Ladies! I need help!!!


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
I dyed my sister's hair dark brown and...err...didn't used gloves :ninja:
Now my hands are brown, DARK brown! any idea how to get it off???
I dyed my sister's hair dark brown and...err...didn't used gloves :ninja:
Now my hands are brown, DARK brown! any idea how to get it off???

i get the pictue lol trythe same stuf thinner or something that you use with normal paint it might work but its only a guess
that stuf usualy removes all colourmaterial good luck:(
Try household bleach. If you can get to a beauty supply store, they sell stuff that takes color off of skin. DO you have one nearby you can get to?
The do make the stuff to remove it but if you can't get any right away try lemon juice and hairspray. Don't know if it'll work but can't hurt to try.
found this online:
Dye Removes Dye

Like many stains, it often takes the stain producing product to actually remove the stain. The strongest cleaners won't remove coffee stains from some counter tops or other hard surfaces, but use a little coffee while scrubbing the stain, and amazingly, it comes right off. The same goes for hair dye. The following method of color removal is recommended by professional hair stylists.

While in the shower, use leftover hair dye to remove the dye from stained skin. Simply apply leftover hair dye to the dyed areas of your skin, apply it as you would soap, and rub the stained skin using a circular motion. Immediately afterwards, wash the area with shampoo or soap and a washcloth. The color should come off like magic.

Baking Soda and Dishwashing Liquid

This is a home remedy that is said to work well for some people. Simply mix equal parts of baking soda with dishwashing liquid. Apply this mixture to a damp washcloth, and rinse off the baking soda and dishwashing liquid along with the dye. Dishwashing liquid that contains lemon is said to be the best choice.

Try Toothpaste

Toothpaste is good for more than cleaning teeth. Toothpaste is used for cleaning a number of surfaces other than teeth, and many people have found toothpaste to work well at removing dye from the hands, ears, neck, and face. Toothpaste doesn't work for everyone, but it's worth a try since toothpaste is cheap and readily accessible.
Do you smoke? I haven't tried this, but when you color your eyebrows the ashes from the cigarettes can remove the color you accidentally get on your skin. I have heard that many people say that it works, however, I don't know how it works with hair color.

I used to die my hair dark brown, and it's always a pain in the ass when you get the color on your skin. Grrr.
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lol, thank yall for the replies...
so, here's what I tried:

More dye: Actually it did helped, mostly on the back of the hands but the palms and nails refused to clear lol thank GiveintomeMJ

Dishsoap and baking soda: Nothing.

Vodka: Nothing

Alcohol: Nothing

Hydrogen Peroxide: Nothing

Nail Polish Remover: Nothing, not even on the nails

Toothpase: Nothing

Makeup remover: Nothing

Body Exfoliant: Nothing lol I was getting desperate

Fabric Stain Remover: Nothing

Ran to a beauty supply store and they didn't had anything for it :bugeyed *frustrated*

And the winner was:
Ta dah! Household bleach (thanks Linda)
At first I refused to use it, it's horrible on the skin but at the end I was so desperate (had a family thing the next day) that I said what the hell, and surprise surprise it only took about 20 seconds to go away, though my hands started to burn around the 15th second.

Applied lots of moisturizer afterwards and it was mostly gone, except for the nails, but dark nail polish covered it lol

Thank you so much guys!
Woah, I'm glad you solved it. I was getting worried here. :mellow:
And it's good for the rest of us to know that. Maybe we'll need it someday, huh? :laugh:
lol yeah, at least now I know what solves it, though I'll make sure to wear gloves the next time. :cheeky: