LA pushes to get repaid for $3M Jackson memorial


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
I am sooooooo speechless.

LOS ANGELES (AP) -- The Los Angeles city attorney still plans to seek reimbursement of the $3 million the city spent for the Michael Jackson memorial, a spokesman said Monday, despite an audit concluding the event pumped even MORE dollars into the local economy.

The July 7 memorial at Staples Center was a $4 million boon for local hotels, restaurants and other businesses, according to the report released Friday from the city's chief legislative analyst and city administrative officer. The City Council's Public Safety Committee is expected to review the report next week.

City Attorney Carmen Trutanich is still committed to seeking reimbursement from Staples owner Anschutz Entertainment Group, or AEG.

"The bottom line is the city attorney's very committed to recouping the taxpayer's dollars," spokesman John Franklin said. "During these tough economic times right now, that's big money. We're laying off, people are getting furloughed. ... It's still money that we put out for a memorial service for Michael Jackson."

AEG President and Chief Executive Tim Leiweke has accused Trutanich of trying to bully the company into paying.

The audit said the city spent $3.2 million on the event, including $2 million in police overtime. However, it noted that there was no ordinance in place at the time that would require the organizer to reimburse city costs. That measure was only adopted on Oct. 26.

Given the memorial's economic benefits and the lack of an ordinance, "the city may wish to cease pursuing cost reimbursement," the report concluded.

Calls to representatives of AEG before work hours Monday were not immediately returned.

Jackson, 50, died of an overdose of sedatives on June 25. His star-studded memorial service at Staples Center brought in thousands of people to the city. The city had nearly 4,000 police out at the arena, the Jackson family compound in Encino and a cemetery to deal with expected crowds. There were no reported problems.
Thats bullshit. What the hell are they doing? They PROFITED from it. Who the **** do they think they are!
im so damn confused..i thought that LA made 4 FUCKING MILLION DOLLARS off of the memorial so why in the MOONWALKER THRILLER OFF THE WALL HELL are they asking for REIMBURSEMENT? THOSE MOFOS MADE THEIR MONEY BACK!!??!!? WHAT is the issue? MONEY MONEY MONEY MONEY all everyone wants is money besides us fans and its GETTING OLD YOU JACK OFFS!!! I SO hope Michael comes to all these money hungry dirty bastards in their dreams and SLAPS THE SHIT outta all of them...UGH!!!
Didn't they make enough money with all the visitors and they got pr for free. All those years they profited from him, he never got a thank you.
I don't like AEG but this is utterly unfair.

Even governments want to make money out of Michael Jackson!

I wonder what President Obama would have to say about all this?
this is so sad...everyone wants to make money off Michael even in death they won't leave him alone!
so you see..i was right about L.A. the only thing they care about is the profit. they'll be happy when they get it. they don't care about human life.

and...they'll only collect those taxpayer dollars back from the taxpayers, in order to give themselves another raise, like the one they gave themselves, when they claimed, this year, that the state budget was running out, and they took it out on citizens on welfare.

check that. they will not be happy, because greedy people never are..and i can't wait to see them destroy themselves, with their greed...

MJ haters that they are...

(although i'm sure they'll say they are fans, and saw This Is It)
aeg better pay up

Then what do you think AEG will do....put a claim against the estate to recoup the money.

They did the public memorial for the family and the fan. The family got 1.1M$ for the private funeral, don't you think AEG will ask their 3.2M$ back from the estate?
This is just so low..Michael was a California tax-payer all his life.. That’s one of the reasons we pay taxes, to know that the state can ensure order for the sake of those paying when needed.. No one did anything wrong here to have to pay; it’s not a crime or a fault to be popular..
For God’s Sake!
Then what do you think AEG will do....put a claim against the estate to recoup the money.

They did the public memorial for the family and the fan. The family got 1.1M$ for the private funeral, don't you think AEG will ask their 3.2M$ back from the estate?

Given the memorial's economic benefits and the lack of an ordinance, "the city may wish to cease pursuing cost reimbursement," the report concluded.

Ughh. I hope this is what they decide so that AEG doesn't go asking the estate for $$$.