beyonce?

Look, I'm happy that she's ambitious and although she has nothing on Madonna or any other icon, she's the biggest thing today - and the most exciting but that's not really a big compliment since everyone is so boring.

Why doesn't she release one album next year and take a two year break? That way she won't make everyone sick of her. And doesn't she know that you don't release EVERY song you write? You write hundreds for an album and select the top best 10-13 (at least, that's what the decent musicians do).

How do you know she's releasing EVERY song she wrote?

And honestly, no matter how many people dislike her. No one can deny that she earned her fame fair and square.
I think she's definitely talented....her music and her voice are great....But I can't stand her performances and videos...she tries too hard to be different and unique, but then it just turns out to be very predictable....I mean, good for her, if she's got a creative juice and wants to get it out...but see, that's why Michael was such a huge star, and had longevity...he made us wait, made us wonder...that was his's funny how a lot of other 'stars' don't realize or understand the power of mystery
I love Gaga but I agree that she needs to take a break. Cool your jets, reload, and come back with a vengeance when it's time for your sophomore effort.
Lady GaGa Awarded Plaque For 13 Million Albums Sold

Pop phenom Lady GaGa is proving to be quite the tour de force. The ‘Bad Romance’ singer was last night presented with a plaque commemorating her sales of 13 million albums and 51 million singles worldwide. This over the course of just two years.

The emotional moment took place at the Staples Centre during the Los Angeles stop of the 24 year old’s ‘Monster Ball’ tour.
Re: Lady GaGa Awarded Plaque For 13 Million Albums Sold

Pop phenom Lady GaGa is proving to be quite the tour de force. The ‘Bad Romance’ singer was last night presented with a plaque commemorating her sales of 13 million albums and 51 million singles worldwide. This over the course of just two years.

The emotional moment took place at the Staples Centre during the Los Angeles stop of the 24 year old’s ‘Monster Ball’ tour.

51 million singles? I have a really hard time believing that. I'm a fan, but even I have to raise my eyebrow. I'm not sure it's possible. That's saying that each single individually sold near 10 million worldwide and that's rather unheard of.
She's releasing too much music, soon people will realise she isn't the new world star after Michael.
Lady Gaga will release two albums in 2011. They are rumoured to be titled "Remixed Remixes" and "The Fame Monster: The Ultimate Remix" (featuring two [2!] new singles!)
i thought she meant 2 new studio albums since she said she's writing new music but it remix album
I love Gaga but I agree that she needs to take a break. Cool your jets, reload, and come back with a vengeance when it's time for your sophomore effort.

Yeh I think a lot of artists around at the moment need to take this advice and run with it. This is why I miss artists like Aaliyah and MJ who knew when it was time to step back and take a break to give the fans a chance to miss them and then come back bigger and better. This is why they were so popular and successful and their fans really did miss them whenever they took breaks.
The faster you go, The faster you fall!!!!!!

.......well.......that might happen!!!!!!!!
No Gaga please go away and take a break. Artist these days overexpose themselves, how can we miss them if they're always around? That's one of the things I loved about Michael, he was mysterious and master of anticipation, you could never get enough of him.
i thought she meant 2 new studio albums since she said she's writing new music but it remix album

If you're talking about my comment, I was simply making fun of her lol. I was basically saying that she's got nothing but remixes thus far and that she should really take a look at herself and tone down her arrogance, because she's really got nothing to be particularly proud of.

The way she talks about herself sickens me. There's a thin line between confidence and arrogance.

There are some artists who are a billion times better than she could ever hope to be (won't name names lol) and yet they are humble.
If you're talking about my comment, I was simply making fun of her lol. I was basically saying that she's got nothing but remixes thus far and that she should really take a look at herself and tone down her arrogance, because she's really got nothing to be particularly proud of.

The way she talks about herself sickens me. There's a thin line between confidence and arrogance.

There are some artists who are a billion times better than she could ever hope to be (won't name names lol) and yet they are humble.

oops, i though you were serious lol, i was like she already has a remix album out, she's doing two more
Why are people so negative about this news? A lot of artists release double albums all the time. Why is this any different?
The faster you go, The faster you fall!!!!!!

.......well.......that might happen!!!!!!!!

One can only hope...

she should really take a look at herself and tone down her arrogance, because she's really got nothing to be particularly proud of.

The way she talks about herself sickens me. There's a thin line between confidence and arrogance.

There are some artists who are a billion times better than she could ever hope to be (won't name names lol) and yet they are humble.

I couldn't agree with you more (as per usual lol).

She needs to calm down. It's becoming a tad bit embarassing.
I hope they both flop and he/she/it disappears down a black hole.

LOLworthy, but, sadly, quite unlikely. Most people are idiots so they'll give in and buy the stuff. Only her singles are worth a damn and, when compared with real artists' music, greatly pale in comparison. Their only use is to be put on while driving as background noise to hear, but not listen to.

What I hate about her the most is that she claims to be eccentric, different and misunderstood, but in reality she is, and stands for, everything that is pop culture. Her songs are about partying, fame and relationships--not necessarily eccentric topics misunderstood people are hoping to hear. In fact, they're the status quo when it comes to pop music (mainstream in general too.) If she really was all of those things, she wouldn't have all the mainstream support she does. She wouldn't be with the likes of Rihanna (whose work and edgy style is better) and all the other popular acts. She's blocking the way for real misunderstood artists with her pseudo-artistic babble.

She should accept herself for what she is: just another pop act singing the same old stuff. I must praise her, however. At least she recycles. :3
LOLworthy, but, sadly, quite unlikely. Most people are idiots so they'll give in and buy the stuff. Only her singles are worth a damn and, when compared with real artists' music, greatly pale in comparison. Their only use is to be put on while driving as background noise to hear, but not listen to.

What I hate about her the most is that she claims to be eccentric, different and misunderstood, but in reality she is, and stands for, everything that is pop culture. Her songs are about partying, fame and relationships--not necessarily eccentric topics misunderstood people are hoping to hear. In fact, they're the status quo when it comes to pop music (mainstream in general too.) If she really was all of those things, she wouldn't have all the mainstream support she does. She wouldn't be with the likes of Rihanna (whose work and edgy style is better) and all the other popular acts. She's blocking the way for real misunderstood artists with her pseudo-artistic babble.

She should accept herself for what she is: just another pop act singing the same old stuff. I must praise her, however. At least she recycles. :3
Just what exactly is a "real" artist?

And for the record, people find her accentric not because of her music, but because of her fashion choice and the persona she created.
Just what exactly is a "real" artist?

And for the record, people find her accentric not because of her music, but because of her fashion choice and the persona she created.

An artist is someone halfway original (being generous here) whose art has meaning to human culture and a message that is timeless. Michael was one of the few entertainers who clearly and doubtlessly fit this description.

I know most people think dressing differently makes someone eccentric. It is such people who are too shallow to see that eccentricity is an art. Lady Gaga is too shallow to see that, and far too mediocre to be eccentric in any way, shape or form. At her best, she's merely a circus act. Her predecessors (Madonna, Brit and Xtina) were far more groundbreaking than her.

To be perfectly honest, it's not the fact that she's super famous that bothers me. It's the fact that she claims to be standing up for those of us who are misunderstood misfits. She's practically spitting in our faces, pretending like she's one of us and churning out auto-tuned, generic pop crap. She should be honest and take a good look at her current fanbase-- 99.9% are neither misfits nor misunderstood. They're the popular kids and the average joes of the world by default--otherwise the numbers (a billion YouTube views, etc.) would not match up.

I also don't appreciate when the mediocre are arrogant. If Michael, one of the greatest artists in the world, and Britney Spears, the princess of pop and one of the most successful pop artists ever, can be humble abou their enormous success, Lady Gaga can spare us the headaches and show some humility, for once. She's just getting started, after all, and her stuff is no better than anyone else's in the current pop game is. The only reason she's more talked about is because she's "outrageous," but then again, the same can be said about Lindsay Lohan: a drug-addict drunk who is mediocre at what she does. The two may not be so different after all.
An artist is someone halfway original (being generous here) whose art has meaning to human culture and a message that is timeless. Michael was one of the few entertainers who clearly and doubtlessly fit this description.

I know most people think dressing differently makes someone eccentric. It is such people who are too shallow to see that eccentricity is an art. Lady Gaga is too shallow to see that, and far too mediocre to be eccentric in any way, shape or form. At her best, she's merely a circus act. Her predecessors (Madonna, Brit and Xtina) were far more groundbreaking than her.

To be perfectly honest, it's not the fact that she's super famous that bothers me. It's the fact that she claims to be standing up for those of us who are misunderstood misfits. She's practically spitting in our faces, pretending like she's one of us and churning out auto-tuned, generic pop crap. She should be honest and take a good look at her current fanbase-- 99.9% are neither misfits nor misunderstood. They're the popular kids and the average joes of the world by default--otherwise the numbers (a billion YouTube views, etc.) would not match up.

I also don't appreciate when the mediocre are arrogant. If Michael, one of the greatest artists in the world, and Britney Spears, the princess of pop and one of the most successful pop artists ever, can be humble abou their enormous success, Lady Gaga can spare us the headaches and show some humility, for once. She's just getting started, after all, and her stuff is no better than anyone else's in the current pop game is. The only reason she's more talked about is because she's "outrageous," but then again, the same can be said about Lindsay Lohan: a drug-addict drunk who is mediocre at what she does. The two may not be so different after all.

You know I ussually stop myself nowadays to reply to threads like this one.
(It seems like threads like these just go in circles at somepoint and it turns into "You would act different if it was about MJ!" and stuff like that...)
So I try to stay out of it.
But I have to say you pretty much described exactly what my thougths/feelings are about her. I'm glad I'm not the only one who sees through it all.