Lab chimps caged for 30 years and injected with HIV in cruel experiments finally free


Proud Member
Apr 18, 2009
This is the first time they have felt grass under their feet and breathed fresh air for 30 years.
Though a few of the chimps were born in captivity, most were kidnapped from African jungles as babies and flown to Europe, where they were locked in metal laboratory cages to be used in a long series of experiments. They had been locked in cages for medical testing, injected with HIV and hepatitis :(

"Some chimpanzees were infected with HIV. But none of them, not here in Austria or anywhere in the world, *developed full-blown Aids. Therefore, the programme was useless. It achieved absolutely nothing.”

Some of the chimps were born in the lab so have never known sunlight.

The only times they were taken out of their cages was when they were sedated for another experiment."





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One ought to wonder what their intentions were. It would seem as though their actions were absolutely futile, and their means...well, without knowing for certain the exact nature of their experiments, or more importantly, their intended purpose (eventually, to help human cases of AIDS?) it's hard to really say very much about that. I'm not attempting to justify their actions, but there is something to be said in regards to a difference existing between senseless cruelty for sport and sacrifices made in the name of science so as to find cures to diseases which devastate human lives.

With that said, it would have been ideal for them to be kept under better conditions than just cages and to be let out in the sun, but oftentimes that's what lab animals' lives are like, so I'm not sure it's entirely out of the norm. Nowhere does it say they were especially malnourished or mistreated for the heck of it--I am under the assumption that the infections with HIV/hepatitis were done with a scientific purpose in mind rather than for the Hell of it, correct me if I am mistaken.

The only truly odd thing is the duration of the program as compared to its findings--thirty years, after which these people have discovered absolutely nothing? They should at least have kept records of their activities, to show what they did during the thirty years these chimps were under their jurisdiction. If it turns out that, for thirty years, they were just basically screwing around with these animals and not trying to do anything besides pointless experimentation with no concrete goal in mind, then there truly would be no difference between them and any lay person who is cruel to animals for sport, and thus they should be treated accordingly.

But it's always difficult to determine what people's intentions are. However, it's good to know the chimps are finally out of the facility. I reckon they'd never be truly free--especially those born in captivity. They'd probably prove overly maladaptive in a wild environment, especially given the nature of their life in the lab--poorly socialized (if at all), caged all day, etc. So, my best guess is that they would be sent to some reserve somewhere to live out the rest of their days.
Humans are the most cruel creatures...

I dunno. If you've ever seen a cat play with its prey before he eats it, you may change your mind. Humans may only appear more cruel because they have the means with which to carry out their cruelty, but this trait is expressed all over the animal world. The notion that animals are somehow not cruel, only killing to eat, etc. is outdated and has been proven false.

I would say human cruelty reaches the extent human intelligence does--we have technology to aid us in our pursuit of mindless cruelty, whereas animals only have their natural assets. In short: the world is a cruel place, and its inhabitants act accordingly.