LA Times: Does This is It have a chance at Oscar?


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Nov 9, 2009
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Notes on a Season
Pete Hammond's daily dose of awards season news and views

Notes on the town: Does Michael Jackson still have a chance?
December 23, 2009 | 3:55 pm
Stuff heard around town this week......

At BAFTA LA's lively annual Christmas party on the UCLA campus the talk turned to award season, of course, and surprisingly, Michael Jackson. A couple of Oscar voters there told me they intend to include the Jackson rehearsal documentary, "This Is It" on their list of 10 when they get their ballots next week. As one person said, it may not be so unusual a best picture choice as you might think.

"For me it's about the creative process. You really get to see the passion and the work that goes into creating something like this. It was quite inspiring to watch," he said.

Certainly right from its overwhelmingly positive response at a rare capacity official academy screening on the afternoon of Nov. 1 where long-time members have reported they never heard such a spontaneous cheering response at the final credits ran, the film has maintained buzz within the academy even as pundits have dismissed its nomination chances for best picture as a pipe dream.

Variety's Peter Bart, also a long-time Oscar voter who was at that Nov. 1 screening, announced last week on his new Encore TV series, "In the House" that he definitely "had a place for 'This Is It' "on his best picture ballot.

Sony consultants told me their subsequent awards screenings for the film have also been well-received and that's encouraged the studio to ramp up its campaign including last Monday's pricey Variety cover touting the film for Best Picture, Director (Kenny Ortega), Film Editing, Sound Editing and Sound Mixing.

One naysaying person (an academy voter) told me flat out it won't happen. He couldn't imagine a movie , not even in existence as an idea last June (before Jackson's death) could possibly have a shot.


When I first wrote about the movie here in October I too dismissed the prospect entirely by saying "Best Picture? C'mon beat it." Now, call me crazy, but after seeing the genuine continuing enthusiasm within the academy I'm beginning to feel it's legitimate