La Toya Jackson ‘Thinks Someone Wants to Kill Her’

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La Toya Jackson is living in fear — she’s terrified someone is out to kill her, it has been claimed.

The singer apparently feels that her life is in danger because she knows too much about her brother Michael Jackson’s murder.

La Toya, sources say, believes she’s been marked for death by the same people she says killed Michael because he was worth more dead than alive.

“La Toya is convinced someone paid Michael’s personal physician, Conrad Murray, to kill him because they stood to gain up to $1 billion from his death,” a source told the National Enquirer.

“La Toya has been telling pals she can name the mysterious people Michael’s doctor was working with when Michael died. She is convinced they killed her brother and wouldn’t hesitate for a moment to kill her as well.

“She says too many people have got too much to lose if the truth gets out. She fears for her life.”

La Toya is also worried the entire Jackson family is in danger.

“She says her information is explosive and that Dr Murray did not act alone in Michael’s death,” said the insider. “She’s extra cautious now of the people she talks to and the places she goes.

“She only goes to crowded restaurants and refuses to go the supermarket when it’s dark outside.”

In a September interview with Barbara Walters, the 53-year-old revealed her fears the pop superstar had been murdered.

“When I found out he had actually passed, I said, ‘No. I wasn’t an accident. Michael was murdered’,” she said.

“I don’t think we’ll find a person as talented, a person who thought the way he thought… a person with the heart that Michael had,” she added. “People aren’t that way anymore. He was special. He wasn’t God, but he was certainly god-like. He was the closest thing to a god that I knew.”
All evidences show that MJ was killed. Why Latoya who was the first one saying that he was killed by conspiracy group shouldn’t worry about her life? Have you guys ever been in her shoe? This woman is scarred for her life and it is very understandable.
who would wanna kill latoya, most of the world population think shes crazy anyway
Stop tripping on Latoya. This is not a quote from Latoya it is from a "source" and a "insider". OH wait, didn't "sources" and "insiders" lie on Michael? Give it a rest. SOund to me like someone can not pick on Michael no more so now they are going after the family.
Stop tripping on Latoya. This is not a quote from Latoya it is from a "source" and a "insider". OH wait, didn't "sources" and "insiders" lie on Michael? Give it a rest. SOund to me like someone can not pick on Michael no more so now they are going after the family.

Exactly. And anyway, even if she is scared I can understand that, and it's on record now that she said it. I really think she's harmless.
the thing is, i dont blame her for thinking that way. if these people would scheme to kill Mj, surely they wouldnt have a problem going after someone else who "knows things". im not saying its true, but shes not crazy for thinking this.
“La Toya is convinced someone paid Michael’s personal physician, Conrad Murray, to kill him because they stood to gain up to $1 billion from his death,” A SOURCE TOLD THE NATIONAL ENQUIRER.

Who knows what the truth is, but these pesky "sources" and tabloids don't do much to convince me of anything- plus the words "supposedly", "has been claimed", etc.

And if LaToya is fearful for her life because she "knows" something, wouldn't it make sense to then NOT be so "out there" talking to media every chance she gets? Idk, she may mean well and really believe what she's saying, but seems like she's talking to the wrong people (tabs and sensationalist tv shows) where anything she says is going to get mocked and torn apart. jmo
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I think she is a bit paranoid as she has been saying that Michael was Murdered in every interview. May be there has been death threats. We don't really know.
However, I hope she is not saying this to be in the Tabloids/Media.
All evidences show that MJ was killed. Why Latoya who was the first one saying that he was killed by conspiracy group shouldn’t worry about her life? Have you guys ever been in her shoe? This woman is scarred for her life and it is very understandable.

I definitely understand what your sayin'. To many people on here is a sleep, and not know what really is goin' on.
People, stop bashing... after all, she knows much more then we do... a bit of courtesy... furthermore.. .read the article better... "people say .... she said that", it is NOT a statement coming directly from her... ok? so... don't be like other haters and keep on judging right away, pretending like you guys know it all.... enough already.
I think La Toya can't name people due to the investigation. This is probably the best thing she can do to protect herself, after all if she has an unfortunate accident, we will all know
K don't attack me but Karen Faye said on her facebook status a while ago something like 'if something happens to me you know why' then she deleted it. Quite looney..?

I think I know what some of you are hinting at, please don't go there
All evidences show that MJ was killed. Why Latoya who was the first one saying that he was killed by conspiracy group shouldn’t worry about her life? Have you guys ever been in her shoe? This woman is scared for her life and it is very understandable.

you're right...:yes:
geez what a frickin' drama queen this gal is! :lol:

i don't think we should belittle what we don't know. people didn't think MJ was the victim of a conspiracy while he was around, either. people tend to be wrong, when they're so sure they're right about what they don't know. i don't think we should belittle LaToya's views.

i we want another woulda- coulda- shoulda..if only moment, like a lot of fans here already have, concerning Michael?
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