Ladies (and gentlemen), I hope you don't mind my asking....

Would you think less of anyone who may put out on the first date, and is generally more sex-liberal?

  • Yes

    Votes: 5 22.7%
  • No

    Votes: 7 31.8%
  • Maybe

    Votes: 6 27.3%
  • I am like that

    Votes: 2 9.1%
  • I'm not like that

    Votes: 5 22.7%
  • I wish I was like that

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • It's healthy and fun

    Votes: 6 27.3%
  • It's skanky and degrading

    Votes: 5 22.7%
  • A plus for experience and future relations

    Votes: 2 9.1%
  • A minus for mental/social issues and future relations

    Votes: 5 22.7%
  • Hypersexuality is a disorder which should be cured

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Nothing wrong with having a high sex-drive

    Votes: 7 31.8%
  • I analogize this with drug-addiction

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
in response to Linda's "guys" thread (which, btw, a big round of applause is in order for the ladies taking over that mother lol),,,

the question:

Would you think less of anyone who may put out on the first date, and is generally more liberal and casual with sex?

discussion there drifted a bit into this topic. the poll is anonymous and multiple-choice. it'd be cool if you guys would expand on your answers down here as well..
LOL. You're crazy. =P

EDIT: I would answer, but I don't want to be too out-spoken about my opinions, hahah.
well at least vote now while the poll is fresh so i'd know your anonymous answer lol
Seeing as I don't want to argue with you, it's healthy and fun. :wild:

Actually, no, I'm in the mood to argue. It's skanky and degrading.

EDIT: Let me clear this up, sex is not degrading, but it's degrading when you meet a guy/girl and have sex the first night.
hey, no argument from me! just want to gather the C's opinions ^.^
My votes were all over the place...

Generally, I think it depends on the woman, her choice of partners, and how she treats herself otherwise. I don't think it's good for relationships unless the woman either chooses to settle down and stay monogamous or has a partner with similar beliefs and practices.

I've known girls who "just like sex" but are otherwise normal and they don't sleep with just anyone and are not "dirty", at least in my mind.
lol well I've voted and everybody can read my standpoint on the matter in Lindas thread.

Honestly... I just don't care that much about others and their sex life.

What I do care a lot about is how education is brought to the youngsters and how expectations (really existing or only assumed) are confusing young ppl.
I say bring on teh sex!

Ok maybe not :p

I voted maybe cause I look at everything in their circumstance :yes:
It depends. What are the reasons for doing so? Is it just coz you want to have fun? Is it because you always do it? Is it because you want to get the guy/girl to like you? Is it because you have a high sex drive?

It depends on the circumstances.
I would say yes!!In some way it is..Like say you barely met this person, I guess it could be degrading. But Thats just my opinion and how i veiw ths type of situation. Im not good on this subject i'll leave it like that!
Degrading for who though? For the person? For society? For the woman kind? Sometimes I feel women expect other women to maintain some sort of a feminine dignity, whatever that may be. Why should someone has to sacrifice their happiness to maintain some sort of a image to soceity? Forget looking down, I dont even believe in having an opinion about someone over something as personal as this. When they are comfortable doing what they are doing, as long as its not hurting anyone, good luck to them.
You can't really say yes or no unless you've been there, so I say maybe.
All situations are different, sometimes people click in such a way that it's not necessarily just about the sexual act, so you can't flat out say it's degrading when it's beyond the need to have sex as an animal act.

Society in general has a stigma on women when it comes to sexuality; one that is not only unfair but totally unrealistic. If a woman wants to have sex with someone, because they have some sort of connection or strong attraction, they should be able to do so without worrying about what other people think, it's their own life and body.
LMAO, I like the 6th option the most (though that’s not necessarily the one that applies to me;))
Personally, I can judge someone’s sexual abilities within 15 minutes of contact and decide whether I want to have sex with that person or not. I don’t know why some people need weeks or months to figure it out lol. And even if i'm quite selective myself i don't care if someone else is not at all.
nah not in my nature, I lost my virginity to someone I love and I am not the kind of guy who just has one night stands, its with someone special and I seriously doubt I'll know that person is special after they have had a few glasses of wine down their neck.

First dates say nothing, who can say that their partners are still exactly how they were on their first date.
lol at the drug addiction option. ;D. Thats the thing though, is that some are legitimately addicted to sex. Males and females have admitted to me that they are and that they just go for it when its there. They "cant help it" as they claim.

Well I went with yes, and that its skanky. Male or female. Theres a difference between being really attracted to someone by their looks and wanting to be with them sexually, and just being a hoe. I mean you can think it, but to seriously try to sleep with someone on the first date...I just dont personally understand it.

Patience is an amazing thing.
I am kind of an old fashioned kinda gal...

I make the boy wait~~~

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I ticked soooo many boxes.

To answer the question, No I wouldn't think any less of anyone, because then I would think less of myself... and I don't :D
I don't think it's right to do, but I wouldn't think less of someone for it. When I think about some friends of mine who do it, I wish they wouldn't do it, but it's their choice and I don't think less of them.

I'm going to say this just because I know there are others out there like me who might be too embarrassed to speak up and I'd like to round out the voices. I believe it's important to wait until marriage, not just because of diseases and such, but for the value of that commitment to your future spouse.

It's a special thing to offer that intimacy as something that won't be shared with anyone else- and I like that it shows your spouse how much they can trust you to keep your commitments... because you've done it for them on something that big before you'd even met.

I respect other ppl's choice though, and I think waiting until marriage is a personal choice that should be applauded but not required or judged if someone chooses not to do it.

sorry we're all out getting laid :wild:

but seriously I think sex should be a personal and informed choice and as long as both parties are happy that's all that matters.
So if you know it's going to be against your moral or religious beliefs or something, then you need to make that decision of whether you will follow your own instincts/desires/wants or needs... or whether you will hold out for peace of mind or spirit etc
