La Toya - He's My Brother!!!

"Bad and Thriller...He's still the man in the mirror"

Ha, kinda clever. I've always like this song.
Heard it. Don't care. Have no use for her after that tabloid interview with her making public the children's private grief and last moments with their father. She says she had a "special bond" with Michael. If she did, IMO, she would have known he'd have hated that. She blathered about things that should have been kept private. So, whatever.
I like La Toya - not her music, but La Toya. We all make mistakes in our lives. Hers was a big one, but let's give her the benefit of the doubt. Life with an extremely abusive husband must have been hell for her and she must have been very scared. None of us know how we would have reacted if we had been in her shoes. It's easy for us to say, "If it had been me I would have......", but it wasn't us and we didn't suffer the beatings and the abuse that she did.

Michael and the rest of the family must have believed her, otherwise they wouldn't have taken her back under their wings. As for that interview - well, she probably was speaking for the entire family. If they didn't agree with what La Toya said there they probably would have distanced themselves from the contents of that interview by now.

Everyone is of course free to have his or her own opinion about La Toya, but mine is that Michael wouldn't like to see his fans hate her. He loved La Toya and had forgiven her. So if you all believe in that stuff of forgiveness and healing the world, maybe the best person to start with is with someone Michael cared about a lot - let's start with La Toya, Michael would approve, I'm sure.
I like La Toya - not her music, but La Toya. We all make mistakes in our lives. Hers was a big one, but let's give her the benefit of the doubt. Life with an extremely abusive husband must have been hell for her and she must have been very scared. None of us know how we would have reacted if we had been in her shoes. It's easy for us to say, "If it had been me I would have......", but it wasn't us and we didn't suffer the beatings and the abuse that she did.

Michael and the rest of the family must have believed her, otherwise they wouldn't have taken her back under their wings. As for that interview - well, she probably was speaking for the entire family. If they didn't agree with what La Toya said there they probably would have distanced themselves from the contents of that interview by now.

Everyone is of course free to have his or her own opinion about La Toya, but mine is that Michael wouldn't like to see his fans hate her. He loved La Toya and had forgiven her. So if you all believe in that stuff of forgiveness and healing the world, maybe the best person to start with is with someone Michael cared about a lot - let's start with La Toya, Michael would approve, I'm sure.

When it comes to what she did in 1993, yes, I would agree with you. But now she went and had a 4 hour interview with a tabloid and IMO said many things that should have remained private about Michael's children, and that I don't think Michael would have approved of. And if they did quote her correctly, she stated both of Blanket's parents were chosen from a catalog. I don't "hate" her, but I have no respect or use for her.
I'll NEVER forgive La Toya for turning on her own brother in his time of need. I'm sorry, but that is the worst thing she could have done in my view. She did more damage to Michael's case than Bashir, Diamond, or any 'outsider'. When people argue that MJ is guilty, they very often point to "his own sister said he did it!" - and you can't argue with that!!

Some things you just can not forgive I'm afraid. Otherwise forgive all the rapists, murderers, etc. as well, and let them all out of jail. Let's do harm to anyone we want whenever it suits us, knowing we will be forgiven. I'm not sure that's how it should work.

People should be aware of the consequences of their actions. That might stop some of the nasty things we see in the world. Giving people 'carte blanche' to do what they like with no lasting consequences and automatic forgiveness does not work.
i think she is punished enough by her conscience now. but i agree she did a lot of damage in 93. but she's just a human. she shouldnt have done this recent interview either but this is La Toya. She's like that. Some of her words quoted might have been made up by the media. or just changed at least.

i used to like the song before 93 cause i think this album was before 93. i threw away the album after her press conference in 93

but i forgive her. she might be stupid sometimes but she's not bad
i think she is punished enough by her conscience now. but i agree she did a lot of damage in 93. but she's just a human. she shouldnt have done this recent interview either but this is La Toya. She's like that. Some of her words quoted might have been made up by the media. or just changed at least.

