La Toya again: Kids need therapy.

Stop what? So the kids are in therapy, good!
so it is okay going around and tell the whole world what happening with the children?

Did you want that matters of your family everyone get to know. Especially such intimate matters? It is not about that would be bad for the children, I agree it is good, but it is good without the whole world knowing that, right?
Just shut up La Toya! :( Sorry but, who's business is this? Why share it with the media? FFFFFFFFSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS :angry:
so it is okay going around and tell the whole world what happening with the children?

Did you want that matters of your family everyone get to know. Especially such intimate matters? It is not about that would be bad for the children, I agree it is good, but it is good without the whole world knowing that, right?

No, but it's also something you can't avoid. It's better something like this is said, than something completely negative.
tired of latoya..

What if we just stopped posting what she says and commenting on it? Maybe she would stop thinking we want news of the kids?

Anyone agree. I think it should be a rule.. Don't post Latoya's comments.

is this a new interview? cuz she said that last time. we know already.

I just wanna go up to her and say SHUT THE F*** UP!

Seriously.. She's gone insane!
Those poor children. :(
I'm glad they're getting help to cope better though. :heart:

LaToya needs to stop revealing so much though. It's better than her being dishonest and everything but really...she needs to know when she's crossed the line..
I don't think that her brothers and sisters like her..........I never see them with her..........

Out of all of Michael's siblings.....she's the only one who doesn't seem sad about her brothers passing.......

She's probably sticking to her mother like glue so that Katherine might give her some of the money that she receives from the estate....
I don't agree with what Latoya is doing. She shouldn't expose the children like this. They lost their father, now leave them alone. It's going to be along time before they recuperate from all this. today I was listening to a "I wanna be where you are" a Michael jackson song and I cried a bit. Shoot, if fans are still getting emotional over his lost imagine his own children.

Now, on what the article say's about how the kids are reacting I had already guessed that by just looking at them. You can tell that prince is having a very hard time and doesn't want to talk about it with anyone. Paris seems to be the most open about the entire thing and has no problems showing her emotions. And blanket, well, you can tell he is just really having a hard time all together. I think all 3 kids are equally suffering, but that they are all handling it their own way.
Wait.....who needs therapy?

tired of latoya..

What if we just stopped posting what she says and commenting on it? Maybe she would stop thinking we want news of the kids?

Anyone agree. I think it should be a rule.. Don't post Latoya's comments.


If that can make her STFU, I am all for it.

Exploiting & whoring innocent children is almost as bad as child abuse
I understand everyone is peeved at La Toyah for opening her mouth yet again but in a way I think it's good that she is letting us know the reality of the situation. Reports of the children doing 'fantastic' where more than a little odd to put it mildly. I don't think she means any harm by it. It's not what we fans want to hear but it's the truth.
I'm so sick of La Toya advertising these children's pain. Let them mourn in private. God knows privacy is something they'll struggle for for the rest of their lives. :(
IN the Bonnie Hunt video, Latoya calls Michael a drug addict. I'm so sick of this.
IN the Bonnie Hunt video, Latoya calls Michael a drug addict. I'm so sick of this.

Yes she did :(
she is becoming a media whore _Michael was alway sso private about
his children and his personal problems _ why is her Agenda or purpose
for doing all these interviews ... and revealing personal info about
Michaels children _

Well at least she sayed he was clean in the autopsy report
that he was no longer taking pain meds _only those administered
by Murry were found in his system
I think she is the one who needs therapy!

Michael would be so angry if he knew she was discussing his children in this way. If they are having bereavement counselling that is good. So many of these children can end up going off the rails later on and Katherine is the lady to make sure that doesn't happen.