i used to like the song before 93 cause i think this album was before 93. i threw away the album after her press conference in 93

but i forgive her. she might be stupid sometimes but she's not bad
I was a bit worried that I would be the only one to show a bit of compassion towards La Toya (I'm a new member - so what do I know? ;)). I agree - she's maybe a bit naughty at times, but I don't think she's evil. If that were the case the rest of the family would not want anything to do with her anymore. As for the recent interview - it's in bad taste that she got paid for it, but the more important issue is whether she was sincere or not. I think she was - which doesn't necessarily mean that she's right of course.

I must confess that after reading some very offensive comments about her on youtube I considered when I joined the forum here having a La Toya avatar for awhile. Not because I enjoy her artistic efforts, but as a way of showing that not everyone who happens to like MJ enjoys bashing La Toya. I must confess though that after reading many a comment here that this doesn't seem like such a good idea anymore because I don't want to offend anyone and I wouldn't enjoy having to explain and defend my avatar all the time.
Fuck her, Joe and any other money hungry Jackson. I'm not even religous but I hope like fuck god is watching over those beautiful children. Everybody be making money off Michael and I don't even care anymore, fuck Latoya Jackson and her lying tabloid feeding ass. Makes me sick. He's my brother, bitch you shoulda thought that before you gonna open your nasty ass mouth. Give that cash to charity??? No you won't because you profiting.

Joe is the damn same, I've meet him before, my regret is I never told him what a fucker he really is. But noo I got my photo taken. Grrr. Asshole.
Fuck her, Joe and any other money hungry Jackson. I'm not even religous but I hope like fuck god is watching over those beautiful children. Everybody be making money off Michael and I don't even care anymore, fuck Latoya Jackson and her lying tabloid feeding ass. Makes me sick. He's my brother, bitch you shoulda thought that before you gonna open your nasty ass mouth. Give that cash to charity??? No you won't because you profiting.

Joe is the damn same, I've meet him before, my regret is I never told him what a fucker he really is. But noo I got my photo taken. Grrr. Asshole.

You are absolutely right!She is attention seeker!I didn't beliеve her at all.She said very bad things about her brother and when she realised what she did...Someone push her to do it?Her husband was threaten to kill her and Michael...?Oh God...She did all of that because she wanted attention!We all know that she don't have a good career...She is always trying to be like him...Michael.I think she even made up that story about her being abused bu Joe because she wanted her "tragedy" to similar to Michael's childhood.The STATEMENTS she did for Michael's marriage...
La Toya would do absolutely anything for her own selfish ends. If you can turn on your own brother and call him the worst thing imaginable, then you are capable of anything!

Why do some of you think it is not possible for someone to just be evil? These people thrive on doing things to other for their own ends and then, when getting caught out, rely on people's good nature to forgive them - so they can then carry on.

La Toya turned on her brother as she thought it would be the best thing for HER and HER career. There is no excuse for that.

Ask yourself this; If your partner tried to force you to go to the authorities and claim you brother was a child molester, would you do it? Even if they beat you?

There comes a time in your life when you have to stand up for what is right, despite a beating, and if you can't do that for own brother in desperate need, then you are not a decent human being.
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As yourself this; If your partner tried to force you to go to the authorities and claim you brother was a child molester, would you do it? Even if they beat you?

There comes a time in your life when you have to stand up for what is right, despite a beating, and if you can't do that for own brother in desperate need, then you are not a decent human being.

Excatly!!!! :clapping: :clapping: :clapping:

Hell if anyone were to accuse any of my brothers of such thing- I'D FIGHT TEETH & NAIL FOR THEM...ANYONE MESSES WITH ANY OF THEM, WILL MESS WIT ME!
i can forgive 93 just about. but NOT the tabloid interview she gave. she has no respect for MJs childrens privacy

i know this is just speculation but i recon the paper said theyd pay her wayyy more $$$ if she used the line "michael was murdered" for their headline
Well, I apologize to La Toya for saying some nice things about her, because contrary to my intentions I've only seemed to have added fuel to the fire. :angry:
i have heard that when La Toya was giving this press conference in 93 - she was on drugs. And she was under Gordon's control.

Michael forgave her. Why shouldnt I? I don't believe she's seeking attention NOW, she might be seeking the truth, but may not in a really clever way. I know nothing of the interview. I havent seen her speaking.

I remember in 93 Michael sent her flowers even after the press conference.

Can't we stop swearing guys?
Well, I apologize to La Toya for saying some nice things about her, because contrary to my intentions I've only seemed to have added fuel to the fire. :angry:

everyones entitled to their point of view. can i just ask why you think its ok for her to reveal so much about MJs children? to talk about how they are coping in such an intrusive way and discuss Paris' bracelt? i dont see any way to justify this, but i would really like to hear someone defend her for saying this

and how is it ok for her to talk of "murder" when the autopsy results arent back yet? ( i realise the family may well have some of their own results back ) . shes willing to cry murder, yet wont name names and is just adding fuel to the flames. if she genuinely wanted to help the cause, why not wait for autopsy results so she can actually discuss things clearly and go into details?

and how is ok to profit from your brothers death? what did she spend her money on from that interview? cos i saw no disclaimer at the bottom saying "la toyas fee for this interview has been donated to blah blah blah "
everyones entitled to their point of view.
Sure, I never said that you or anyone else isn't entitled to his or her point of view. Speaking of myself - I know that my opinion of La Toya isn't very popular. But I don't express it to be contrary but because that's honestly the way I feel.

As for the interview - we don't know if what she said was first discussed with other members of the family or not. I obviously don't know for a fact, but my guess would be that it was, otherwise they probably would have responded to it by now. The story about the bracelet is very sweet I think. That La Toya was paid for the interview is in rather poor taste, but I already said that.
no no by "everyones enttiled" i was talking that i repected your opinion :)

i just dont think its cool what she said in that interview. and theres been no retraction-so she is almost certain to have said it. and to pose in a kimpy vest etc.. its just too much for me to comprehend.. i will never forgive her for this

yeah the bracelet story is sweet but its an intensely private family matter. and all this "special bond " talk is really gratting too
la toya would do absolutely anything for her own selfish ends. If you can turn on your own brother and call him the worst thing imaginable, then you are capable of anything!

Why do some of you think it is not possible for someone to just be evil? These people thrive on doing things to other for their own ends and then, when getting caught out, rely on people's good nature to forgive them - so they can then carry on.

La toya turned on her brother as she thought it would be the best thing for her and her career. There is no excuse for that.

Ask yourself this; if your partner tried to force you to go to the authorities and claim you brother was a child molester, would you do it? Even if they beat you?

There comes a time in your life when you have to stand up for what is right, despite a beating, and if you can't do that for own brother in desperate need, then you are not a decent human being.

I couldn't agree more. :)

I really liked La Toya when she was on celebrity big brother here in the UK. I thought she was full of grace and she looks so like Michael, more so than any of his other siblings. I agree what she did in '93 must have been a terrible ordeal for him but if he could forgive her then so should everyone else.

I reckon she, aswell as Michael, has suffered for the early part of her life, being brought up by a very dominant Father. This may have a bearing on how she has behaved in the past but I do think she is very much a different person now.

Just my thoughts anyway.

Take care to all

sue h
I love you people who sit there and talk bad about LaToya like you're on Mike's payroll. I WISH someone would try to tell me how to feel and react about MY brother. This is HER brother people. Do you understand that? janet was you, he was an icon, to us - he is family. Let that sink in and THEN judge.

If Michael wasnt judging La Toya from things in the past, I hardly think its appropriate for any of us to do the opposite.